Mint yourself free CryptoPunks in the LED Light pixel art series.
Here's the experiment - let's turn 24x24 pixelated CryptoPunks into LED Light art.
- Let's use a black background.
- Let's change black pixels to a (lighter) shade of black (e.g. raisin black - rgb(36, 33, 36)).
- Let's turn pixels into LEDs by scaling up the pixel (e.g. 8x).
- Let's add spacing between the LEDs (e.g. 2 pixels).
Let's try alien punk #3100. Let's mint a fresh 24x24 copy.
require 'cryptopunks'
punks = './punks.png' )
punk = punks[ 3100 ] './punk-3100.png' )
And let's try three LED Light variants:
- LED - 8 pixels, Spacing - 2 pixels (the default)
- LED - 16 pixels, Spacing - 3 pixels
- LED - 16 pixels, Spacing - 8 pixels, Round Corner - Turned On
punk = punk.change_colors( { 0xff => 0x242124ff } )
punk_led = punk.led( 8, spacing: 2 ) './punk-3100_led8x.png' )
punk_led = punk.led( 16, spacing: 3 ) './punk-3100_led16x.png' )
punk_led = punk.led( 16, spacing: 8, round_corner: true ) './punk-3100_led16xr.png' )
And Voila!
Let's try another batch of punks. Let's mint a fresh copy of zombie #3393, blondie #172 and beanie #2964.
ids = [3393, 172, 2964]
ids.each do |id|
name = '%04d' % id
punk = punks[id] "./punk-#{name}.png" )
And let's try three LED Light variants:
- LED - 8 pixels, Spacing - 2 pixels (the default)
- LED - 16 pixels, Spacing - 3 pixels
- LED - 16 pixels, Spacing - 8 pixels, Round Corner - Turned On
Let's add inside the loop:
ids.each do |id|
# ... see above
punk = punk.change_colors( { 0xff => 0x242124ff } )
punk_led = punk.led( 8, spacing: 2 ) "./punk-#{name}_led8x.png" )
punk_led = punk.led( 16, spacing: 3 ) "./punk-#{name}_led16x.png" )
punk_led = punk.led( 16, spacing: 8, round_corner: true ) "./punk-#{name}_led16xr.png" )
And Voila!
Really not too bad for a first rough quick & dirty LED light experiment.
Ideas for future improvements:
- Scale-up pixels not as rectangles but as circles?
- Use different shaded colors for scaled-up pixels?
- Use a background off by 1 for each scaled-up pixel for a neon "glowing" light effect?
- Your ideas here? Please, tell.
Post them on the CryptoPunksDev reddit. Thanks.