- Java: 1.8
- Build System: Gradle 6.7
- streaming: the P2Ps protocol module;
- sample: a sample using the P2Ps protocol via console.
Build a jar file including all modules
./gradlew shadowJar
java -jar sample/build/libs/sample-0.0.1-all.jar
You can follow these steps for testing:
- Run the jar file, then the app main server will start listening on port 9876;
- Connect to another peer in your network by choosing option 1 and typing host address (can be;
- To establish the connection between the pairs, do the same connect operation in the other peer, typing this peer IP as the host (step not needed for localhost);
- Confirm the connection with the other peer by choosing the option 3;
- Do a streaming by choosing option 2 and typing some characters/bytes;