usage: alert [-qh] [message]
-h: print usage help
-q: enable quiet mode (do not generate any sound)
usage: backmost [-h|--help]
-h, --help: print usage help
usage: br [options]
Reset hue light files.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: busy [color] [options]
Turn on a busy light.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: capture_x [-h|--help]
Creates a screenshot of selected window on X11.
usage: card [options] CARD
Fetches a card image from Scryfall and converts it to a PNG.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: cleanup [options]
Cleans system and application caches on macOS.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: codeclimate [-h|--help] [-v]
Runs Code Climate on the current working directory.
-h, --help show usage help
-v verbose, show docker command
usage: colortest
Prints out table of terminal color codes.
usage: daemons [-h|--help] [PATTERN|FILE_PATH]
usage: deploy_dotfiles SSH_ARGS
deploys dotfiles source code to remote host.
usage: die [options] REGEX
kills all processes matching REGEX.
-n enables dryrun mode
-q enables quite mode
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: doc [-h|--help|-k]
Opens as FILE.html in your default web browser.
�[1mRequires pandoc, pandoc-sidenote, tufte-css, and tufte-pandoc-css:�(B�[m
$ cd ~
$ brew install pandoc
$ brew install jez/formulae/pandoc-sidenote
$ git clone .tufte-css
$ git clone .tufte-pandoc-css
-h, --help show usage help
-k keep .html artifact (default: no)
usage: dogs [-h|--help]
Streams system logs for docker containers.
usage: drc
Run a Check django backend.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: equip [-l|-d|-f|-h|--help] [all|step-name(s)]
Automatically installs and configures a complete *nix developer environment.
-h, --help show usage help
-l list available step names
-d dry-run
-f force install, do not ask for any confirmation
all executes all steps
apps executes steps that update applications
dot executes dotfiles, zsh, and env
most executes apps and dot
step-name(s) execute the given step(s)
xcode Ensure that Xcode Command Line Tools are installed
dotfiles Ensure home directory is a git repository for dotfiles
brew Ensure Homebrew installed, formulas upgraded, and Theine installed
cask Ensure Homebrew Casks are installed
ext Ensure file extension associations are correct
zsh Ensure shell is latest version of zsh from Homebrew
env Update environment configuration and submodules
python Upgrade/Install python and conda packages
node Ensure Node modules are installed via npm
go Ensure Go packages are installed
cargo Ensure Rust packages are installed via cargo
code Ensure VS Code installed via Homebrew Cask and its packages are installed
osx Override macOS "defaults" settings and configuration
dot Runs steps: dotfiles zsh env
apps Runs steps: xcode brew cask ext python node go cargo code
most Runs steps: apps dot (basically everything but the osx step)
all Runs all steps
Homebrew Formulas: autoconf, awscli, bash, brotli, c-ares, cabal-install,
chrome-cli, coreutils, defaultbrowser, diff-so-fancy, direnv, duti, exiftool,
expect, fasd, fontconfig, freetype, fribidi, fzf, gdbm, gettext, ghc,
ghostscript, git, git-lfs, git-secrets, glances, glib, gnu-sed, gnu-tar, go,
gobject-introspection, graphite2, harfbuzz, icu4c, imagemagick@6, jbig2dec,
jemalloc, jez/formulae/pandoc-sidenote, jpeg, jq, krb5, libev, libevent,
libffi, libidn, libidn2, libpng, libpthread-stubs, libssh2, libtiff, libtool,
libunistring, libuv, libx11, libxau, libxcb, libxdmcp, libxext, libxrender,
libyaml, little-cms2, lsd, lzo, m4, mas, mpdecimal, ncurses, nghttp2, node,
nvm, oniguruma, openhue-cli, openjpeg, [email protected], pandoc, pango, pcre, pcre2,
pidof, pixman, pkg-config, postgresql, pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv,
pyenv-virtualenvwrapper, pyright, readline, ripgrep, rlwrap, rust, shellcheck,
shfmt, six, sqlite, tcl-tk, tmux, toolbox, tree, utf8proc, vramsteg, watch,
wdiff, webp, wget, xorgproto, xz, yarn, zsh
Homebrew Casks: 1password, 1password/tap/1password-cli, chromedriver, discord,
disk-inventory-x, docker, dropbox, fantastical, flux, font-fira-code,
font-hack-nerd-font, google-chrome, iexplorer, iterm2, lingon-x, mactex, ngrok,
obsidian, omnifocus, rectangle, signal, slack, snes9x, sourcetree, spotify,
steam, tableplus, texstudio, the-unarchiver, transmission, vagrant,
visual-studio-code, vlc
Code Packages: DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint, GitHub.copilot,
GitHub.copilot-chat, HookyQR.beautify, James-Yu.latex-workshop,
PascalReitermann93.vscode-yaml-sort, be5invis.toml, bibhasdn.unique-lines,
charliermarsh.ruff, dbaeumer.vscode-eslint, eamodio.gitlens,
esbenp.prettier-vscode, exiasr.hadolint,,
hashicorp.terraform, joe-re.sql-language-server, karunamurti.haml,
mgmcdermott.vscode-language-babel, mike-co.import-sorter,
mohsen1.prettify-json, ms-azuretools.vscode-docker, ms-python.debugpy,
ms-python.python, ms-python.vscode-pylance,,
nickmillerdev.pytest-fixtures, redhat.vscode-yaml, richie5um2.vscode-sort-json,
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker, sysoev.language-stylus,
Conda Packages: appdirs, appnope, attrs, backcall, brotlipy, ca-certificates,
cachecontrol, cachy, certifi, cffi, charset-normalizer, cleo, clikit,
crashtest, cryptography, decorator, distlib, filelock, html5lib, idna,
importlib-metadata, importlib_metadata, iniconfig, ipython, ipython_genutils,
jedi, jsonschema, keyring, libcxx, libffi, lockfile, lz4, lz4-c,
matplotlib-inline, more-itertools, msgpack-python, ncurses, openssl, packaging,
parso, pastel, pexpect, pickleshare, pip, pkginfo, pluggy, poetry, poetry-core,
prompt-toolkit, ptyprocess, py, pycosat, pycparser, pygments, pylev, pyopenssl,
pyparsing, pyrsistent, pysocks, pytest, pyyaml, readline, requests,
requests-toolbelt, ruamel_yaml, setuptools, shellingham, six, sqlite, tk, toml,
tomlkit, tqdm, traitlets, urllib3, virtualenv, wcwidth, webencodings, wheel,
xz, yaml, zipp, zlib
Node Modules: @ibm/plex, JSON, all-contributors-cli, create-react-app, cson,
dockerlint, eslint, external-ip, generator-code, generator-generator,
geoip-lite, js-beautify, json-stable-stringify, moment, nesh,
npm-check-updates, npm-remote-ls, npm-why, prettier, raml2html, standard,
tmpin, typescript, yo
Go Packages:,
Cargo Packages: cargo-update, jless, loc, porsmo
usage: faff SECONDS [-h|--help]
Sleeps for the given number of seconds, showing a progress bar.
usage: firefox-tabs [-h]
List open urls in Firefox tabs
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: echo 'text' | flip
Literally flips input upside down, printing words so they appear to be flipped over.
usage: git-arc [-h] COMMAND [args]
Tool for archiving and restoring git branches.
-h show usage help
list list archived branches
create BRANCH create an archive ref for the given BRANCH
delete REF delete archive for the given REF
restore REF restore the branch for the given REF
usage: git-authors [-h|--help] PATH
For git, shows who wrote the code found at the current directory.
usage: git-fp [-h|--help]
Git script for cleaning up merged tracking branches.
usage: git-lg [-h|--help] [ARGS]
Forwards any additional ARGS to the git log command.
usage: git-ltr [-h|--help] [-r]
Lists (a-la 'ls -ltr') git controlled source files in current directory.
-h, --help show usage help
-r recursive
usage: git-name-change REPO_URL OLD_EMAIL NEW_NAME NEW_EMAIL
clones the given repo, changing the name and email address in entire history
usage: git-parent [-h|--help] [-r]
Finds the direct parent of the current branch in git.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: git-pretty [-h|--help] [N]
Runs prettier on vue/js/ts files in the most recent N commits.
-h, --help show usage help
N number of commits to consider, default is 1
usage: git-pt [-h|--help]
Preforms command 'git push -fu origin $BRANCH', force pushing feature branch up to remote origin.
git-recon - reconcile your local git repos [version v1.0.1]
git recon [--version] [--help] [--recursive] [--porcelain]
--recursive Recursively check subfolders, if the current directory is
NOT a git folder, this will be enabled by default
--porcelain Machine readable output
--help Prints this help
--version Prints current version
git-recon is a tool for reconciling your local git repositories.
git has a lot of things to keep track of: files, branches, tags, stashes,
submodules and worktrees.
With git-recon you can quickly check the status of all of them.
usage: git-run [-h|--help] COMMAND PATTERN [-N]
Runs the given command on files matching the given pattern that
have changed within in the latest N commits. Or if there are any
uncomitted changes, run the command on those matching files.
-h, --help show usage help
-N number of commits to consider, default is -1
usage: git-tidy [-h|--help]
Cleans up all the junk this repository.
usage: git-what [options]
Build a useful git description of the changes in this branch.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: git-wrote [-h|--help] [-n] [-f]
Who wrote the most lines for the files in the current directory.
-h, --help show usage help
-n sort by name
-f sort by file
usage: golist [-h|--help]
Looks for downloaded go modules in your system go path.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: install_odbc [-h|--help]
Attempts to install a working ODBC configuration to macOS.
Uses unixODBC with FreeTDS from Homebrew.
Requires hand editing to support your specific installation.
usage: macosver
Simply prints out the macOS major and minor version.
usage: mc_support [options] ENDPOINT [<<EOF ... post body ... EOF]
Hit a backend support endpoint.
Note: Ensure that you've authenticated with onelogin-aws and are on the VPN.
-h, --help show usage help
-e ENV environment to query (default: dev)
-X METHOD HTTP method to use (default: POST)
-d dry run; show the curl command that would be run
mc_support -e dev -XPOST "/support/endpoint?q=whatever" <<EOF
"key": "value"
usage: mon [abbr. or number] [-h|--help]
Month name to number and vice versa.
usage: nodeula-rasa [options]
Gives you a total clean slate in your node project.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: nopw [-h|-help] [ssh connection options] username@remotehost
Puts your public ssh key in the authorized_keys on the remote host.
usage: npm-update [options]
Tries to update package dependencies to latest using ncu, npm, and audit.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: paystub [-h | --help | -n N | -t]
Get your latest paystub as PDF from Check's API.
-h, --help show usage help
-n N generate the last N paysubs (default: 1)
-t show historical tax information
usage: pc [options]
Blow away and reinstall all pre-commit hooks.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: pipc [options]
Pip compiles any requirement*.in files in the current directory.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: pipi [options]
Pip installs any requirements files in the current directory.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: ppt [-h|--help] args
Runs pytest tests locally.
-h, --help show usage help
usage: rc
Spin or attach to tumx running Check development services.
-h or --help shows usage help
usage: resend [-h|--help] [options] INCIDENT_UUID
Resend an incident notification.
-h, --help show usage help
-t set trigger to true
usage: root [-h|--help]
Prints the root directory of the current source repository.
./usages: ./set_wallpaper: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
usage: show_dircolors [-h|--help]
Shows example output based on current dircolors settings.
usage: slept [-h|--help]
Uses sysctl to discover when the last time macOS slept was.
usage: snake [-h|--help] [file]
Convert camelCase to snake_case.
For example:
- echo fooBar | snake
- snake file.txt
usage: uninstall_homebrew [-h|--help]
See for details.
usage: usages [-t|--table|-v|--verbose|-h|--help]
Prints out documentation and usage information for everything in current directory.
-t,--table: prints out information in a markdown table.
-v,--verbose: prints out all usage information in markdown format.
-v,--help: prints out this help message.
usage: weather [-h|--help] [location]
Shows the current weather in the given location.
usage: whereami
Prints your current city name using your geoip location.
usage: woke [-h|--help]
Uses sysctl to discover when the last time macOS woke was.
usage: xdie [-p|-h|--help] REGEX
Kills all windows matching REGEX. Use -p for pretend mode.
usage: xf <archive> - extract common file formats
usage: zoomwatcher [options]
A service that watches for zoom and turns a hue light red if it is running.
-h or --help shows usage help