Diploma Thesis - University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland. Copyright (c) 2002 Juerg Reusser & Luzian Scherrer.
The term Parasitic Computing was first introduced in August 2001, when scientists at the Notre Dame University, Indiana (USA) found a way to solve mathematical problems using external computational power without knowledge or permission of their respective owners. This Diploma Thesis of the University of Applied Sciences in Bern (Switzerland) does extend that concept into a fully programmable virtual machine that is capable of solving any known problem in classic computer science.
This README only serves as a quick getting started guide. Everything
else is explained in detail in the documents in the docs folder.
The technical main concept is described in Realisierungskonzept.pdf.
The very impatient can just run make install
- Makefile (Top-level makefile)
- code (Subdirectory for example-codes in the defined languages)
- 4ia (Example-codes in the 4ia-language)
- xia (Example-codes in the xia-language)
- src (Sourcecode subdirectory)
- parasit (Parasit core: pshell, 4ia-compiler, virtual machine)
- xia (Xto4 [xia to 4ia] cross-compiler)
- docs (Documentation)
Sun Solaris, GNU Linux, Silicon Graphics IRIX
- A working C compiler http://gcc.gnu.org/
- Flex (Fast lexical analyser generator) http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/
- The GNU Readline Library http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/readline/rltop.html
- Ncurses (new curses) http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/ncurses.html
- A working JAVA compiler http://java.sun.com
- ANT http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/
Alter the variable PREFIX
in the Makefile
if you would like to have
the software installed in a different than the default location
. Then execute (possibly as root):
make install
is a shellscript wrapper to Xto4.jar
; the latter does not have
to be executed directly.
(4ia code examples)PREFIX/share/parasit/xia
(xia code examples