To follow along with the hands-on exercises, I recommend that you perform this setup before the workshop, since it will require you to download and install different tools, and that can be time-consuming and risky given unreliable wi-fi connectivity.
These are the tools required for the workshop and the links for installation instructions if you want to install them manually:
- Java
- Git
- Docker 18+
- kubectl 1.9.4+
- VirtualBox 5.2+
- Install minikube 0.25.2 (WARNING: 0.26.1 currently has a bug)
- helm 2.8+
- terraform 0.11+
- Google Cloud SDK tools 196+
You can run the
script to
install the required tools using HomeBrew. After installing,
if you didn't use HomeBrew before, you will probably need to restart your
shell to add the path to the binaries to your PATH
Then you can continue to the Google Cloud Platform Account Setup section.
(This was tested on Windows 10)
I recommend installing Git for Windows, and use the Git Bash application for cloning the repository, executing the setup script, and going through the exercises of this workshop.
Once installed, right-click the "Git Bash" icon on your desktop and select
"Run as administrator", then click "Yes" on the popup that appears. Now you can
clone de repository and you can execute the
script to install the
required tools using Chocolatey. After installation,
you will need to restart your shell to add the path to the binaries to your
Note: this setup will install Docker Toolbox, which allows running Docker on
Windows using Docker-Machine on a VirtualBox VM. This requires virtualization
features to be enabled. Once the install script completes and you restart your
shell, run the following command to create the docker-machine
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox default
Creating CA: C:\Users\Danilo\.docker\machine\certs\ca.pem
Creating client certificate: C:\Users\Danilo\.docker\machine\certs\cert.pem
Running pre-create checks...
Docker is up and running!
Once the docker-machine is running, run the following command to setup the docker CLI client:
$ eval $(docker-machine env default)
Then you can continue to the Google Cloud Platform Account Setup section.
(This was tested on Ubuntu trusty and CentOS 7)
You can run the
script to
install the required tools. Make sure you run it as root
$ sudo ./
On CentOS 7, you need to start the Docker service:
$ sudo service docker start
Then you can continue to the Google Cloud Platform Account Setup section.
You will need a working Google Cloud Platform account for the second half of the workshop.
If you don't have one already, you can sign-up for a Google Cloud Platform free 12 months trial. Once you sign-up, you can create a project for the workshop and name it "DevOps Workshop".
- Docker Images: download the following Docker images by running (use
on Linux):
docker pull openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
docker pull mysql:5.7
docker pull dtsato/gomatic
- Maven Dependencies: have Maven download all dependencies by running:
./mvnw clean install
- Minikube VM: ensure you have the minikube VirtualBox VM image by running:
minikube start --kubernetes-version v1.9.4
minikube stop