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File metadata and controls

84 lines (69 loc) · 4.41 KB

Echtvar gnomAD Annotation

Our annotation pipeline uses Echtvar to perform gnomAD annotation. Previously, we used BCFtools and observed runtimes of roughly 30 minutes per file. With Echtvar the same annotations now take under 5 minutes. In order for Echtvar to work, however, it needs to create a custom reference. The process for creating these custom references is well defined in the Echtvar README.

To create our gnomAD annotation file, we used the following files.

Input VCF

The input VCF was generated from the genomes VCFs available from gnomAD. From there we selected only the PASS varaints. Additionally, we selected only the following fields:

  • AC
  • AN
  • AF
  • nhomalt
  • AC_popmax
  • AN_popmax
  • AF_popmax
  • nhomalt_popmax
  • AC_controls_and_biobanks
  • AN_controls_and_biobanks
  • AF_controls_and_biobanks
  • AF_non_cancer
  • primate_ai_score
  • splice_ai_consequence

Finally, we merged these reads into a singular gnomad.vwb_subset.vcf.gz. This VCF is large (>25GB) but is orders of magnitude smaller than the whole gnomAD VCF.

In theory, if one had a large enough machine it would be possible to run Echtvar on the whole genome gnomAD VCFs as detailed in their README but, since we already had this existing minimal VCF, we went with that. For future releases of gnomAD we might go with that approach.

Input JSON

Once you have your VCF, the next step to create the Echtvar reference is to compose a JSON. The Echtvar README is again a great source of information. Below you can see what we ultimately used for our file. As the versions change we'll likely update what we use but the general concepts remain true.

        {"field": "AC", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AC", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AN", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AN", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AF", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AF", "multiplier": 2000000, "missing_value": 2139095041},
        {"field": "nhomalt", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_nhomalt", "missing_value": -2147483648},

        {"field": "AC_popmax", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AC_popmax", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AN_popmax", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AN_popmax", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AF_popmax", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AF_popmax", "multiplier": 2000000, "missing_value": 2139095041},
        {"field": "nhomalt_popmax", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_nhomalt_popmax", "missing_value": -2147483648},

        {"field": "AC_controls_and_biobanks", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AC_controls_and_biobanks", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AN_controls_and_biobanks", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AN_controls_and_biobanks", "missing_value": -2147483648},
        {"field": "AF_controls_and_biobanks", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AF_controls_and_biobanks", "multiplier": 2000000, "missing_value": 2139095041},

        {"field": "AF_non_cancer", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_AF_non_cancer", "multiplier": 2000000, "missing_value": 2139095041},

        {"field": "primate_ai_score", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_primate_ai_score", "multiplier": 2000000, "missing_value": 2139095041},
        {"field": "splice_ai_consequence", "alias": "gnomad_3_1_1_splice_ai_consequence", "missing_string": "."},
  1. All fields are given a unique alias. Here we just prepend all of the fields with the release of gnomAD we are using (3.1.1).
  2. All integer fields (AC, AN, AC_popmax, etc.) are given a missing_value of -2147483648. This integer corresponds to 0x80000000 which is the 32 bit hexadecimal missing value for integers as defined in the VCF spec.
  3. All float fields (AF, AF_popmax, AF_controls_and_biobanks, etc.) are given a missing_value of 2139095041. This integer corresponds to 0x7F800001 which is the 32 bit hexadecimal missing value for floats as defined in the VCF spec.
  4. All float fields (AF, AF_popmax, AF_controls_and_biobanks, etc.) are given a multiplier of 2000000. This value is just a sufficiently large value that is used to encode/decode the float values. Note that this does end up subtly altering the true values albeit very minimally.