diff --git a/tests/clip_launch.feature b/tests/clip_launch.feature
index ecbb4b1..10262c7 100644
--- a/tests/clip_launch.feature
+++ b/tests/clip_launch.feature
@@ -3,23 +3,47 @@ Feature: Clip launch grid
     Given the wide_clip_launch set is open
     And the SS2 is initialized
+    # Make sure track 1 is selected, to avoid any inconsistencies if
+    # auto-arm is enabled by some other connected device. Note the
+    # selected track is saved somewhere in Live's preferences, rather
+    # than in the .als file itself, so when we open the file, any of
+    # the 10 tracks (7 + sends + master) might be selected.
+    When I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    And I press nav left
+    # After 9 presses, track 1 is now selected, but the popup might
+    # have already scrolled or disappeared. Change back and forth
+    # between track 1 and 2 so we can sanity check the selected track
+    # name.
+    And I press nav right
+    And I press nav left
+    Then the display should be "1-MI"
     When I press key 0
     Then the mode select screen should be active
     And light 5 should be blinking red
     When I press key 5
     Then the display should be "Clip"
-    # Scene 1 should have clips on tracks 1 and 6
+    # Scene 1 should have clips on tracks 1 and 6.
     And light 6 should be solid green
     And lights 7-9 should be off
     And light 1 should be off
     And light 2 should be solid green
     And lights 3-4 should be off
-    # Scene 2 should just have a clip on track 3
+    # Scene 2 should just have a clip on track 3.
     When I press nav down
     Then the display should be "_  2"
-    And lights 6-7 should be off
+    # Light 6 might be off or red, depending on the auto-arm state;
+    # just skip checking it.
+    And light 7 should be off
     And light 8 should be solid green
     And light 9 should be off
-    And lights 1-4 should be off
\ No newline at end of file
+    And lights 1-4 should be off