From 9df0629b0b7ceffa225702865e33d9a67e8af12c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]"
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:05:27 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update news.json
api/news/news.json | 2 +-
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diff --git a/api/news/news.json b/api/news/news.json
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-{"status":"ok","totalResults":3652,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"msmash","title":"USPTO Petitioned To Cancel Oracle's JavaScript Trademark","description":"Software company Deno Land has filed a petition with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to cancel Oracle's JavaScript trademark, citing trademark abandonment and fraud. The November 22 filing claims Oracle has not sold JavaScript products or services since …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-26T16:41:00Z","content":"Software company Deno Land has filed a petition with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to cancel Oracle's JavaScript trademark, citing trademark abandonment and fraud. The November 22 filing claim… [+524 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":" (Mariana Beldi)","title":"An Introduction To CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: Scroll And View Progress Timelines","description":"10 years after scroll-driven animations were first proposed, they’re finally here — no JavaScript, no dependencies, no libraries, just pure CSS.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T15:00:00Z","content":"You can safely use scroll-driven animations in Chrome as of December 2024. Firefox supports them, too, though youll need to enable a flag. Safari? Not yet, but dont worry — you can still offer a seam… [+26593 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"InfoWorld"},"author":"Nick Hodges","title":"Just Say No to JavaScript","description":"JavaScript gives you too many ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Just what you’d expect from a programming language that was created in a week.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T09:41:16Z","content":"First, you can start with TypeScript at your own pace. It’s not all or nothing. All JavaScript code is TypeScript code. I (mostly) joke that I will be happy to charge a nice fee to convert all JavaSc… [+1234 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"[object Object]","title":"JavaScript Benchmarking Is a Mess","description":"Design decisions core to JavaScript have caused a multitude of problems for benchmarking. Is there a solution to this?","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-24T12:37:45Z","content":"I hate benchmarking code, just like any human (which, at this point, most viewers of this probably arent ¯\\_()_/¯). It is much more fun to pretend that your caching of a value increased performance 1… [+10207 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"boardgameio","title":" an engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript","description":"State Management and Multiplayer Networking for Turn-Based Games - boardgameio/","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T10:50:20Z","content":"Read the Documentation\r\ is an engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript.\r\nWrite simple functions that describe how the game state changes\r\nwhen a particular move is made. Thi… [+1734 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Darren Coles","title":"EstyJS 2.0 (emulator for the Atari ST, written in 100% pure JavaScript)","description":"Javascript based Atari ST Emulator","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-29T20:40:05Z","content":"Atari ST\r\nThe Atari ST was a 16 bit home computer that was very popular in the late 80's and early 90's.\r\nIt was the direct competitor of the Commodore Amiga and both machines were based upon the 680… [+1623 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Native Dual-Range Input","description":"Two native range inputs and fifty lines of JavaScript to make them work together.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T18:39:52Z","content":"I just released @stanko/dual-range-input - a native dual-range input. Here is how it looks with the default styles:\r\nThe \"native\" part is somewhat open for discussion. I call it native because the li… [+4728 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Thomas Claburn","title":"Kill Oracle's 'JavaScript' trademark, Deno asks USPTO","description":"Petition claims database titan maintained its mark by making a fraudulent claim\nDeno Land, maker of the Deno runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly, has filed a petition with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to cancel Oracle's JavaScrip…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-26T02:57:10Z","content":"Deno Land, maker of the Deno runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly, has filed a petition with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to cancel Oracle's JavaScript trademark.\r\nThe pe… [+3289 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dennis Schirrmacher","title":"Supply-Chain-Attacke: Solana web3.js-Bibliothek war mit Schadcode verseucht","description":"Unbekannte Angreifer haben Solanas JavaScript-SDK mit Schadcode zum Stehlen von privaten Schlüsseln ausgestattet.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-06T08:37:00Z","content":"Wer jüngst das JavaScript SDK web3.js von Solana aus dem Paketmanager npm heruntergeladen hat, hat sich unter Umständen Schadcode eingefangen. Der Ursprung ist wahrscheinlich eine Phishing-Attacke au… [+1416 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Show HN: @smoores/epub, a JavaScript library for working with EPUB publications","description":"Latest version: 0.1.1, last published: 2 days ago. Start using @smoores/epub in your project by running `npm i @smoores/epub`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @smoores/epub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T19:52:26Z","content":"A Node.js library for inspecting, modifying, and creating EPUB 3 publications.\r\nnpm:\r\nnpm install @smoores/epub\r\nyarn:\r\nThroughout this library's documentation, there will be many references to\r\nthe … [+30618 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"hacker-news","name":"Hacker News"},"author":null,"title":"Wasp (YC W21) is hiring a framework engineer to build Rails for JavaScript","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-14T17:00:38Z","content":"We are Matija and Martin, founders of Wasp ( and twin brothers. Were building a Rails/Laravel-like full-stack framework that is designed to be stack and architecture-agnostic. … [+1545 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"msmash","title":"Google's New Jules AI Agent Will Help Developers Fix Buggy Code","description":"Google has announced an experimental AI-powered code agent called \"Jules\" that can automatically fix coding errors for developers. From a report: Jules was introduced today alongside Gemini 2.0, and uses the updated Google AI model to create multi-step plans …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T20:01:00Z","content":"Jules was introduced today alongside Gemini 2.0, and uses the updated Google AI model to create multi-step plans to address issues, modify multiple files, and prepare pull requests for Python and Jav… [+765 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"oils-for-unix","title":"The Biggest Shell Programs in the World (Wiki)","description":"Oils is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime. It's also for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell! - oils-for-unix/oils","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T00:59:11Z","content":"Help me fill out this page! It's freely editable.\r\nWhat programs should be listed? I'm using \"biggest\" in the sense of substantial, not necessarily the raw number of lines.\r\n
- Hand-written shel… [+4416 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Fatuma Abdullaho","title":"How to Create Multi-Step Forms With Vanilla JavaScript and CSS","description":"When was the last time you developed a multi-step form? There’s so much to think about and so many moving pieces that need to be managed. But doing it by hand can be a good exercise and a great way to polish the basics. Fatuma Abdullaho walks you through her …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T15:03:22Z","content":"Multi-step forms are a good choice when your form is large and has many controls. No one wants to scroll through a super-long form on a mobile device. By grouping controls on a screen-by-screen basis… [+24461 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"MacRumors"},"author":"Juli Clover","title":"Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 210 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements","description":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed Safari Technology Preview to allow users to test features that are planned for future release versions of the S…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:11:09Z","content":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed Safari Technology Preview to allow users to test fe… [+977 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Korben","title":" - Un CDN pour importer directement vos modules JavaScript","description":"Aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler d’une solution qui va considérablement simplifier votre vie de pauvre développeur web au service de la startup nation. Vous en avez marre de vous taper des configurations Webpack interminables et des dépendances npm qui s’accu…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T08:00:00Z","content":"Aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler d’une solution qui va considérablement simplifier votre vie de pauvre développeur web au service de la startup nation. Vous en avez marre de vous taper des configurat… [+3103 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Structured Outputs with Ollama","description":"Ollama now supports structured outputs making it possible to constrain a model's output to a specific format defined by a JSON schema. The Ollama Python and JavaScript libraries have been updated to support structured outputs.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T01:12:32Z","content":"Ollama now supports structured outputs making it possible to constrain a model’s output to a specific format defined by a JSON schema. The Ollama Python and JavaScript libraries have been updated to … [+6677 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"EditorDavid","title":"Mozilla's Announces 'JavaScriptmas' - Daily Coding Challenges with a Chance at Prizes","description":"Mozilla's developer blog is announcing \"JavaScriptmas\".\n\n [F]rom December 1st to December 24th, we will release a fun, daily coding challenge for you to solve on [code-learning platform] Scrimba. Each challenge comes with an introductory screencast called \"sc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-06T15:34:00Z","content":"[F]rom December 1st to December 24th, we will release a fun, daily coding challenge for you to solve on [code-learning platform] Scrimba. Each challenge comes with an introductory screencast called \"… [+1345 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jean Mazouni","title":"Creating the Morphing Effect of the Luma Dream Machine Website","description":"Learn how to create this powerful morphing effect with only JavaScript using the Canvas2D API.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T11:25:10Z","content":"From our sponsor:Ready to show your plugin skills? Enter the Penpot Plugins Contest (Nov 15-Dec 15) to win cash prizes! \r\nToday I’m going to share some technical insights about the morphing effect I … [+3873 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Building HTML in Go","description":"templ - build HTML with Go","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T09:03:57Z","content":"Create components that render fragments of HTML and compose them to create screens, pages, documents, or apps.\r\n
- Server-side rendering: Deploy as a serverless function, Docker container, or st… [+572 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"pureacetone","title":"JavaScript: Удобство или Угроза? Размышления о Приватности и Вебе","description":"В кругу людей, которые заботятся о своей приватности и что-то смыслят в технологиях, JavaScript пользуется дурной славой. Как правило, его отключают через специальные браузерные расширения и негодуют на онлайн-ресурсы, которые вынуждают включать JavaScript дл…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T23:26:50Z","content":", . - (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera ..) \" \", , .\r\n, , : HTML, CSS JavaScript ( ECMAScript). , . JavaScript, , , , -. JavaScript , HTML/CSS, , , , . JS : - 3D-. JavaScript , , , , .\r\n , , - , JS . ,… [+1488 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"By_kosha","title":"Моя боль в JavaScript: когда this и переменные становятся головоломкой","description":"Не спорю и не критикую учебные подходы. Просто делюсь своей болью: как тавтология в примерах наследования ( = name) вгоняла в ступор на старте. Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T14:28:50Z","content":". : ( = name) . \r\n, this, , = name. , .\r\n :\r\nfunction Person(name, age, gender) {\r\n = name;\r\n this.age = age;\r\n this.gender = gender;\r\n}\r\n, « ». , , this.namename, this.\r… [+57 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Fabian Deitelhoff","title":"(g+) Softwareentwicklung: Von Pinia bis Vuetify - Bibliotheken für Vue.js","description":"Bibliotheken erweitern die Möglichkeiten von Frameworks wie Vue enorm. Etliche Projekte bringen viele Features ein - hier einige Highlights. Von Fabian Deitelhoff (Javascript, API)","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-01T09:00:02Z","content":"Besuchen Sie wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking,\r\n indem Sie der Nutzung aller Cookies zustimmen.\r\n Details zum Tracking finden Sie im Privacy Center.\r\nSkript wurde nicht geladen. Informat… [+607 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Martina Kraus","title":"Web-Security: Mit Content Security Policy gegen Cross-Site Scripting, Teil 2","description":"Erweiterte CSP-Direktiven helfen dabei, Anwendungen effizient gegen Cross-Site Scripting zu schützen.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-26T07:35:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nCross-Site Scripting (XSS) bleibt eine der am häufigsten vorkommenden Sicherheitsbedrohungen für Webanwendungen. Trotz fortschrittlicher Schutzmechanismen gelingt es Angreifern im… [+7286 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Ryan Trimble","title":"One of Those “Onboarding” UIs, With Anchor Positioning","description":"We can anchor one element to another. We can also attach one element to multiple anchors. In this experiment, Ryan riffs on those ideas and comes up with a new way to transition between two anchors and the result is a practical use case that would normally re…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T14:02:13Z","content":"Welcome to “Anchor Positioning 101” where we will be exploring this interesting new CSS feature. Our textbook for this class will be the extensive “Anchor Positioning Guide” that Juan Diego Rodriguez… [+21681 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Android Central"},"author":" (Brady Snyder)","title":"Chrome doubled its Speedometer scores on Android with the help of Snapdragon 8 Elite","description":"Chrome achieved impressive Speedometer benchmark scores, and Google is sharing how it did it.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T20:31:18Z","content":"What you need to know\r\n
- Google shared that it managed to double Chrome's score in Speedometer 2.1, a browser benchmark, on Android devices.
- The feat was achieved by optimizing Chrome f… [+2920 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Javier Pastor","title":"Hay un nuevo lenguaje de programación que está rompiendo moldes. El inglés","description":"En enero de 2023 ChatGPT apenas había comenzado a dar sus primeros pasos. Y sin embargo, Andrej Karpathy, exdirector de IA en Tesla, lo tuvo claro. \"El nuevo lenguaje de programación más candente es el inglés\". En realidad no fue el primero en decirlo, pero l…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T07:01:01Z","content":"En enero de 2023 ChatGPT apenas había comenzado a dar sus primeros pasos. Y sin embargo, Andrej Karpathy, exdirector de IA en Tesla, lo tuvo claro. \"El nuevo lenguaje de programación más candente es … [+3419 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Kalach (МТС)","title":"JavaScript-фреймворки и библиотеки, на которые стоит обратить внимание в 2025 году","description":"Привет! Это Саша Калач, разработчик в МТС Диджитал. Сегодня поделюсь подборкой фреймворков и библиотек, которые могут быть полезны JavaScript-разработчику. О самых известных, вроде React, Vue.js, Next.js, говорить не буду, о них и так все знают. Вместо этого …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T08:00:34Z","content":"! , . , JavaScript-. , React, Vue.js, Next.js, , . . , . !\r\nSvelte\r\n2016 . DOM . Svelte , JavaScript, CSS HTML.\r\n :\r\n
- . Svelte JavaScript, .\r\n
- « ». .\r\n
- DOM. .\r\n
- . .… [+1721 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"the-next-web","name":"The Next Web"},"author":"Kirstie McDermott","title":"These will be the most in-demand programming languages in 2025","description":"Across Europe, skills shortages are emerging as a key challenge. The Council of the European Union says this is driven by demographic change, demand for new skillsets, and poor working conditions in some sectors. Adding to that, a recent report highlighted th…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-23T14:38:18Z","content":"Across Europe, skills shortages are emerging as a key challenge. The Council of the European Union says this is driven by demographic change, demand for new skillsets, and poor working conditions in … [+4911 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Kirill_Live (ГК ЛАНИТ)","title":"Как мы превратили рутинную работу в удовольствие: история создания плагина для Р7-Офиса","description":"Многие компании продолжают активно использовать Excel и язык макросов VBA для обработки и анализа данных. Однако с переходом на отечественные офисные решения (например, Р7-Офис) появилась необходимость в разработке новых инструментов обработки данных на JavaS…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T07:01:56Z","content":"Excel VBA . (, 7-) JavaScript. \r\n 7- , Excel. , .\r\n, , Excel 7-. no-code (, JavaScript). , .\r\n: \r\n , 7- . . .\r\n , , . , , . , .\r\n no-code 7-. , , .\r\n ?\r\n , 7- , . , JavaScript . \r\n , , -. 7- . \r\n A… [+548 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"The Humble for Loop in Rust","description":"Rust has some really nice functional programming facilities built in, all\naround an iterator concept. Rust being focused on performance and low level\ncontrol makes it possible to use this without paying a performance cost.\nSometimes I still prefer to use the …","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-12T20:10:49Z","content":"Rust has some really nice functional programming facilities built in, all\r\naround an iterator concept. Rust being focused on performance and low level\r\ncontrol makes it possible to use this without p… [+13330 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"Horns&Hooves Campaign Delivers RATs via Fake Emails and JavaScript Payloads","description":"A newly discovered malware campaign has been found to target private users, retailers, and service businesses mainly located in Russia to deliver NetSupport RAT and BurnsRAT.\nThe campaign, dubbed Horns&Hooves by Kaspersky, has hit more than 1,000 victims sinc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T05:23:00Z","content":"A newly discovered malware campaign has been found to target private users, retailers, and service businesses mainly located in Russia to deliver NetSupport RAT and BurnsRAT.\r\nThe campaign, dubbed Ho… [+3594 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"ph_piter (Издательский дом «Питер»)","title":"Книга: «Рецепты TypeScript»","description":"Привет, Хаброжители!\n\n«Рецепты TypeScript» Стефана Баумгартнера – книга из серии «книг рецептов» O’Reilly. Такое название серии объясняется структурой этих книг: вместо бесконечных теоретических выкладок, сквозь которые продираться не то что нелегко, а попрос…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-26T10:35:25Z","content":", !« TypeScript» « » OReilly. : , , , «» , , . « » , .\r\nTypeScript JavaScript ( , TypeScript ). - . , , : JavaScript , TypeScript . , . , TypeScript, JavaScript, . , : , , JavaScript ( TypeScript). \r… [+2149 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"galqiwi (Яндекс)","title":"Запускаем 8B LLM в браузере:","description":"Меня долгое время интересовал запуск больших языковых моделей на пользовательских устройствах: есть что‑то в том, чтобы запустить одну из лучших языковых моделей на обычном домашнем компьютере или на мобильном телефоне, помещающемся в карман. В этом посте я р…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T08:02:47Z","content":": , , . \r\n\r\n. Llama 3.1 8B, WebAssembly GPU, , \r\n.\r\n.\r\n 8B\r\n . , , Llama 3.2 1B Llama 3.2 3B, .\r\n, 8 , , .\r\n 16 , , , 8B 16 . 4- , nf4, 4 . 2 , … [+662 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Scott Fennell","title":"WordPress Multi-Multisite: A Case Study","description":"What's it look like to create a dashboard within the WordPress admin for analyzing Google Analytics data across 900 blogs across 25 multisite instances? It involves designing a user-friendly interface, leveraging the WordPress REST API, implementing a plugin …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-27T16:09:14Z","content":"The mission: Provide a dashboard within the WordPress admin area for browsing Google Analytics data for all your blogs.\r\nThe catch? You’ve got about 900 live blogs, spread across about 25 WordPress m… [+23999 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Anyka Pettigrew","title":"Yakuza studio reveals the return of Virtua Fighter and a new title in Project Century","description":"The studio behind the Yakuza games, RGG Studio, presented the return of Virtua Fighter and a new game called Project Century at The Game Awards 2024.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T02:53:37Z","content":"In a surprise reveal during The Game Awards 2024, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio revealed two upcoming games unrelated to its widely beloved Yakuza series — not only the Virtua Fighter franchise making a comeb… [+1266 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Seth Michael Larson","title":"How do I pay the publisher of a web page?","description":"Here's an unanswered question:\n\n\n I have money and I have a URL, how do I send money to the publisher of that URL?\n\n\nURLs tell you where to get content on the web, but they don't tell you\nanything...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T18:49:55Z","content":"Here's an unanswered question:\r\nI have money and I have a URL, how do I send money to the publisher of that URL?\r\nURLs tell you where to get content on the web, but they don't tell you\r\nanything abou… [+5139 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"AlexeyRybakov","title":"[Перевод] Создание адаптивной H5-страницы для различных мобильных устройств","description":"В современной веб-разработке создание H5-страниц, которые корректно отображаются на разных экранах, становится все более важной задачей. В крупных компаниях, таких как Alibaba, в преддверии крупных акций вроде «Китайской Черной пятницы» (12.12), разработчики …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T07:26:46Z","content":"- H5-, , . , Alibaba, « » (12.12), H5-. , , . \r\n :\r\n
- .\r\n
- HTML, CSS JavaScript H5-.\r\n
- , rem .\r\n
1. - \r\n , «» , , -. :\r\n- HTML: .\r\n
- CSS: .\r\n
- … [+2563 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Search Engine Journal"},"author":"Matt G. Southern","title":"AI Crawlers Account For 28% Of Googlebot’s Traffic, Study Finds via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern","description":"Study finds AI web crawlers are gaining ground on traditional search engines, reshaping how websites need to optimize their content.\nThe post AI Crawlers Account For 28% Of Googlebot’s Traffic, Study Finds appeared first on Search Engine Journal.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T19:11:02Z","content":"A report released by Vercel highlights the growing impact of AI bots in web crawling.\r\nOpenAI’s GPTBot and Anthropic’s Claude generate nearly 1 billion requests monthly across Vercel’s network.\r\nThe … [+3603 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"kdubasov","title":"Как же войти в айти в 2025 году и не потратить на это 10 лет жизни","description":"Сфера IT продолжает стремительно развиваться (даже слишком), но в России конкуренция за рабочие места в этой области становится всё более жёсткой. Тем не менее, даже в условиях высокой конкуренции вы можете добиться успеха, если будете двигаться в правильном …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T20:28:07Z","content":"IT ( ), . , , . / .\r\n1. \r\n , , , :\r\n , - , , , , DevOps-. , , , , . , , .\r\nit, . , middle frontend , 1200 , 40 , , , , ( ).\r\n, , , , , , . , . , .\r\n2. \r\n IT, :\r\n , , , , , 1 , . , , .\r\n3. \r\nJav… [+639 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-29T07:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1479 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: One Month","description":"Joseph sends us a tried and true classic: bad date handling code, in JavaScript. We've all seen so much bad date handling code that it takes something special to make me do the \"confused dog\" head tilt.\nvar months=new Array(13);\nmonths[1]='January';\nmonths[2]…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T06:30:00Z","content":"Joseph sends us a tried and true classic: bad date handling code, in JavaScript. We've all seen so much bad date handling code that it takes something special to make me do the \"confused dog\" head ti… [+1073 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"The Law of Diminishing Returns","description":"Striking the right balance can be tough. We don’t want cool mama bear's porridge or hot papa's bear porridge, but something right in the middle, like baby bear’s porridge.\n\nThe Law of Diminishing Returns originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of th…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T16:20:24Z","content":"Some animation can make things feel natural. Too many animations becomes distracting.\r\nSome line spacing can help legibility. Too much hurts it.\r\nSome alt text is contextual. Too much alt text is noi… [+1381 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Apple Pay finally has an alternative on the iPhone, and it’s a big deal","description":"Since its release, Apple Pay has been the only contactless payment service available on the iPhone. Now, that's changing.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T18:27:42Z","content":"The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has forced a lot of companies to change their practices in order to comply with these guidelines. While the GDPR is a European-focused set of rules, cons… [+1572 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Joe Allen","title":"Brian Cox still isn’t sure about Jeremy Strong’s method acting approach","description":"The actor has maintained that he thinks his former co-star would be a better actor if he ditched the method approach.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T15:22:13Z","content":"Few actors today are willing to say exactly what they think, but thankfully, we’ve still got Brian Cox. The former star of Succession released his memoir in 2022, and in it, he was unsparing about hi… [+1487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Tomas Franzese","title":"Fortnite is finally getting a first-person mode next week","description":"Ballistic is the long-awaited first-person shooter mode for Fortnite, and it's out next week.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T14:30:11Z","content":"Fortnite Ballistic, the long-awaited first-person mode for Epic Games’ hit battle royale shooter Fortnite, will finally come to the game on December 11.\r\nEpic Games first teased a first-person Fortni… [+1591 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Jesse Lennox","title":"Onimusha returns with a surprise reveal at The Game Awards 2024","description":"After 18 years of no new entries in the franchise, Onimusha: Way of the Sword showed up at The Game Awards 2024 with a new trailer and release window.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T03:08:23Z","content":"The first new entry in Capcom’s samurai horror franchise in 18 years, Onimusha: Way of the Sword took everyone by surprise with its return at The Game Awards 2024. A brief trailer gave us a taste of … [+1520 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Jeremy Allen White joins The Mandalorian & Grogu cast as Jabba the Hutt’s son","description":"Jeremy Allen White has joined the cast of The Mandalorian & Grogu as Rotta the Hutt, the son of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T17:10:26Z","content":"Jeremy Allen White is heading to the Star Wars universe. The two-time Emmy winner will star in The Mandalorian & Grogu as Rotta the Hutt, the son of the slug-like crime lord Jabba the Hutt.\r\nRott… [+1652 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Henry Cavill shares exciting update about Warhammer 40,000 TV show at Amazon","description":"Henry Cavill shared an exciting update about Warhammer 40,000, an upcoming live-action TV show for Amazon Prime Video.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T12:20:05Z","content":"Henry Cavill is one step closer to making his long-awaited live-action adaptation of Warhammer 40,000. A TV show is now officially in development at Amazon MGM Studios. The announcement comes two yea… [+1690 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"New renders provide a clear look at the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra and S25 Plus","description":"New Samsung Galaxy S25 Plus and S25 Ultra renders have emerged, showing the design differences between the two phones.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:21:57Z","content":"Samsung has taken steps in the past to handle leaks, but that hasn’t slowed the flow of information this year. The Samsung Galaxy S25 lineup barely has any secrets left given all the information we’v… [+1541 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Stalker 2’s 110GB patch includes a whopping 1800 updates","description":"Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is getting a much-needed update to fix the buggy A-Life system. The patch is 110GB, with more than 1,800 changes.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:27:19Z","content":"After its troubled launch, Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is getting the care it needs with a new patch that changes more than 1,800 aspects of the game, most notably its notorious A-Life system. Ther… [+1581 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"John Higgins","title":"GoldenEar Speakers joins Paradigm, MartinLogan, and Anthem","description":"GoldenEar Speakers has been acquired by PML Sound International, bringing the audio brand together with Paradigm, MartinLogan, and Anthem.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T18:58:35Z","content":"After the news last month that Bose had acquired the McIntosh Group, we have another interesting shift in the premium audio world. PML Sound International — the parent company of storied audio brands… [+1616 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Ram postpones electric pickup to 2026 as Ramcharger plug-in hybrid takes the limelight","description":"Ram's first electric pickup truck has been postponed to 2026, while the Ramcharger plug-in hybrid (PHEV) will take center stage next year.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-21T17:07:34Z","content":"It seems to be yet another sign that hybrids are leading the charge forward as sales of electric vehicles (EVs) slow.\r\nGiant auto group Stellantis is reshuffling the planned launches of two much-awai… [+1709 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Yellowstone spinoff: Kelly Reilly, Cole Hauser reprise roles in new series","description":"The Yellowstone universe will continue with a spinoff series starring Kelly Reilly and Cole Hauser as Beth Dutton and Rip Wheeler.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T17:20:05Z","content":"The biggest question surrounding this Sunday night’s Yellowstone season 5, part 2 finale revolves around the future of the Dutton family. Will Yellowstone end for good, or will the series continue in… [+1733 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Bryan M. Wolfe","title":"Your Google Maps app is about to look different. Here’s what’s changing","description":"Another design change has been made to the popular Google Maps app for Android. Here it is.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T16:13:00Z","content":"If you own an Android device such as a Samsung Galaxy S24 or Google Pixel 9 Pro, there is a small design update coming to the Google Maps app that aims to enhance its visual appearance and user exper… [+1444 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Friday Night Lights reboot heads to Peacock. How does it differ from the original?","description":"Peacock has won the competitive bidding war for Friday Night Lights reboot, a TV series about high school football.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T22:47:23Z","content":"Peacock is about to learn the meaning of “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” Per Deadline, Peacock has landed the Friday Night Lights reboot, beating out Netflix for the rights to a new series set… [+1749 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Fortnite faces community backlash over the addition of bots in OG mode","description":"Fortnite OG has enabled bots, but players find the artificially-unintelligent NPCs pose next to no challenge and detract from the battle royale experience.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-08T17:47:57Z","content":"The recent launch of Fortnite OG shot the battle royale title back up the top of the charts, not that it ever really loosened the chokehold it has on the gaming community — and then the launch of the… [+1771 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Aaron Pierre honored to play John Stewart in Lanterns: ‘I’m gonna do my very best’","description":"In a recent interview, Aaron Pierre expressed his excitement to play John Stewart in the upcoming DC series Lanterns.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T12:20:48Z","content":"Aaron Pierre will join the new DC Universe as John Stewart in the upcoming TV series Lanterns, and in an interview with ComicBook, Pierre expressed his excitement for the project and promised to do h… [+1443 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Death of a Unicorn trailer: Paul Rudd, Jenna Ortega confront a mythical animal","description":"Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega play a father and daughter who crash into a mythical creature in the trailer for A24's Death of a Unicorn.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T12:20:50Z","content":"In the trailer for A24’s Death of a Unicorn, Jenna Ortega gets straight to the point when she comes across a mythical animal. “It’s a f**king unicorn.”\r\nWhile embarking on a weekend trip to the house… [+1515 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Honda and Nissan in merger talks to face Tesla, Chinese EV rivals, reports say","description":"Honda and Nissan are discussing a merger that would enable them to better withstand fierce competition from EV rivals.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:56:39Z","content":"Honda and Nissan, Japan’s second- and third-largest automakers, are holding merger talks to create a structure that would enable them to better withstand fierce competition from the likes of Tesla an… [+1850 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Black Bag trailer: Michael Fassbender, Cate Blanchett are spies in a deadly marriage","description":"In the official trailer for Steven Soderbergh's Black Bag, Michael Fassbender's espionage agent must choose between protecting his wife or serving his country.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T12:20:02Z","content":"Michael Fassbender is becoming an espionage expert. Fassbender is currently starring in Showtime’s spy drama The Agency. In 2025, Fassbender teams with Cate Blanchett to play spies facing a marriage … [+1613 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Stellar Blade will get a major holiday-themed update tomorrow","description":"Stellar Blade is getting a free, holiday-themed update that brings all the festivities of the season into the world of Xion.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T18:38:13Z","content":"Stellar Blade is one of the biggest games on the PlayStation 5 this year, featuring absolutely gorgeous art design and a tough, varied combat system. Now it’s getting a late-year update that brings a… [+1384 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Christine Romero-Chan","title":"Your Google News app is getting a subtle redesign. Here’s what’s changing","description":"Google continues to simplify its first-party apps on Android, this time with Google News.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T20:16:01Z","content":"Google continues to fine-tune its native apps on Android, this time with Google News. This follows the big redesign to Google Maps that happened earlier this year. So what’s new in Google News?\r\nBasi… [+1742 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Hayley Atwell to reprise her role as Agent Carter for Avengers: Doomsday","description":"Hayley Atwell is returning to Marvel. The actress will reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter in Avengers: Doomsday.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T21:56:28Z","content":"Marvel is bringing back another old friend for the next Avengers saga. Per Deadline, Hayley Atwell will reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter for Avengers: Doomsday. The news comes days after Chris … [+1765 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Superman teaser trailer previews David Corenswet as a battered Man of Steel","description":"The first teaser trailer for Superman has been released. The Superman footage previews David Corenswet as the Man of Steel.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:48:48Z","content":"“Home. Take me home,” a bloodied Man of Steel says to Krypto the Superdog in the first teaser trailer for Superman.\r\nThe teaser begins with an injured Superman (David Corenswet) lying in the snow as … [+1732 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Zero Day teaser trailer: Robert De Niro investigates deadly cyberattack in Netflix series","description":"In the teaser trailer for Netflix's Zero Day, Robert De Niro plays the former U.S. president charged with investigating a devastating cyberattack.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-24T12:20:45Z","content":"A deadly cyberattack rocks the country in the teaser trailer for Zero Day, an upcoming limited series coming to Netflix in 2025.\r\n“3,402 people died on Zero Day,” Robert De Niro’s President George Mu… [+1535 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Trevor Mogg","title":"SpaceX video shows awesome power of Starship rocket in new fire test","description":"SpaceX has performed a static fire test of the mighty Super Heavy booster ahead of the seventh test flight of the Starship rocket.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T01:20:10Z","content":"SpaceX has performed a static fire test of the mighty Super Heavy booster ahead of the seventh test flight of the Starship rocket. Secured firmly to the ground, the rocket’s 33 Raptor engines fired f… [+1689 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"This Batman villain is getting his own movie from a top horror filmmaker","description":"Mike Flanagan is writing the script for the Clayface movie adaptation that will be released through James Gunn's new DC universe.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T21:17:48Z","content":"DC Studios is ready to explore another Batman villain. Per Variety, a Clayface movie from Mike Flanagan has been greenlit.\r\nFilming is expected to begin early next year. The Batman director Matt Reev… [+1694 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Play Elden Ring: Nightreign together with friends in 2025","description":"Elden Ring: Nightreign is a new multiplayer game set in the world you know and love, and it's coming out in 2025.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T01:52:10Z","content":"Elden Ring: Nightreign looks like the already-wild world of The Lands Between mashed up with Monster Hunter for a bit of casual kaiju-slaying, and it looks absolutely amazing. Announced at The Game A… [+1502 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"The Duttons wage war in Montana in the 1923 season 2 teaser trailer","description":"In the 1923 season 2 teaser trailer, the Dutton family embark on the fight of their lives to save the Montana ranch.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T16:27:43Z","content":"Trae Patton / Paramount+\r\n“In Montana, there’s a war over my family’s land, and they’re losing it,” Brandon Sklenar’s Spencer Dutton says in the 1923 season 2 teaser, which premiered following the Ye… [+1780 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"The next iOS 18 update is on its way. Here’s what we know","description":"Your iPhone might have another update just around the corner that could help straighten out any bugs introduced by iOS 18.2.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T15:54:06Z","content":"When iOS 18.2 released just over a week ago, it unlocked a lot of long-awaited features like Image Playground, Visual Intelligence, and improvements to writing tools. Now it seems like another update… [+1520 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Joe Allen","title":"Tom Holland says he doesn’t ‘know anything about’ the Christopher Nolan movie he’s starring in","description":"The actor has been famous for letting secrets about his projects slip, so it might be for the best if he's kept in the dark.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-21T14:41:05Z","content":"It probably makes sense to keep Tom Holland in the dark about his project with Christopher Nolan for as long as possible. The actor is notorious for spoiling films, even and especially when there’s a… [+1581 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Trevor Mogg","title":"This is the coolest video you’ll see of a SpaceX Dragon capsule heading home","description":"Watch a spacecraft depart the space station in a way that you've never seen before.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T01:40:25Z","content":"International Space Station (ISS) astronaut Don Pettit has shared an unusual video (below) showing the latest departure of a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.\r\nIn reality, it takes a considerable period of t… [+1809 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"Onkyo rebrands, teases new powered speakers ahead of CES 2025","description":"Onkyo gives us a glimpse into its next products ahead of CES 2025.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T13:45:11Z","content":"Onkyo has a new brand identity, which you can already see on its website. Admittedly, it’s a lot like its previous branding — same name, same typeface — but now the letters that make up the name Onky… [+1605 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"If your iPhone can handle iOS 18.2, it can probably handle iOS 19","description":"If you're using iOS 18, then you'll be able to install iOS 19, according to a new leak — although some features might be restricted on older devices.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T16:36:56Z","content":"The last few iPhone updates have brought a lot of changes with them. Just take a look at iOS 18.2: it introduced a ton of AI-powered features that had never before been available. If you have an olde… [+1611 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Netflix scores rights to FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2027 and 2031","description":"Netflix continues to grow its slate of live sporting events. The latest addition is the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Read more about the historic agreement.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T16:43:59Z","content":"Netflix’s push into live sports just took its biggest step to date. The streamer has secured the U.S. rights to the FIFA Women’s World Cup for 2027 and 2031. The historic agreement marks the first ti… [+1701 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Not so fast! Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is in the works for 2027","description":"Ahead of the third film, Paramount Pictures is developing Sonic the Hedgehog 4, with the studio eyeing a spring 2027 release.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T20:12:21Z","content":"More adventures with the blue hedgehog are on the horizon. Per Variety, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is in the works at Paramount Pictures. The studio is eyeing a spring 2027 release date.\r\nThe news comes on… [+1678 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Search Engine Journal"},"author":"Matt G. Southern","title":"Google: Host Resources On Different Hostname To Save Crawl Budget via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern","description":"Google recommends hosting website resources on CDNs or subdomains to preserve main site's crawl budget for better indexing.\nThe post Google: Host Resources On Different Hostname To Save Crawl Budget appeared first on Search Engine Journal.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T15:58:50Z","content":"Google Search Central has launched a new series called “Crawling December” to provide insights into how Googlebot crawls and indexes webpages.\r\nGoogle will publish a new article each week this month … [+3165 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Sead Fadilpašić","title":"Javascript files loaded with RATs hits thousands of victims","description":"Hackers are targeting Russians with infostealers deployed via weaponized JavaScript.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T15:27:00Z","content":"
- Kaspersky uncovers new campaign, using malicious JavaScript to deploy RATs
- The RATs are used to deploy two infostealers
- Among the victims are people and businesses in Russia… [+2337 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Gerhard Völkl","title":"heise+ | FlowiseAI: Ein Low-Code-Werkzeug zum Verknüpfen von LLMs in der Praxis","description":"FlowiseAI ermöglicht es, ChatGPT und andere Sprachmodelle wie Chatbots und KI-Agenten zum selbstständigen Erledigen von Aufgaben zu verknüpfen.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T11:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nWer nicht über die nötige Programmiererfahrung verfügt, um große Sprachmodelle (Large Language Models, LLMs) als Assistenten einzurichten oder in eigene Anwendungen einzubinden, d… [+1948 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T07:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1626 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: Building Blocks","description":"Eli sends us something that's not quite a code sample, despite coming from code. It's not a representative line, because it's many lines. But it certainly is representative.\nHere's the end of one of their code files:\n});\n}\n}\n);\n});\n}\n)\n);\n}\n});\n}\n}\n);\n});\n\nI …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T06:30:00Z","content":"Eli sends us something that's not quite a code sample, despite coming from code. It's not a representative line, because it's many lines. But it certainly is representative.\r\nHere's the end of one of… [+392 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"NetEase","title":"JavaScript商標爭奪戰:1.4 萬人聯名請願要求取消甲骨文的 JavaScript 商標所有權","description":"1.4 萬人聯名請願,要求取消甲骨文的 JavaScript 商標所有權近日,根據科技媒體 infoworld 報導,Deno Land 已向美國商標和專利局(USPTO)請願,要求剝奪甲骨文(Oracle)對 JavaScript 商標的所有權,並指控其存在欺詐行為。此舉引發了 JavaScript 社群及整個科技行業的廣泛關注。 \nDeno Land 旗下的 Deno 是一款 JavaScript Runtime。該公司指出,自 2009 年甲骨文從 Sun Microsystems 收購該商標以來,並未銷售…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T07:30:00Z","content":"infoworld Deno Land USPTOOracle JavaScript JavaScript \r\nDeno Land Deno JavaScript Runtime 2009 Sun Microsystems JavaScript \r\n 9 Node.js Deno Ryan DahlJavaScript Brendan Eich JavaScript 14000 \r\nRyan… [+773 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"XMLRPC npm Library Turns Malicious, Steals Data, Deploys Crypto Miner","description":"Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a software supply chain attack that has remained active for over a year on the npm package registry by starting off as an innocuous library and later adding malicious code to steal sensitive data and mine cryptocurren…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-28T10:48:00Z","content":"Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a software supply chain attack that has remained active for over a year on the npm package registry by starting off as an innocuous library and later adding … [+3892 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"AI Could Generate 10,000 Malware Variants, Evading Detection in 88% of Case","description":"Cybersecurity researchers have found that it's possible to use large language models (LLMs) to generate new variants of malicious JavaScript code at scale in a manner that can better evade detection.\n\"Although LLMs struggle to create malware from scratch, cri…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-23T13:48:00Z","content":"Cybersecurity researchers have found that it's possible to use large language models (LLMs) to generate new variants of malicious JavaScript code at scale in a manner that can better evade detection.… [+4262 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"GlobalSign_admin (GlobalSign)","title":"Парольная защита статичной HTML-страницы на JS","description":"Обычно парольная защита производится через веб-сервер, который проверяет пароль и выдаёт контент. Стандартный способ: .htaccess и htpasswd. Но что, если нужно выложить зашифрованную веб-страницу и файлы на публичном хостинге, где у нас нет контроля над сервер…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T19:01:15Z","content":"-, . : .htaccesshtpasswd. , - , ? StatiCryptPortable Secret.\r\nHTML StatiCrypt AES-256 WebCrypto, , ( test).\r\nStatiCrypt , , , GitHub Pages.\r\n, . , , , , . \r\nJavaScript, , . -, - .\r\n- StatiCrypt. HTML… [+412 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"severstal (Северсталь)","title":"Цифровизация «Северстали»: раннее выявление и устранение неисправностей","description":"Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Осминкин Ярослав, я работаю руководителем службы мониторинга состояния оборудования дирекции по ремонтам, и сегодня я поделюсь с вами нашим опытом из компании «Северсталь» по использованию цифровых инструментов для раннего выявления н…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T12:07:05Z","content":"! , , «» .\r\n , , (). .\r\n , 2010- «» . , , « ». \r\n.\r\n . \r\n , . , .\r\n , , . - .\r\n : () «», «», «», , «» ( ) «» ( ).\r\n, , IT- «-». : , IT. IT- , .\r\n , : () (). , .\r\n «»\r\n 2013 , , . , , , , . , , .\r\n , … [+1172 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Hybrid vehicle sales reach U.S. record, but EV sales drop in third quarter","description":"The share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales continued to grow in the U.S. in the third quarter.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T22:07:22Z","content":"The share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales continued to grow in the U.S. in the third quarter, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported this month.\r\nTaken together, sales of purely el… [+2216 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Indie game marketplace got taken down due to a faulty Funko AI","description":" was offline for a few hours, and it was all due to Funko and an AI tool it uses to generate claims, claims.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T16:34:53Z","content":", a popular indie game marketplace, was down yesterday and today because of Funko, according to an X post shared by claims that the company behind Funko Pops uses “some trash… [+2213 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Blair Marnell","title":"Chris Evans will return to the MCU for Avengers: Doomsday. But who is he going to play?","description":"Over half a decade after stepping away from his role as Captain America, Chris Evans will return to the Avengers franchise in Avengers: Doomsday.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T01:40:47Z","content":"Table of Contents\r\nTable of Contents\r\nChris Evans could play Cap … or another notable superhero\r\nCan there be two Captain Americas in the MCU?\r\nAfter stepping down from his role as Captain America at… [+2025 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nadeem Sarwar","title":"OnePlus could return to the “mini” flagship formula in 2025","description":"OnePlus is reportedly working on a top-tier compact phone that will embrace Qualcomm’s flagship silicon, a 50-megapixel Sony camera, and a fresh design.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T18:07:15Z","content":"OnePlus is merely weeks away from introducing its latest flagship in the international market, and is also eyeing the market arrival of its Ace 5 series smartphones in China. But it seems there is an… [+2250 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"Apple Music adds three new radio stations for Latin, club, and chill fans","description":"The addition of three new stations doubles the number of Apple Music's live hosted channels.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T15:47:05Z","content":"Apple Music has just doubled the number of its live hosted radio stations from three to six, with the addition of Apple Música Uno, Apple Music Club, and Apple Music Chill. The new stations are avail… [+2199 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"See the majestic Southern Pinwheel Galaxy in this Dark Energy Camera image","description":"The striking Southern Pinwheel Galaxy is one of the brightest barred spiral galaxies in the sky.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T18:30:11Z","content":"An image from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) shows a striking celestial sight: the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, a gorgeous face-on galaxy that is one of the closest and brightest barred spiral galaxies … [+2292 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Jesse Lennox","title":"The Witcher IV gets a surprise reveal at The Game Awards","description":"The Witche IV was unveiled at The Game Awards 2024 and shows Ciri as the new protagonist.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T01:40:08Z","content":"CD Projekt made a massive surprise announcement early in The Game Awards 2024 with a cinematic trailer for The Witcher IV. This new chapter in the epic RPG saga will give Ciri the spotlight as the ne… [+1751 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"iHeartRadio’s new app adds lyrics and might make your car radio obsolete","description":"The popular live radio app now offers features that make it more like the radio in your car.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T19:24:09Z","content":"iHeartMedia\r\niHeartRadio has launched a redesign of its mobile app — the first major overhaul since it debuted in 2011 — and it might make you ditch your car’s radio controls. That’s because the new … [+2116 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"Astronomers spot strange exoplanet with a tail 350,000 miles long","description":"The recently spotted exoplanet WASP-69 b has a long tail of gas, like a comet.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T14:42:18Z","content":"Astronomers using the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii have made a startling finding: a distant exoplanet with a tail hundreds of thousands of miles long. Planet WASP-69 b is located 164 light-years … [+1950 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Bryan M. Wolfe","title":"RCS messaging is now live in iOS 18.2 for Boost Mobile subscribers","description":"RCS messaging is one of the biggest features in iOS 18. Thanks to the iOS 18.2 update, it's now live for Boost Mobile users.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T16:24:07Z","content":"This week, Apple released iOS 18.2. Though the update is mostly being advertised for its new Apple Intelligence features, it also includes another feature long promised for certain U.S. iPhone users.… [+2134 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Samsung’s next stylus may take inspiration from the Apple Pencil","description":"The next Samsung Galaxy Z Fold might be a lot thinner, with an S-Pen that looks eerily familiar to another popular stylus.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T15:09:41Z","content":"In its quest for thinner, lighter phones, Samsung is considering a new design for the iconic S-Pen. The next Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 7 could be a bit thinner than the current model, with an S-Pen that … [+1875 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"Boeing Starliner astronauts will stay in space a little while longer","description":"Two astronauts who traveled to space on the troubled Boeing Starliner spacecraft will have their stay extended a little longer.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:04:17Z","content":"Two NASA astronauts who traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) on the troubled Boeing Starliner spacecraft will be having their stay in space extended yet again, as they will now not retur… [+2296 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Alex Welch","title":"Captain America 4 director says it’s great to return to a ‘rage monster’ Hulk","description":"Captain America: Brave New World is going back to basics with Harrison Ford's Red Hulk.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T12:30:29Z","content":"In Captain America: Brave New World, Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) isn’t just going to be electepresident of the United States — he’s also going to transform at one point in the film into a red-skinn… [+2236 chars]"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"status":"ok","totalResults":3690,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":" (Mariana Beldi)","title":"An Introduction To CSS Scroll-Driven Animations: Scroll And View Progress Timelines","description":"10 years after scroll-driven animations were first proposed, they’re finally here — no JavaScript, no dependencies, no libraries, just pure CSS.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T15:00:00Z","content":"You can safely use scroll-driven animations in Chrome as of December 2024. Firefox supports them, too, though youll need to enable a flag. Safari? Not yet, but dont worry — you can still offer a seam… [+26593 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"InfoWorld"},"author":"Nick Hodges","title":"Just Say No to JavaScript","description":"JavaScript gives you too many ways to shoot yourself in the foot. Just what you’d expect from a programming language that was created in a week.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T09:41:16Z","content":"First, you can start with TypeScript at your own pace. It’s not all or nothing. All JavaScript code is TypeScript code. I (mostly) joke that I will be happy to charge a nice fee to convert all JavaSc… [+1234 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"[object Object]","title":"JavaScript Benchmarking Is a Mess","description":"Design decisions core to JavaScript have caused a multitude of problems for benchmarking. Is there a solution to this?","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-24T12:37:45Z","content":"I hate benchmarking code, just like any human (which, at this point, most viewers of this probably arent ¯\\_()_/¯). It is much more fun to pretend that your caching of a value increased performance 1… [+10207 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"boardgameio","title":" an engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript","description":"State Management and Multiplayer Networking for Turn-Based Games - boardgameio/","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T10:50:20Z","content":"Read the Documentation\r\ is an engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript.\r\nWrite simple functions that describe how the game state changes\r\nwhen a particular move is made. Thi… [+1734 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Darren Coles","title":"EstyJS 2.0 (emulator for the Atari ST, written in 100% pure JavaScript)","description":"Javascript based Atari ST Emulator","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-11-29T20:40:05Z","content":"Atari ST\r\nThe Atari ST was a 16 bit home computer that was very popular in the late 80's and early 90's.\r\nIt was the direct competitor of the Commodore Amiga and both machines were based upon the 680… [+1623 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Native Dual-Range Input","description":"Two native range inputs and fifty lines of JavaScript to make them work together.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T18:39:52Z","content":"I just released @stanko/dual-range-input - a native dual-range input. Here is how it looks with the default styles:\r\nThe \"native\" part is somewhat open for discussion. I call it native because the li… [+4728 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Dennis Schirrmacher","title":"Supply-Chain-Attacke: Solana web3.js-Bibliothek war mit Schadcode verseucht","description":"Unbekannte Angreifer haben Solanas JavaScript-SDK mit Schadcode zum Stehlen von privaten Schlüsseln ausgestattet.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-06T08:37:00Z","content":"Wer jüngst das JavaScript SDK web3.js von Solana aus dem Paketmanager npm heruntergeladen hat, hat sich unter Umständen Schadcode eingefangen. Der Ursprung ist wahrscheinlich eine Phishing-Attacke au… [+1416 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Show HN: @smoores/epub, a JavaScript library for working with EPUB publications","description":"Latest version: 0.1.1, last published: 2 days ago. Start using @smoores/epub in your project by running `npm i @smoores/epub`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @smoores/epub.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T19:52:26Z","content":"A Node.js library for inspecting, modifying, and creating EPUB 3 publications.\r\nnpm:\r\nnpm install @smoores/epub\r\nyarn:\r\nThroughout this library's documentation, there will be many references to\r\nthe … [+30618 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"hacker-news","name":"Hacker News"},"author":null,"title":"Wasp (YC W21) is hiring a framework engineer to build Rails for JavaScript","description":"Comments","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-14T17:00:38Z","content":"We are Matija and Martin, founders of Wasp ( and twin brothers. Were building a Rails/Laravel-like full-stack framework that is designed to be stack and architecture-agnostic. … [+1545 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"msmash","title":"Google's New Jules AI Agent Will Help Developers Fix Buggy Code","description":"Google has announced an experimental AI-powered code agent called \"Jules\" that can automatically fix coding errors for developers. From a report: Jules was introduced today alongside Gemini 2.0, and uses the updated Google AI model to create multi-step plans …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T20:01:00Z","content":"Jules was introduced today alongside Gemini 2.0, and uses the updated Google AI model to create multi-step plans to address issues, modify multiple files, and prepare pull requests for Python and Jav… [+765 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"oils-for-unix","title":"The Biggest Shell Programs in the World (Wiki)","description":"Oils is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime. It's also for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell! - oils-for-unix/oils","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T00:59:11Z","content":"Help me fill out this page! It's freely editable.\r\nWhat programs should be listed? I'm using \"biggest\" in the sense of substantial, not necessarily the raw number of lines.\r\n
- Hand-written shel… [+4416 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Fatuma Abdullaho","title":"How to Create Multi-Step Forms With Vanilla JavaScript and CSS","description":"When was the last time you developed a multi-step form? There’s so much to think about and so many moving pieces that need to be managed. But doing it by hand can be a good exercise and a great way to polish the basics. Fatuma Abdullaho walks you through her …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T15:03:22Z","content":"Multi-step forms are a good choice when your form is large and has many controls. No one wants to scroll through a super-long form on a mobile device. By grouping controls on a screen-by-screen basis… [+24461 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Korben","title":" - Un CDN pour importer directement vos modules JavaScript","description":"Aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler d’une solution qui va considérablement simplifier votre vie de pauvre développeur web au service de la startup nation. Vous en avez marre de vous taper des configurations Webpack interminables et des dépendances npm qui s’accu…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T08:00:00Z","content":"Aujourd’hui, je vais vous parler d’une solution qui va considérablement simplifier votre vie de pauvre développeur web au service de la startup nation. Vous en avez marre de vous taper des configurat… [+3103 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"MacRumors"},"author":"Juli Clover","title":"Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 210 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements","description":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed Safari Technology Preview to allow users to test features that are planned for future release versions of the S…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:11:09Z","content":"Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview, the experimental browser that was first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed Safari Technology Preview to allow users to test fe… [+977 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Structured Outputs with Ollama","description":"Ollama now supports structured outputs making it possible to constrain a model's output to a specific format defined by a JSON schema. The Ollama Python and JavaScript libraries have been updated to support structured outputs.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T01:12:32Z","content":"Ollama now supports structured outputs making it possible to constrain a model’s output to a specific format defined by a JSON schema. The Ollama Python and JavaScript libraries have been updated to … [+6677 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"EditorDavid","title":"Mozilla's Announces 'JavaScriptmas' - Daily Coding Challenges with a Chance at Prizes","description":"Mozilla's developer blog is announcing \"JavaScriptmas\".\n\n [F]rom December 1st to December 24th, we will release a fun, daily coding challenge for you to solve on [code-learning platform] Scrimba. Each challenge comes with an introductory screencast called \"sc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-06T15:34:00Z","content":"[F]rom December 1st to December 24th, we will release a fun, daily coding challenge for you to solve on [code-learning platform] Scrimba. Each challenge comes with an introductory screencast called \"… [+1345 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Jean Mazouni","title":"Creating the Morphing Effect of the Luma Dream Machine Website","description":"Learn how to create this powerful morphing effect with only JavaScript using the Canvas2D API.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T11:25:10Z","content":"From our sponsor:Ready to show your plugin skills? Enter the Penpot Plugins Contest (Nov 15-Dec 15) to win cash prizes! \r\nToday I’m going to share some technical insights about the morphing effect I … [+3873 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"pureacetone","title":"JavaScript: Удобство или Угроза? Размышления о Приватности и Вебе","description":"В кругу людей, которые заботятся о своей приватности и что-то смыслят в технологиях, JavaScript пользуется дурной славой. Как правило, его отключают через специальные браузерные расширения и негодуют на онлайн-ресурсы, которые вынуждают включать JavaScript дл…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T23:26:50Z","content":", . - (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera ..) \" \", , .\r\n, , : HTML, CSS JavaScript ( ECMAScript). , . JavaScript, , , , -. JavaScript , HTML/CSS, , , , . JS : - 3D-. JavaScript , , , , .\r\n , , - , JS . ,… [+1488 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"Building HTML in Go","description":"templ - build HTML with Go","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T09:03:57Z","content":"Create components that render fragments of HTML and compose them to create screens, pages, documents, or apps.\r\n
- Server-side rendering: Deploy as a serverless function, Docker container, or st… [+572 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"By_kosha","title":"Моя боль в JavaScript: когда this и переменные становятся головоломкой","description":"Не спорю и не критикую учебные подходы. Просто делюсь своей болью: как тавтология в примерах наследования ( = name) вгоняла в ступор на старте. Читать далее","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T14:28:50Z","content":". : ( = name) . \r\n, this, , = name. , .\r\n :\r\nfunction Person(name, age, gender) {\r\n = name;\r\n this.age = age;\r\n this.gender = gender;\r\n}\r\n, « ». , , this.namename, this.\r… [+57 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Fabian Deitelhoff","title":"(g+) Softwareentwicklung: Von Pinia bis Vuetify - Bibliotheken für Vue.js","description":"Bibliotheken erweitern die Möglichkeiten von Frameworks wie Vue enorm. Etliche Projekte bringen viele Features ein - hier einige Highlights. Von Fabian Deitelhoff (Javascript, API)","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-01T09:00:02Z","content":"Besuchen Sie wie gewohnt mit Werbung und Tracking,\r\n indem Sie der Nutzung aller Cookies zustimmen.\r\n Details zum Tracking finden Sie im Privacy Center.\r\nSkript wurde nicht geladen. Informat… [+607 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Ryan Trimble","title":"One of Those “Onboarding” UIs, With Anchor Positioning","description":"We can anchor one element to another. We can also attach one element to multiple anchors. In this experiment, Ryan riffs on those ideas and comes up with a new way to transition between two anchors and the result is a practical use case that would normally re…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T14:02:13Z","content":"Welcome to “Anchor Positioning 101” where we will be exploring this interesting new CSS feature. Our textbook for this class will be the extensive “Anchor Positioning Guide” that Juan Diego Rodriguez… [+21681 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Android Central"},"author":" (Brady Snyder)","title":"Chrome doubled its Speedometer scores on Android with the help of Snapdragon 8 Elite","description":"Chrome achieved impressive Speedometer benchmark scores, and Google is sharing how it did it.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T20:31:18Z","content":"What you need to know\r\n
- Google shared that it managed to double Chrome's score in Speedometer 2.1, a browser benchmark, on Android devices.
- The feat was achieved by optimizing Chrome f… [+2920 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Javier Pastor","title":"Hay un nuevo lenguaje de programación que está rompiendo moldes. El inglés","description":"En enero de 2023 ChatGPT apenas había comenzado a dar sus primeros pasos. Y sin embargo, Andrej Karpathy, exdirector de IA en Tesla, lo tuvo claro. \"El nuevo lenguaje de programación más candente es el inglés\". En realidad no fue el primero en decirlo, pero l…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T07:01:01Z","content":"En enero de 2023 ChatGPT apenas había comenzado a dar sus primeros pasos. Y sin embargo, Andrej Karpathy, exdirector de IA en Tesla, lo tuvo claro. \"El nuevo lenguaje de programación más candente es … [+3419 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Kalach (МТС)","title":"JavaScript-фреймворки и библиотеки, на которые стоит обратить внимание в 2025 году","description":"Привет! Это Саша Калач, разработчик в МТС Диджитал. Сегодня поделюсь подборкой фреймворков и библиотек, которые могут быть полезны JavaScript-разработчику. О самых известных, вроде React, Vue.js, Next.js, говорить не буду, о них и так все знают. Вместо этого …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T08:00:34Z","content":"! , . , JavaScript-. , React, Vue.js, Next.js, , . . , . !\r\nSvelte\r\n2016 . DOM . Svelte , JavaScript, CSS HTML.\r\n :\r\n
- . Svelte JavaScript, .\r\n
- « ». .\r\n
- DOM. .\r\n
- . .… [+1721 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"the-next-web","name":"The Next Web"},"author":"Kirstie McDermott","title":"These will be the most in-demand programming languages in 2025","description":"Across Europe, skills shortages are emerging as a key challenge. The Council of the European Union says this is driven by demographic change, demand for new skillsets, and poor working conditions in some sectors. Adding to that, a recent report highlighted th…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-23T14:38:18Z","content":"Across Europe, skills shortages are emerging as a key challenge. The Council of the European Union says this is driven by demographic change, demand for new skillsets, and poor working conditions in … [+4911 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Kirill_Live (ГК ЛАНИТ)","title":"Как мы превратили рутинную работу в удовольствие: история создания плагина для Р7-Офиса","description":"Многие компании продолжают активно использовать Excel и язык макросов VBA для обработки и анализа данных. Однако с переходом на отечественные офисные решения (например, Р7-Офис) появилась необходимость в разработке новых инструментов обработки данных на JavaS…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T07:01:56Z","content":"Excel VBA . (, 7-) JavaScript. \r\n 7- , Excel. , .\r\n, , Excel 7-. no-code (, JavaScript). , .\r\n: \r\n , 7- . . .\r\n , , . , , . , .\r\n no-code 7-. , , .\r\n ?\r\n , 7- , . , JavaScript . \r\n , , -. 7- . \r\n A… [+548 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":null,"title":"The Humble for Loop in Rust","description":"Rust has some really nice functional programming facilities built in, all\naround an iterator concept. Rust being focused on performance and low level\ncontrol makes it possible to use this without paying a performance cost.\nSometimes I still prefer to use the …","url":"","urlToImage":null,"publishedAt":"2024-12-12T20:10:49Z","content":"Rust has some really nice functional programming facilities built in, all\r\naround an iterator concept. Rust being focused on performance and low level\r\ncontrol makes it possible to use this without p… [+13330 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"Horns&Hooves Campaign Delivers RATs via Fake Emails and JavaScript Payloads","description":"A newly discovered malware campaign has been found to target private users, retailers, and service businesses mainly located in Russia to deliver NetSupport RAT and BurnsRAT.\nThe campaign, dubbed Horns&Hooves by Kaspersky, has hit more than 1,000 victims sinc…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T05:23:00Z","content":"A newly discovered malware campaign has been found to target private users, retailers, and service businesses mainly located in Russia to deliver NetSupport RAT and BurnsRAT.\r\nThe campaign, dubbed Ho… [+3594 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"galqiwi (Яндекс)","title":"Запускаем 8B LLM в браузере:","description":"Меня долгое время интересовал запуск больших языковых моделей на пользовательских устройствах: есть что‑то в том, чтобы запустить одну из лучших языковых моделей на обычном домашнем компьютере или на мобильном телефоне, помещающемся в карман. В этом посте я р…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T08:02:47Z","content":": , , . \r\n\r\n. Llama 3.1 8B, WebAssembly GPU, , \r\n.\r\n.\r\n 8B\r\n . , , Llama 3.2 1B Llama 3.2 3B, .\r\n, 8 , , .\r\n 16 , , , 8B 16 . 4- , nf4, 4 . 2 , … [+662 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"varsa (Гринатом)","title":"Фронт без бэка: как мы сумели собрать тысячу форм в одну систему и не потерять рассудок","description":"Когда три года назад в июле к нам пришли с просьбой сделать фронтенд для маленькой системы документооборота, мы оценили задачу в полгода… ТЗ принесли на создание более 1000 разных форм. Обещанные нами полгода перестали казаться спокойными. \n\nЧерез пару недель…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-26T07:00:53Z","content":", 1000 . . 1 , ++ Java. . . , , «» . \r\n JSON\r\n, 16 . , «», . 23 . \r\n- , «». 1, , . «» , . , . \r\n, . , , . : . - , , , . \r\n. , 34 . \r\n, , , 1, Java. 1, , . 1 , . \r\n, - , . , , , . \r\n1, , «- » (, . .).… [+1071 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Hipertextual"},"author":"José María López","title":"Alternativas a Duolingo para aprender cualquier cosa, en pocos minutos, mientras juegas","description":"A todos nos gusta aprender algo nuevo, ya sea un idioma, una destreza física o un conocimiento especializado o de cultura general. Pero a pocos nos gusta estudiar para aprender. Es más. A medida que cumples años, tus capacidades para absorber conocimiento se …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-26T08:00:00Z","content":"A todos nos gusta aprender algo nuevo, ya sea un idioma, una destreza física o un conocimiento especializado o de cultura general. Pero a pocos nos gusta estudiar para aprender. Es más. A medida que … [+7585 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Scott Fennell","title":"WordPress Multi-Multisite: A Case Study","description":"What's it look like to create a dashboard within the WordPress admin for analyzing Google Analytics data across 900 blogs across 25 multisite instances? It involves designing a user-friendly interface, leveraging the WordPress REST API, implementing a plugin …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-27T16:09:14Z","content":"The mission: Provide a dashboard within the WordPress admin area for browsing Google Analytics data for all your blogs.\r\nThe catch? You’ve got about 900 live blogs, spread across about 25 WordPress m… [+23999 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Anyka Pettigrew","title":"Yakuza studio reveals the return of Virtua Fighter and a new title in Project Century","description":"The studio behind the Yakuza games, RGG Studio, presented the return of Virtua Fighter and a new game called Project Century at The Game Awards 2024.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T02:53:37Z","content":"In a surprise reveal during The Game Awards 2024, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio revealed two upcoming games unrelated to its widely beloved Yakuza series — not only the Virtua Fighter franchise making a comeb… [+1266 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Seth Michael Larson","title":"How do I pay the publisher of a web page?","description":"Here's an unanswered question:\n\n\n I have money and I have a URL, how do I send money to the publisher of that URL?\n\n\nURLs tell you where to get content on the web, but they don't tell you\nanything...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T18:49:55Z","content":"Here's an unanswered question:\r\nI have money and I have a URL, how do I send money to the publisher of that URL?\r\nURLs tell you where to get content on the web, but they don't tell you\r\nanything abou… [+5139 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"AlexeyRybakov","title":"[Перевод] Создание адаптивной H5-страницы для различных мобильных устройств","description":"В современной веб-разработке создание H5-страниц, которые корректно отображаются на разных экранах, становится все более важной задачей. В крупных компаниях, таких как Alibaba, в преддверии крупных акций вроде «Китайской Черной пятницы» (12.12), разработчики …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T07:26:46Z","content":"- H5-, , . , Alibaba, « » (12.12), H5-. , , . \r\n :\r\n
- .\r\n
- HTML, CSS JavaScript H5-.\r\n
- , rem .\r\n
1. - \r\n , «» , , -. :\r\n- HTML: .\r\n
- CSS: .\r\n
- … [+2563 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Search Engine Journal"},"author":"Matt G. Southern","title":"AI Crawlers Account For 28% Of Googlebot’s Traffic, Study Finds via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern","description":"Study finds AI web crawlers are gaining ground on traditional search engines, reshaping how websites need to optimize their content.\nThe post AI Crawlers Account For 28% Of Googlebot’s Traffic, Study Finds appeared first on Search Engine Journal.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T19:11:02Z","content":"A report released by Vercel highlights the growing impact of AI bots in web crawling.\r\nOpenAI’s GPTBot and Anthropic’s Claude generate nearly 1 billion requests monthly across Vercel’s network.\r\nThe … [+3603 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"kdubasov","title":"Как же войти в айти в 2025 году и не потратить на это 10 лет жизни","description":"Сфера IT продолжает стремительно развиваться (даже слишком), но в России конкуренция за рабочие места в этой области становится всё более жёсткой. Тем не менее, даже в условиях высокой конкуренции вы можете добиться успеха, если будете двигаться в правильном …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T20:28:07Z","content":"IT ( ), . , , . / .\r\n1. \r\n , , , :\r\n , - , , , , DevOps-. , , , , . , , .\r\nit, . , middle frontend , 1200 , 40 , , , , ( ).\r\n, , , , , , . , . , .\r\n2. \r\n IT, :\r\n , , , , , 1 , . , , .\r\n3. \r\nJav… [+639 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-29T07:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1479 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: One Month","description":"Joseph sends us a tried and true classic: bad date handling code, in JavaScript. We've all seen so much bad date handling code that it takes something special to make me do the \"confused dog\" head tilt.\nvar months=new Array(13);\nmonths[1]='January';\nmonths[2]…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T06:30:00Z","content":"Joseph sends us a tried and true classic: bad date handling code, in JavaScript. We've all seen so much bad date handling code that it takes something special to make me do the \"confused dog\" head ti… [+1073 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Geoff Graham","title":"The Law of Diminishing Returns","description":"Striking the right balance can be tough. We don’t want cool mama bear's porridge or hot papa's bear porridge, but something right in the middle, like baby bear’s porridge.\n\nThe Law of Diminishing Returns originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of th…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-04T16:20:24Z","content":"Some animation can make things feel natural. Too many animations becomes distracting.\r\nSome line spacing can help legibility. Too much hurts it.\r\nSome alt text is contextual. Too much alt text is noi… [+1381 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Apple Pay finally has an alternative on the iPhone, and it’s a big deal","description":"Since its release, Apple Pay has been the only contactless payment service available on the iPhone. Now, that's changing.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T18:27:42Z","content":"The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has forced a lot of companies to change their practices in order to comply with these guidelines. While the GDPR is a European-focused set of rules, cons… [+1572 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Joe Allen","title":"Brian Cox still isn’t sure about Jeremy Strong’s method acting approach","description":"The actor has maintained that he thinks his former co-star would be a better actor if he ditched the method approach.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T15:22:13Z","content":"Few actors today are willing to say exactly what they think, but thankfully, we’ve still got Brian Cox. The former star of Succession released his memoir in 2022, and in it, he was unsparing about hi… [+1487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Tomas Franzese","title":"Fortnite is finally getting a first-person mode next week","description":"Ballistic is the long-awaited first-person shooter mode for Fortnite, and it's out next week.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T14:30:11Z","content":"Fortnite Ballistic, the long-awaited first-person mode for Epic Games’ hit battle royale shooter Fortnite, will finally come to the game on December 11.\r\nEpic Games first teased a first-person Fortni… [+1591 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Jesse Lennox","title":"Onimusha returns with a surprise reveal at The Game Awards 2024","description":"After 18 years of no new entries in the franchise, Onimusha: Way of the Sword showed up at The Game Awards 2024 with a new trailer and release window.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T03:08:23Z","content":"The first new entry in Capcom’s samurai horror franchise in 18 years, Onimusha: Way of the Sword took everyone by surprise with its return at The Game Awards 2024. A brief trailer gave us a taste of … [+1520 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Jeremy Allen White joins The Mandalorian & Grogu cast as Jabba the Hutt’s son","description":"Jeremy Allen White has joined the cast of The Mandalorian & Grogu as Rotta the Hutt, the son of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T17:10:26Z","content":"Jeremy Allen White is heading to the Star Wars universe. The two-time Emmy winner will star in The Mandalorian & Grogu as Rotta the Hutt, the son of the slug-like crime lord Jabba the Hutt.\r\nRott… [+1652 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Henry Cavill shares exciting update about Warhammer 40,000 TV show at Amazon","description":"Henry Cavill shared an exciting update about Warhammer 40,000, an upcoming live-action TV show for Amazon Prime Video.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T12:20:05Z","content":"Henry Cavill is one step closer to making his long-awaited live-action adaptation of Warhammer 40,000. A TV show is now officially in development at Amazon MGM Studios. The announcement comes two yea… [+1690 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"New renders provide a clear look at the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra and S25 Plus","description":"New Samsung Galaxy S25 Plus and S25 Ultra renders have emerged, showing the design differences between the two phones.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:21:57Z","content":"Samsung has taken steps in the past to handle leaks, but that hasn’t slowed the flow of information this year. The Samsung Galaxy S25 lineup barely has any secrets left given all the information we’v… [+1541 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Stalker 2’s 110GB patch includes a whopping 1800 updates","description":"Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is getting a much-needed update to fix the buggy A-Life system. The patch is 110GB, with more than 1,800 changes.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:27:19Z","content":"After its troubled launch, Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is getting the care it needs with a new patch that changes more than 1,800 aspects of the game, most notably its notorious A-Life system. Ther… [+1581 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"John Higgins","title":"GoldenEar Speakers joins Paradigm, MartinLogan, and Anthem","description":"GoldenEar Speakers has been acquired by PML Sound International, bringing the audio brand together with Paradigm, MartinLogan, and Anthem.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T18:58:35Z","content":"After the news last month that Bose had acquired the McIntosh Group, we have another interesting shift in the premium audio world. PML Sound International — the parent company of storied audio brands… [+1616 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Ram postpones electric pickup to 2026 as Ramcharger plug-in hybrid takes the limelight","description":"Ram's first electric pickup truck has been postponed to 2026, while the Ramcharger plug-in hybrid (PHEV) will take center stage next year.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-21T17:07:34Z","content":"It seems to be yet another sign that hybrids are leading the charge forward as sales of electric vehicles (EVs) slow.\r\nGiant auto group Stellantis is reshuffling the planned launches of two much-awai… [+1709 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Yellowstone spinoff: Kelly Reilly, Cole Hauser reprise roles in new series","description":"The Yellowstone universe will continue with a spinoff series starring Kelly Reilly and Cole Hauser as Beth Dutton and Rip Wheeler.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T17:20:05Z","content":"The biggest question surrounding this Sunday night’s Yellowstone season 5, part 2 finale revolves around the future of the Dutton family. Will Yellowstone end for good, or will the series continue in… [+1733 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Bryan M. Wolfe","title":"Your Google Maps app is about to look different. Here’s what’s changing","description":"Another design change has been made to the popular Google Maps app for Android. Here it is.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T16:13:00Z","content":"If you own an Android device such as a Samsung Galaxy S24 or Google Pixel 9 Pro, there is a small design update coming to the Google Maps app that aims to enhance its visual appearance and user exper… [+1444 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Friday Night Lights reboot heads to Peacock. How does it differ from the original?","description":"Peacock has won the competitive bidding war for Friday Night Lights reboot, a TV series about high school football.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T22:47:23Z","content":"Peacock is about to learn the meaning of “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.” Per Deadline, Peacock has landed the Friday Night Lights reboot, beating out Netflix for the rights to a new series set… [+1749 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Fortnite faces community backlash over the addition of bots in OG mode","description":"Fortnite OG has enabled bots, but players find the artificially-unintelligent NPCs pose next to no challenge and detract from the battle royale experience.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-08T17:47:57Z","content":"The recent launch of Fortnite OG shot the battle royale title back up the top of the charts, not that it ever really loosened the chokehold it has on the gaming community — and then the launch of the… [+1771 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Aaron Pierre honored to play John Stewart in Lanterns: ‘I’m gonna do my very best’","description":"In a recent interview, Aaron Pierre expressed his excitement to play John Stewart in the upcoming DC series Lanterns.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T12:20:48Z","content":"Aaron Pierre will join the new DC Universe as John Stewart in the upcoming TV series Lanterns, and in an interview with ComicBook, Pierre expressed his excitement for the project and promised to do h… [+1443 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Death of a Unicorn trailer: Paul Rudd, Jenna Ortega confront a mythical animal","description":"Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega play a father and daughter who crash into a mythical creature in the trailer for A24's Death of a Unicorn.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T12:20:50Z","content":"In the trailer for A24’s Death of a Unicorn, Jenna Ortega gets straight to the point when she comes across a mythical animal. “It’s a f**king unicorn.”\r\nWhile embarking on a weekend trip to the house… [+1515 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Honda and Nissan in merger talks to face Tesla, Chinese EV rivals, reports say","description":"Honda and Nissan are discussing a merger that would enable them to better withstand fierce competition from EV rivals.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:56:39Z","content":"Honda and Nissan, Japan’s second- and third-largest automakers, are holding merger talks to create a structure that would enable them to better withstand fierce competition from the likes of Tesla an… [+1850 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Black Bag trailer: Michael Fassbender, Cate Blanchett are spies in a deadly marriage","description":"In the official trailer for Steven Soderbergh's Black Bag, Michael Fassbender's espionage agent must choose between protecting his wife or serving his country.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T12:20:02Z","content":"Michael Fassbender is becoming an espionage expert. Fassbender is currently starring in Showtime’s spy drama The Agency. In 2025, Fassbender teams with Cate Blanchett to play spies facing a marriage … [+1613 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Stellar Blade will get a major holiday-themed update tomorrow","description":"Stellar Blade is getting a free, holiday-themed update that brings all the festivities of the season into the world of Xion.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T18:38:13Z","content":"Stellar Blade is one of the biggest games on the PlayStation 5 this year, featuring absolutely gorgeous art design and a tough, varied combat system. Now it’s getting a late-year update that brings a… [+1384 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Christine Romero-Chan","title":"Your Google News app is getting a subtle redesign. Here’s what’s changing","description":"Google continues to simplify its first-party apps on Android, this time with Google News.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T20:16:01Z","content":"Google continues to fine-tune its native apps on Android, this time with Google News. This follows the big redesign to Google Maps that happened earlier this year. So what’s new in Google News?\r\nBasi… [+1742 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Hayley Atwell to reprise her role as Agent Carter for Avengers: Doomsday","description":"Hayley Atwell is returning to Marvel. The actress will reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter in Avengers: Doomsday.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T21:56:28Z","content":"Marvel is bringing back another old friend for the next Avengers saga. Per Deadline, Hayley Atwell will reprise her role as Agent Peggy Carter for Avengers: Doomsday. The news comes days after Chris … [+1765 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Superman teaser trailer previews David Corenswet as a battered Man of Steel","description":"The first teaser trailer for Superman has been released. The Superman footage previews David Corenswet as the Man of Steel.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T16:48:48Z","content":"“Home. Take me home,” a bloodied Man of Steel says to Krypto the Superdog in the first teaser trailer for Superman.\r\nThe teaser begins with an injured Superman (David Corenswet) lying in the snow as … [+1732 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Zero Day teaser trailer: Robert De Niro investigates deadly cyberattack in Netflix series","description":"In the teaser trailer for Netflix's Zero Day, Robert De Niro plays the former U.S. president charged with investigating a devastating cyberattack.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-24T12:20:45Z","content":"A deadly cyberattack rocks the country in the teaser trailer for Zero Day, an upcoming limited series coming to Netflix in 2025.\r\n“3,402 people died on Zero Day,” Robert De Niro’s President George Mu… [+1535 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Trevor Mogg","title":"SpaceX video shows awesome power of Starship rocket in new fire test","description":"SpaceX has performed a static fire test of the mighty Super Heavy booster ahead of the seventh test flight of the Starship rocket.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T01:20:10Z","content":"SpaceX has performed a static fire test of the mighty Super Heavy booster ahead of the seventh test flight of the Starship rocket. Secured firmly to the ground, the rocket’s 33 Raptor engines fired f… [+1689 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"This Batman villain is getting his own movie from a top horror filmmaker","description":"Mike Flanagan is writing the script for the Clayface movie adaptation that will be released through James Gunn's new DC universe.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T21:17:48Z","content":"DC Studios is ready to explore another Batman villain. Per Variety, a Clayface movie from Mike Flanagan has been greenlit.\r\nFilming is expected to begin early next year. The Batman director Matt Reev… [+1694 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Play Elden Ring: Nightreign together with friends in 2025","description":"Elden Ring: Nightreign is a new multiplayer game set in the world you know and love, and it's coming out in 2025.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T01:52:10Z","content":"Elden Ring: Nightreign looks like the already-wild world of The Lands Between mashed up with Monster Hunter for a bit of casual kaiju-slaying, and it looks absolutely amazing. Announced at The Game A… [+1502 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"The Duttons wage war in Montana in the 1923 season 2 teaser trailer","description":"In the 1923 season 2 teaser trailer, the Dutton family embark on the fight of their lives to save the Montana ranch.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T16:27:43Z","content":"Trae Patton / Paramount+\r\n“In Montana, there’s a war over my family’s land, and they’re losing it,” Brandon Sklenar’s Spencer Dutton says in the 1923 season 2 teaser, which premiered following the Ye… [+1780 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"The next iOS 18 update is on its way. Here’s what we know","description":"Your iPhone might have another update just around the corner that could help straighten out any bugs introduced by iOS 18.2.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T15:54:06Z","content":"When iOS 18.2 released just over a week ago, it unlocked a lot of long-awaited features like Image Playground, Visual Intelligence, and improvements to writing tools. Now it seems like another update… [+1520 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Joe Allen","title":"Tom Holland says he doesn’t ‘know anything about’ the Christopher Nolan movie he’s starring in","description":"The actor has been famous for letting secrets about his projects slip, so it might be for the best if he's kept in the dark.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-21T14:41:05Z","content":"It probably makes sense to keep Tom Holland in the dark about his project with Christopher Nolan for as long as possible. The actor is notorious for spoiling films, even and especially when there’s a… [+1581 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Trevor Mogg","title":"This is the coolest video you’ll see of a SpaceX Dragon capsule heading home","description":"Watch a spacecraft depart the space station in a way that you've never seen before.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T01:40:25Z","content":"International Space Station (ISS) astronaut Don Pettit has shared an unusual video (below) showing the latest departure of a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.\r\nIn reality, it takes a considerable period of t… [+1809 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"Onkyo rebrands, teases new powered speakers ahead of CES 2025","description":"Onkyo gives us a glimpse into its next products ahead of CES 2025.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T13:45:11Z","content":"Onkyo has a new brand identity, which you can already see on its website. Admittedly, it’s a lot like its previous branding — same name, same typeface — but now the letters that make up the name Onky… [+1605 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"If your iPhone can handle iOS 18.2, it can probably handle iOS 19","description":"If you're using iOS 18, then you'll be able to install iOS 19, according to a new leak — although some features might be restricted on older devices.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T16:36:56Z","content":"The last few iPhone updates have brought a lot of changes with them. Just take a look at iOS 18.2: it introduced a ton of AI-powered features that had never before been available. If you have an olde… [+1611 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Netflix scores rights to FIFA Women’s World Cup in 2027 and 2031","description":"Netflix continues to grow its slate of live sporting events. The latest addition is the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Read more about the historic agreement.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T16:43:59Z","content":"Netflix’s push into live sports just took its biggest step to date. The streamer has secured the U.S. rights to the FIFA Women’s World Cup for 2027 and 2031. The historic agreement marks the first ti… [+1701 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Not so fast! Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is in the works for 2027","description":"Ahead of the third film, Paramount Pictures is developing Sonic the Hedgehog 4, with the studio eyeing a spring 2027 release.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-19T20:12:21Z","content":"More adventures with the blue hedgehog are on the horizon. Per Variety, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is in the works at Paramount Pictures. The studio is eyeing a spring 2027 release date.\r\nThe news comes on… [+1678 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"techradar","name":"TechRadar"},"author":"Sead Fadilpašić","title":"Javascript files loaded with RATs hits thousands of victims","description":"Hackers are targeting Russians with infostealers deployed via weaponized JavaScript.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T15:27:00Z","content":"
- Kaspersky uncovers new campaign, using malicious JavaScript to deploy RATs
- The RATs are used to deploy two infostealers
- Among the victims are people and businesses in Russia… [+2337 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Search Engine Journal"},"author":"Matt G. Southern","title":"Google: Host Resources On Different Hostname To Save Crawl Budget via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern","description":"Google recommends hosting website resources on CDNs or subdomains to preserve main site's crawl budget for better indexing.\nThe post Google: Host Resources On Different Hostname To Save Crawl Budget appeared first on Search Engine Journal.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-03T15:58:50Z","content":"Google Search Central has launched a new series called “Crawling December” to provide insights into how Googlebot crawls and indexes webpages.\r\nGoogle will publish a new article each week this month … [+3165 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Gerhard Völkl","title":"heise+ | FlowiseAI: Ein Low-Code-Werkzeug zum Verknüpfen von LLMs in der Praxis","description":"FlowiseAI ermöglicht es, ChatGPT und andere Sprachmodelle wie Chatbots und KI-Agenten zum selbstständigen Erledigen von Aufgaben zu verknüpfen.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T11:00:00Z","content":"Inhaltsverzeichnis\r\nWer nicht über die nötige Programmiererfahrung verfügt, um große Sprachmodelle (Large Language Models, LLMs) als Assistenten einzurichten oder in eigene Anwendungen einzubinden, d… [+1948 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"heise online"},"author":"Ilona Krause","title":"heise-Angebot: iX-Workshop: Produktiver programmieren mit Github Copilot und ChatGPT","description":"Anwendungen schneller und komfortabler programmieren mit den KI-Funktionen von GitHub Copilot und ChatGPT — eine Praxisanleitung","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T07:00:00Z","content":"Github Copilot ist ein intelligenter Assistent, der Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler bei der Programmierung unterstützt, indem er kontextbezogene Codevorschläge macht und sogar ganze Funktionen beisteu… [+1626 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"Remy Porter","title":"CodeSOD: Building Blocks","description":"Eli sends us something that's not quite a code sample, despite coming from code. It's not a representative line, because it's many lines. But it certainly is representative.\nHere's the end of one of their code files:\n});\n}\n}\n);\n});\n}\n)\n);\n}\n});\n}\n}\n);\n});\n\nI …","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-05T06:30:00Z","content":"Eli sends us something that's not quite a code sample, despite coming from code. It's not a representative line, because it's many lines. But it certainly is representative.\r\nHere's the end of one of… [+392 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"NetEase","title":"JavaScript商標爭奪戰:1.4 萬人聯名請願要求取消甲骨文的 JavaScript 商標所有權","description":"1.4 萬人聯名請願,要求取消甲骨文的 JavaScript 商標所有權近日,根據科技媒體 infoworld 報導,Deno Land 已向美國商標和專利局(USPTO)請願,要求剝奪甲骨文(Oracle)對 JavaScript 商標的所有權,並指控其存在欺詐行為。此舉引發了 JavaScript 社群及整個科技行業的廣泛關注。 \nDeno Land 旗下的 Deno 是一款 JavaScript Runtime。該公司指出,自 2009 年甲骨文從 Sun Microsystems 收購該商標以來,並未銷售…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-02T07:30:00Z","content":"infoworld Deno Land USPTOOracle JavaScript JavaScript \r\nDeno Land Deno JavaScript Runtime 2009 Sun Microsystems JavaScript \r\n 9 Node.js Deno Ryan DahlJavaScript Brendan Eich JavaScript 14000 \r\nRyan… [+773 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"XMLRPC npm Library Turns Malicious, Steals Data, Deploys Crypto Miner","description":"Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a software supply chain attack that has remained active for over a year on the npm package registry by starting off as an innocuous library and later adding malicious code to steal sensitive data and mine cryptocurren…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-11-28T10:48:00Z","content":"Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a software supply chain attack that has remained active for over a year on the npm package registry by starting off as an innocuous library and later adding … [+3892 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Internet"},"author":" (The Hacker News)","title":"AI Could Generate 10,000 Malware Variants, Evading Detection in 88% of Case","description":"Cybersecurity researchers have found that it's possible to use large language models (LLMs) to generate new variants of malicious JavaScript code at scale in a manner that can better evade detection.\n\"Although LLMs struggle to create malware from scratch, cri…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-23T13:48:00Z","content":"Cybersecurity researchers have found that it's possible to use large language models (LLMs) to generate new variants of malicious JavaScript code at scale in a manner that can better evade detection.… [+4262 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"GlobalSign_admin (GlobalSign)","title":"Парольная защита статичной HTML-страницы на JS","description":"Обычно парольная защита производится через веб-сервер, который проверяет пароль и выдаёт контент. Стандартный способ: .htaccess и htpasswd. Но что, если нужно выложить зашифрованную веб-страницу и файлы на публичном хостинге, где у нас нет контроля над сервер…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-22T19:01:15Z","content":"-, . : .htaccesshtpasswd. , - , ? StatiCryptPortable Secret.\r\nHTML StatiCrypt AES-256 WebCrypto, , ( test).\r\nStatiCrypt , , , GitHub Pages.\r\n, . , , , , . \r\nJavaScript, , . -, - .\r\n- StatiCrypt. HTML… [+412 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"severstal (Северсталь)","title":"Цифровизация «Северстали»: раннее выявление и устранение неисправностей","description":"Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Осминкин Ярослав, я работаю руководителем службы мониторинга состояния оборудования дирекции по ремонтам, и сегодня я поделюсь с вами нашим опытом из компании «Северсталь» по использованию цифровых инструментов для раннего выявления н…","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T12:07:05Z","content":"! , , «» .\r\n , , (). .\r\n , 2010- «» . , , « ». \r\n.\r\n . \r\n , . , .\r\n , , . - .\r\n : () «», «», «», , «» ( ) «» ( ).\r\n, , IT- «-». : , IT. IT- , .\r\n , : () (). , .\r\n «»\r\n 2013 , , . , , , , . , , .\r\n , … [+1172 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nick Godt","title":"Hybrid vehicle sales reach U.S. record, but EV sales drop in third quarter","description":"The share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales continued to grow in the U.S. in the third quarter.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T22:07:22Z","content":"The share of electric and hybrid vehicle sales continued to grow in the U.S. in the third quarter, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported this month.\r\nTaken together, sales of purely el… [+2216 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Indie game marketplace got taken down due to a faulty Funko AI","description":" was offline for a few hours, and it was all due to Funko and an AI tool it uses to generate claims, claims.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-09T16:34:53Z","content":", a popular indie game marketplace, was down yesterday and today because of Funko, according to an X post shared by claims that the company behind Funko Pops uses “some trash… [+2213 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Blair Marnell","title":"Chris Evans will return to the MCU for Avengers: Doomsday. But who is he going to play?","description":"Over half a decade after stepping away from his role as Captain America, Chris Evans will return to the Avengers franchise in Avengers: Doomsday.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-10T01:40:47Z","content":"Table of Contents\r\nTable of Contents\r\nChris Evans could play Cap … or another notable superhero\r\nCan there be two Captain Americas in the MCU?\r\nAfter stepping down from his role as Captain America at… [+2025 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Nadeem Sarwar","title":"OnePlus could return to the “mini” flagship formula in 2025","description":"OnePlus is reportedly working on a top-tier compact phone that will embrace Qualcomm’s flagship silicon, a 50-megapixel Sony camera, and a fresh design.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-07T18:07:15Z","content":"OnePlus is merely weeks away from introducing its latest flagship in the international market, and is also eyeing the market arrival of its Ace 5 series smartphones in China. But it seems there is an… [+2250 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"Apple Music adds three new radio stations for Latin, club, and chill fans","description":"The addition of three new stations doubles the number of Apple Music's live hosted channels.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T15:47:05Z","content":"Apple Music has just doubled the number of its live hosted radio stations from three to six, with the addition of Apple Música Uno, Apple Music Club, and Apple Music Chill. The new stations are avail… [+2199 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"See the majestic Southern Pinwheel Galaxy in this Dark Energy Camera image","description":"The striking Southern Pinwheel Galaxy is one of the brightest barred spiral galaxies in the sky.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T18:30:11Z","content":"An image from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) shows a striking celestial sight: the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, a gorgeous face-on galaxy that is one of the closest and brightest barred spiral galaxies … [+2292 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Jesse Lennox","title":"The Witcher IV gets a surprise reveal at The Game Awards","description":"The Witche IV was unveiled at The Game Awards 2024 and shows Ciri as the new protagonist.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T01:40:08Z","content":"CD Projekt made a massive surprise announcement early in The Game Awards 2024 with a cinematic trailer for The Witcher IV. This new chapter in the epic RPG saga will give Ciri the spotlight as the ne… [+1751 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Simon Cohen","title":"iHeartRadio’s new app adds lyrics and might make your car radio obsolete","description":"The popular live radio app now offers features that make it more like the radio in your car.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-13T19:24:09Z","content":"iHeartMedia\r\niHeartRadio has launched a redesign of its mobile app — the first major overhaul since it debuted in 2011 — and it might make you ditch your car’s radio controls. That’s because the new … [+2116 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"Astronomers spot strange exoplanet with a tail 350,000 miles long","description":"The recently spotted exoplanet WASP-69 b has a long tail of gas, like a comet.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-11T14:42:18Z","content":"Astronomers using the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii have made a startling finding: a distant exoplanet with a tail hundreds of thousands of miles long. Planet WASP-69 b is located 164 light-years … [+1950 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Bryan M. Wolfe","title":"RCS messaging is now live in iOS 18.2 for Boost Mobile subscribers","description":"RCS messaging is one of the biggest features in iOS 18. Thanks to the iOS 18.2 update, it's now live for Boost Mobile users.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-12T16:24:07Z","content":"This week, Apple released iOS 18.2. Though the update is mostly being advertised for its new Apple Intelligence features, it also includes another feature long promised for certain U.S. iPhone users.… [+2134 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Patrick Hearn","title":"Samsung’s next stylus may take inspiration from the Apple Pencil","description":"The next Samsung Galaxy Z Fold might be a lot thinner, with an S-Pen that looks eerily familiar to another popular stylus.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-17T15:09:41Z","content":"In its quest for thinner, lighter phones, Samsung is considering a new design for the iconic S-Pen. The next Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 7 could be a bit thinner than the current model, with an S-Pen that … [+1875 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Georgina Torbet","title":"Boeing Starliner astronauts will stay in space a little while longer","description":"Two astronauts who traveled to space on the troubled Boeing Starliner spacecraft will have their stay extended a little longer.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-18T22:04:17Z","content":"Two NASA astronauts who traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) on the troubled Boeing Starliner spacecraft will be having their stay in space extended yet again, as they will now not retur… [+2296 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Alex Welch","title":"Captain America 4 director says it’s great to return to a ‘rage monster’ Hulk","description":"Captain America: Brave New World is going back to basics with Harrison Ford's Red Hulk.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T12:30:29Z","content":"In Captain America: Brave New World, Thaddeus Ross (Harrison Ford) isn’t just going to be electepresident of the United States — he’s also going to transform at one point in the film into a red-skinn… [+2236 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Andy Boxall","title":"Google may change a small but crucial chip inside the Pixel 10","description":"For the Pixel 10 series, Google may make a small but important internal change, with a switch from Samsung modems to ones made by MediaTek.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-16T12:48:00Z","content":"The Google Pixel 10 series may break from the Pixel 9 series and use a different, but crucial, new component compared to the previous models. The next Google Pixel phones will use a MediaTek modem ra… [+2074 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Digital Trends"},"author":"Dan Girolamo","title":"Stranger Things season 5 completes filming: ‘That’s a wrap’","description":"Stranger Things season 5 has completed filming. View Netflix's announcement along with behind-the-scenes photos from the final season.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2024-12-20T22:00:25Z","content":"And that’s a wrap for production on Stranger Things season 5. Netflix announced that filming for the fifth and final season of Stranger Things has been completed.\r\n“That’s a wrap on Stranger Things,”… [+1870 chars]"}]}
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