Command line utility to help fetch scholarly articles from various sources.
You can install papercut using homebrew
brew tap lehigh-university-libraries/homebrew
brew install lehigh-university-libraries/homebrew/papercut
Instead of homebrew, you can download a binary for your system from the latest release
Then put the binary in a directory that is in your $PATH
$ papercut search --help
Search various sources for articles.
A subcommand is required in order to search a specific database.
papercut search [command]
Available Commands:
arxiv Search arXiv for articles
-h, --help help for search
Use "papercut search [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ papercut search arxiv --help
Search arXiv for articles.
Thank you to arXiv for use of its open access interoperability.
papercut search arxiv [flags]
--directory-listing string URL to a web page listing faculty email addresses
-h, --help help for arxiv
-i, --ids string A comma separated list of arXiv IDs
-q, --query string The arXiv API search query to perform
-r, --results int The number of results to return in a response (default 10)
-s, --start int The offset
-u, --url string The arXiv API url (default "")
$ papercut get --help
Fetch PDFs and/or metadata for articles.
A subcommand is required in order to fetch the article from a specific source.
papercut get [command]
Available Commands:
doi Get DOI metadata and PDF
-h, --help help for get
Use "papercut get [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Download the metadata and PDFs given a file with one DOI per line.
$ papercut get doi --help
Get DOI metadata and PDF
papercut get doi [flags]
-f, --file string path to file containing one DOI per line
-h, --help help for doi
-u, --url string The DOI API url (default "")
If homebrew was used, you can simply upgrade the homebrew formulae for papercut
brew update && brew upgrade papercut
If the binary was downloaded and added to the $PATH
updating papercut could look as follows. Requires gh and tar
# update for your architecture
TAG=$(gh release list --exclude-pre-releases --exclude-drafts --limit 1 --repo lehigh-university-libraries/papercut | awk '{print $3}')
gh release download $TAG --repo lehigh-university-libraries/papercut --pattern $ARCH
tar -zxvf $ARCH
mv papercut /directory/in/path/binary/was/placed
rm $ARCH