A boilerplate for kicking off a kick-ass Bootstrap design with Ghost.
Install as any other Ghost theme.
- Put it to content/themes/ folder
- Go to www.youradress.com/ghost/settings/general/
- You might have to restart your Ghost.
- Select Invisible from Theme section.
- Save.
The theme should start and say "Hello yes, this is Ghost" for a couple of seconds. It should report missing bootstrap.
(Assuming you have bower installed)
Go to content/themes/transparent
bower install
This will download Bootstrap.
Bower - http://bower.io/
Boostrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
jQuery - is included to Ghost by default, but Bower installs this together with Bootstrap
All files have available tags included as a HTML comments:
default.hbs - Main template. This is where your html, head and body are
index.hbs - also known as front page. Get's included to default.hbs
page.hbs - aka "static page"
post.hbs - aga "single post"
partials/loop.hbs - aka "loop all the posts". It get's called inside index.hbs
If you also need to show the author and tag pages, then get these from Casper:
- tag.hbs - aka "list by tag"
- author.hbs - aka "list by author"
They are all in the "assets" folder. To call them use:
{{asset "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"}}"
{{ghost_head}} prints scripts and styles to top
{{ghost_foot}} prints scripts and styles to bottom
Bower is configured to install into assets folder so
bower install bootstrap
would install bootstrap to assets/boostrap
I'm about to dig into how this would be built :)