CacheWebView is a custom implement of Android WebView, through intercept each request to create ram cache(LRU) and disk cache(LRU). It beyond system WebView cache space limit, let cache config more simple ,fast and flexible. Visit website by offline.
- let WebView cache space more bigger, WebView default http protocol space only 18M, and it can not change
- easy config cache,divide static resource and dynamic content,only cache static resource
- if server do not config static file http cache header,CacheWebView also can cache it
- want to get web page resource in cache, e.g , get pic in cache
compile ''
- Change
in code or changeWebView
in layout xml
It is over. CacheWebView default have disk cache space 200M , ram cache space 20M, and cache mode is the same with HTTP protocol cache HTTP Caching.
- Modify cache path and size, it is usually call in Android Application
File cacheFile = new File(this.getCacheDir(),"cache_path_name");
CacheWebView.getCacheConfig().init(this,cacheFile.getAbsolutePath(),1024*1024*100,1024*1024*10).enableDebug(true);//100M disk space ,10M ram sapce
- Preload , preload usually request url it will be more fast
CacheWebView.cacheWebView(this).loadUrl(URL);//this method must call in UI thread
CacheWebView.servicePreload(this,URL);//start a Service to preload
- Force cache. Default is Normal cache mode like HTTP cache. Call
, it will force cache every static resource, and it will not connect with server, so it will not have http 304 status, this mode is very fast. If static resource need to refresh, change static link like add MD5 value or version info etc.
CacheWebView webview;
Static resource suffix cache map
default disk space static resource suffix: html,htm,js,ico,css,png,jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,ttf,woff,woff2,otf,eot,svg,xml,swf,txt,text,conf . Call addExtension and removeExtension to add and remove
default ram space static resource suffix: html,htm,js,css,xml,txt,text,conf . Call addRamExtension and removeRamExtension to add and remove
Do not cache: mp4,mp3,ogg,avi,wmv,flv,rmvb,3gp
set cache interceptor , whether cache each url
webview.setCacheInterceptor(new CacheInterceptor() {
public boolean canCache(String url) {
return true;
- Delete cache
CacheWebView webview;
- Add header
CacheWebView webview;
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
CacheWebView v = (CacheWebView) view;
return true;
Block NetworkImage load. Page load more fast
Default is not block network image. After call
, When WebView onPageStarted it will be block, onPageFinished will unblock
CacheWebView webview;
- Disable CacheWebView cache function. Default is custom cache mode, call
, WebView will not these function, it just like normal WebView
CacheWebView webview;
- Setting User-Agent
CacheWebView webview;
- Get cache file
CacheStatus cacheStatus = webview.getWebViewCache().getCacheFile(URL);
if (cacheStatus.isExist()){
File file = cacheStatus.getCacheFile();
String extension = cacheStatus.getExtension();
- destroy
CacheWebView webview;