The Go programming language supports several bitwise operators including the followings:
& bitwise AND
| bitwise OR
^ bitwise XOR
<< left shift
>> right shift
x := 7 //00000111
fmt.Printf("%08b\n", x)
fmt.Println(x, x<<1) //14
fmt.Println(x, x<<2) //28
fmt.Println(x, x<<3) //56
fmt.Println(x, x<<4) //112
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b00000111) //7
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b00001110) //14
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b00011100) //28
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b00111000) //56
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b01110000) //112
fmt.Printf("%d\n", 0b11100000) //224
fmt.Println(x, x>>1) //3 0b00000011
fmt.Println(x, x>>2) //1 0b00000001
fmt.Println(x, x>>3) //0 0b00000000
func add(a, b int64) int64 {
for b != 0 {
// common bits of a and b go to carry
carry := a & b
// xor - sum bits where one is not set
a = a ^ b
// shift carry by 1
b = carry << 1
return a
func subtract(a, b int64) int64 {
for b != 0 {
// common bits of a and b go to borrow
borrow := ^a & b
// xor - sum bits where one is not set
a = a ^ b
// shift borrow by 1
b = borrow << 1
return a