Add the bot to one of your servers if you are not already in a server with it. You can do this via the invite url here: Invitation Link You can also do this via the offical website.
Either use the offical website(recommended) to manage your subscriptions or just directly chat with the bot by using his built in commands (for all available commands type "re!h"). To use the official website you have to log in by using your Discord-Account (you will be redirected to Discord). You can then:
- Subscribe to and unsubscribe from different media
- Search media by name
- Sort media by subscription status or name
- Add new media
- Add new Scrape Targets
By hitting the Add Media Button you will be prompted to choose one of the supported websites as well as provide a relative url path to the specific media you want to add. This media can then be found and subscribed to by all other users.
For an already existing media it is possible to add additional Scrape Targets. You will again be prompted to choose a supported website as well as a relative link to the desired media on that website. All ScrapeTargets configured for a media will be checked for new releases. The one adding the new release first will be used for the notification.
Note: all commands are executed from the project root
Values for the environment variables mentioned in the docker-compose files have to be supplied. This can be done via .env file, replacing the ${} with values directly or by setting environment values on the machine.
Run the app locally
dotnet run
and only start the database via docker
docker-compose -f ./build/docker-compose.DOCKER.yml up real_ease_db --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Do not forget that to set up playwright locally if you do not use docker. The simplest way is uncommenting the following line in PlaywrightScraper.cs:
Program.Main(new[] {"install"});
this is not necessary when using Docker, as the image already contains Playwright.
Run all tests
dotnet test
Run integration tests only
dotnet test --filter=Category=Integration
Run only unit tests
dotnet test --filter=Category!=Integration
Running everything in docker is also possible
docker-compose -f ./build/docker-compose.DOCKER.yml up --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Before each PR, check if everything works with docker
docker-compose -f ./build/docker-compose.CI.yml up --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f ./build/docker-compose.yml up --build --abort-on-container-exit --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Build specific stage from the Dockerfile in /build
docker build -t real_ease -f .\build\Dockerfile --target [targetName] .
Then use
docker run -t -d real_ease
to start the container and keep it running so e.g. portainer can be used to look inside.
- It would be nice to use IQuery/ICommand so the generics do not have to be specified each time
- MediatR does this but the Dispatchers seem to have to be way more complicated
- see discussion (
- rethink application wide errors
- MediatR does this but the Dispatchers seem to have to be way more complicated
- Use a more functional approach in the Application services (Handlers), like csharpfunctionalextensions