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Arrhenius Chemprop Model

This repository contains a modified version of the original chemprop model described in Analyzing Learned Molecular Representations for Property Prediction and available at The original model was modified to incorporate Arrhenius behavior in its predictions to improve its performance on electrolyte prediction tasks, although it can be applied to any system that follows Arrhenius behavior. All arguments necessary to operate the model with Arrhenius behavior are described under Running Arrhenius Chemprop. Portions of the original chemprop readme are kept intact below for reference during implementation.

Table of Contents

Running Arrhenius Chemprop

Before running an Arrhenius Chemprop model it is recommended that you learn to run the original Chemprop. The instructions under Data and Training in the Original Chemprop Documentation section will help you get started with the original model. The following sections describe the modifications needed to run an Arrhenius Chemprop model.

Data - Arrhenius

When training or predicting on an Arrhenius Chemprop model, data should be input to the model as a CSV file with the following column headers:

smiles, (conductivity or viscosity or other property), temperature

This filename should be be used after the --data_path flag. Any additional features can be included in a separate .csv with the filename written after the --features_path flag.

Training and Predicting - Arrhenius

To train or predict with an Arrhenius Chemprop model, include the --arr flag when running and When predicting, the Arrhenius model will output a prediction for the property of interest at the temperature given in the data file, as well as predictions for the two Arrhenius parameters, and . All three output predictions will appear in the prediction output file.

Original Chemprop Documentation


For small datasets (~1000 molecules), it is possible to train models within a few minutes on a standard laptop with CPUs only. However, for larger datasets and larger Chemprop models, we recommend using a GPU for significantly faster training.

To use chemprop with GPUs, you will need:

  • cuda >= 8.0
  • cuDNN


Chemprop can either be installed from PyPi via pip or from source (i.e., directly from this git repo). The PyPi version includes a vast majority of Chemprop functionality, but some functionality is only accessible when installed from source.

Both options require conda, so first install Miniconda from

Then proceed to either option below to complete the installation. Note that on machines with GPUs, you may need to manually install a GPU-enabled version of PyTorch by following the instructions here.

Installation Steps

  1. git clone
  2. cd chemprop
  3. conda env create -f environment.yml
  4. conda activate chemprop
  5. pip install -e .


In order to train a model, you must provide training data containing molecules (as SMILES strings) and known target values. Targets can either be real numbers, if performing regression, or binary (i.e. 0s and 1s), if performing classification. Target values which are unknown can be left as blanks.

Our model can either train on a single target ("single tasking") or on multiple targets simultaneously ("multi-tasking").

The data file must be be a CSV file with a header row. For example:


By default, it is assumed that the SMILES are in the first column (can be changed using --number_of_molecules) and the targets are in the remaining columns. However, the specific columns containing the SMILES and targets can be specified using the --smiles_columns <column_1> ... and --target_columns <column_1> <column_2> ... flags, respectively.

Datasets from MoleculeNet and a 450K subset of ChEMBL from have been preprocessed and are available in data.tar.gz. To uncompress them, run tar xvzf data.tar.gz.


To train a model, run:

chemprop_train --data_path <path> --dataset_type <type> --save_dir <dir>

where <path> is the path to a CSV file containing a dataset, <type> is either "classification" or "regression" depending on the type of the dataset, and <dir> is the directory where model checkpoints will be saved.

For example:

chemprop_train --data_path data/tox21.csv --dataset_type classification --save_dir tox21_checkpoints

A full list of available command-line arguments can be found in chemprop/

If installed from source, chemprop_train can be replaced with python


  • The default metric for classification is AUC and the default metric for regression is RMSE. Other metrics may be specified with --metric <metric>.
  • --save_dir may be left out if you don't want to save model checkpoints.
  • --quiet can be added to reduce the amount of debugging information printed to the console. Both a quiet and verbose version of the logs are saved in the save_dir.

Train/Validation/Test Splits

Our code supports several methods of splitting data into train, validation, and test sets.

Random: By default, the data will be split randomly into train, validation, and test sets.

Scaffold: Alternatively, the data can be split by molecular scaffold so that the same scaffold never appears in more than one split. This can be specified by adding --split_type scaffold_balanced.

Separate val/test: If you have separate data files you would like to use as the validation or test set, you can specify them with --separate_val_path <val_path> and/or --separate_test_path <test_path>.

Note: By default, both random and scaffold split the data into 80% train, 10% validation, and 10% test. This can be changed with --split_sizes <train_frac> <val_frac> <test_frac>. For example, the default setting is --split_sizes 0.8 0.1 0.1. Both also involve a random component and can be seeded with --seed <seed>. The default setting is --seed 0.

Cross validation

k-fold cross-validation can be run by specifying --num_folds <k>. The default is --num_folds 1.


To train an ensemble, specify the number of models in the ensemble with --ensemble_size <n>. The default is --ensemble_size 1.

Hyperparameter Optimization

Although the default message passing architecture works quite well on a variety of datasets, optimizing the hyperparameters for a particular dataset often leads to marked improvement in predictive performance. We have automated hyperparameter optimization via Bayesian optimization (using the hyperopt package), which will find the optimal hidden size, depth, dropout, and number of feed-forward layers for our model. Optimization can be run as follows:

chemprop_hyperopt --data_path <data_path> --dataset_type <type> --num_iters <n> --config_save_path <config_path>

where <n> is the number of hyperparameter settings to try and <config_path> is the path to a .json file where the optimal hyperparameters will be saved.

If installed from source, chemprop_hyperopt can be replaced with python

Once hyperparameter optimization is complete, the optimal hyperparameters can be applied during training by specifying the config path as follows:

chemprop_train --data_path <data_path> --dataset_type <type> --config_path <config_path>

Note that the hyperparameter optimization script sees all the data given to it. The intended use is to run the hyperparameter optimization script on a dataset with the eventual test set held out. If you need to optimize hyperparameters separately for several different cross validation splits, you should e.g. set up a bash script to run separately on each split's training and validation data with test held out.


By default, the atom-level representations from the message passing network are averaged over all atoms of a molecule to yield a molecule-level representation. Alternatively, the atomic vectors can be summed up (by specifying --aggregation sum) or summed up and divided by a constant number N (by specifying --aggregation norm --aggregation_norm <N>). A reasonable value for N is usually the average number of atoms per molecule in the dataset of interest. The default is --aggregation_norm 100.

Additional Features

While the model works very well on its own, especially after hyperparameter optimization, we have seen that adding computed molecule-level features can further improve performance on certain datasets. Features can be added to the model using the --features_generator <generator> flag for molecule-level features, or --atom_descriptors <mode> for atom-level features, or both.

RDKit 2D Features

As a starting point, we recommend using pre-normalized RDKit features by using the --features_generator rdkit_2d_normalized --no_features_scaling flags. In general, we recommend NOT using the --no_features_scaling flag (i.e. allow the code to automatically perform feature scaling), but in the case of rdkit_2d_normalized, those features have been pre-normalized and don't require further scaling.

The full list of available features for --features_generator is as follows.

morgan is binary Morgan fingerprints, radius 2 and 2048 bits. morgan_count is count-based Morgan, radius 2 and 2048 bits. rdkit_2d is an unnormalized version of 200 assorted rdkit descriptors. Full list can be found at the bottom of our paper: rdkit_2d_normalized is the CDF-normalized version of the 200 rdkit descriptors.

Custom Features

If you install from source, you can modify the code to load custom features as follows:

  1. Generate features: If you want to generate features in code, you can write a custom features generator function in chemprop/features/ Scroll down to the bottom of that file to see a features generator code template.
  2. Load features: If you have features saved as a numpy .npy file or as a .csv file, you can load the features by using --features_path /path/to/features. Note that the features must be in the same order as the SMILES strings in your data file. Also note that .csv files must have a header row and the features should be comma-separated with one line per molecule.
Atomic Features

Similar to the additional molecular features described above, you can also provide additional atomic features via --atom_descriptors_path /path/to/features with valid file formats:

  • .npz file, where descriptors are saved as 2D array for each molecule in the exact same order as the SMILES strings in your data file.
  • .pkl / .pckl / .pickle containing a pandas dataframe with smiles as index and a numpy array of descriptors as columns.
  • .sdf containing all mol blocks with descriptors as entries.

The order of the descriptors for each atom per molecule must match the ordering of atoms in the RDKit molecule object. Further information on supplying atomic descriptors can be found here. Users must select in which way atom descriptors are used, where the command line option --atom_descriptors descriptor concatenates the new features to the embedded atomic features after the D-MPNN, or the option --atom_descriptors feature concatenates the features to each atomic feature vector before the D-MPNN, so that they are used during message-passing.


To load a trained model and make predictions, run and specify:

  • --test_path <path> Path to the data to predict on.
  • A checkpoint by using either:
    • --checkpoint_dir <dir> Directory where the model checkpoint(s) are saved (i.e. --save_dir during training). This will walk the directory, load all .pt files it finds, and treat the models as an ensemble.
    • --checkpoint_path <path> Path to a model checkpoint file (.pt file).
  • --preds_path Path where a CSV file containing the predictions will be saved.

For example:

chemprop_predict --test_path data/tox21.csv --checkpoint_dir tox21_checkpoints --preds_path tox21_preds.csv


chemprop_predict --test_path data/tox21.csv --checkpoint_path tox21_checkpoints/fold_0/model_0/ --preds_path tox21_preds.csv

If installed from source, chemprop_predict can be replaced with python


During training, TensorBoard logs are automatically saved to the same directory as the model checkpoints. To view TensorBoard logs, first install TensorFlow with pip install tensorflow. Then run tensorboard --logdir=<dir> where <dir> is the path to the checkpoint directory. Then navigate to http://localhost:6006.