This is a Sudoku app
Please note that button New game is not working because Step 1 must be implemented
Main class:
Sudoku board is loaded from a file but the logic must be implemented inside file:
Your code should be implemented at line 94 (see //TODO...)
This is the file containing a model for Sudoku board:
Please note that the first two lines inside files should be ignored. Here how to read the record:
P;0;2;8 <----- means P(redefined cell ) with value 8 placed inside cell with row 0 and column 2
Each predefined cell must be loaded inside the matrix at line 76:
int[][] predefinedCells = new int[GameModel.ROWS][GameModel.COLS];
Junit test is broken and we have to implement logic in class to let it pass.
Find a way to switch game generation strategy with a config file
A new requirement exists: Changing the game difficulty for the random generated model. This is now set by default set to MEDIUM in the class below.
Note: For the sake of simplicity, game difficulty is supposed to change with the number of hidden cells inside sudoku board. For example, a game is considered easy when the number of predefined cells are is high.
Try to refactor this code to switch game difficulty from a property set inside file that can have three values: EASY, MEDIUM, HARD
- Uml class diagram: docs/sudoku-class-diagram.pdf