Javascript Topics:
- primitives data types
- variables, string, numbers, booleans, undefined, null, NaN
- arithmetic operators
- comparison operators
- logical operators
- conditional statements (if else, switch)
- functions, arguments, return statement, scope
- callbacks, higher order functions
- for loops, while, do while
- Arrays
- declaration
- accessing items
- assignment
- Array methods
- 2D array
- 3D array
- forEach, map, reduce, filter callbacks
- Objects
- difference from arrays
- key value pair
- accessing values
- assigning values
- methods
- for in loop
- this
- hoisting
- scopes
- global
- local scope
- block scope
- closures
- lexical scoping
- Execution context
- strict mode
- solve problems faster by using objects
- recursion
- DOM manipulation
- createElement
- append
- getElementById
- querySelector
- querySelectorAll
- setAttribute
- children methods
- event API, eventListener
- event bubbling
- event capturing
- style and attribute manipulation with DOM
- using AJAX / XHR
- callback, callback hell
- asyncrnonous behavior in javascript
- setTimeout
- setInterval
- event loop
- call stack
- task/event queue
- promises
- promise chaining
- advantage over callbacks
- async, await
- fetch API
- axios
- jQuery
- anonymous functions
- Sets, Map
- modules
- localStorage, cookie, sessionStorage
- ECMAScript, TC39
- polyfill
- tree shaking
- HTTP protocols
- Implementation of Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Trees (Binary Tree, Nary Tree), Graphs
- Traversing, reversing, mirror, and other operations for LinkedList, Trees, Graphs (1st, 2nd, 3rd level)
ES6 and others:
- var let const
- arrow functions
- template literals
- destructuring
- default params
- event loop
- promises, async, await, fetch, axios
- classes
- this
- inheritance, and prototype
- call apply bind
- getters
- setters
- generators
- yield
- BigInt
- Optional Chaining