The file murmel-langref.lisp
is an executable language reference manual
for Murmel, a single-namespace Lisp dialect
inspired by Common Lisp.
See also Murmel's default library Mlib which contains additional functions and macros.
The file murmel-langref.lisp
can be read as-is or run with:
$ java -jar jmurmel.jar --repl --echo < murmel-langref.lisp
or transformed to Markdown:
$ sed -nf scripts/langref-to-md.sed murmel-langref.lisp \
Murmel is WIP, please note the section Known issues at the end of this file.
- S-expressions
- Comments
- Predefined Symbols
- Basic Special Forms
- Function application
- Data types
- Reserved words
- Variables and scope
- Additional Special Forms
- Backquote - fill-in templates
- Basic Primitives
- Logic, Predicates
- Conses and lists
- Vectors, Sequences
- Hashtables
- I/O
- Misc
- Time
- Predefined Numeric Primitives
- Predefined Graphics Primitives
- Java FFI
Additional functions that can be loaded with (require "mlib")
"Hello, World!" program written in Murmel:
(jformat t "Hello, World!")
The program text above when run in the REPL should print the famous
Hello, World!
followed by the result of jformat
==> nil
and the prompt JMurmel>
Murmel is a Lisp dialect. As such the language isn't
really defined in terms of program text but in terms
of in-memory objects (lists, symbols and other atoms)
that are acceptable to eval
That said, JMurmel's default reader turns S-expressions
from the input stream into equivalent in-memory objects. So
for this reference we'll use S-expressions to describe
programs that are valid Murmel, i.e. are acceptable to eval
In this reference in-memory objects that are valid Murmel (as well as their textual representation as S-expressions) are referred to as "forms".
The following are S-expressions that JMurmel's reader will accept and transform into in-memory objects. Valid S-expressions may or may not be "forms" (i.e. may or may not eval w/o error).
"a string"
#\a ; the character 'a'
#xff ; the integer number 255 in hex
A single quote '
is a shorthand for (quote form)
see Basic special forms.
Symbols usually start with a letter and are composed of letters, digits and dashes ('-'), but pretty much any token that is not another atom will be parsed as a symbol. Murmel handles symbols similar to Common Lisp, see "CLHS 2.3.4 Symbols as Tokens" for details.
'|a symbol|
'a\ symbol
A dotted pair
'(a . b) ; ==> (a . b)
A dotted list
'(a . (b . (c . d)))
Shorthand for dotted list
'(a b c . d)
A proper list
'(a . (b . (c . ()))) ; ==> (a b c)
Shorthand for a proper list
'(a b c) ; ==> (a b c)
Since: 1.4.6
'(a #1=b #1# c) ; ==> (a b b c)
Note that a label can only be used after it's value was completely read, i.e. `'#1=(a b . #1#) is an error in Murmel (while valid in CL).
Since: 1.3.1
#H(eql k1 v1 k2 v2 k3 v3)
One line comments are started with ;
, i.e. everything between a semicolon
and the end of the line is ignored:
; this is a comment
Multiline comments are started with #|
and ended with |#
This is a
multiline comment.
The pair #!
and !#
can also be used for multiline comments.
and t
are pre-defined self-evaluating symbols.
nil ; ==> nil
t ; ==> t
Murmel treats the symbols nil
and t
the same way
as Mr. Moon specified them in a Memo (see "The Evolution
of Lisp pp 62"):
NIL is a symbol, the empty list, and the distinguished "false" value. SYMBOLP, ATOM, and LISTP are true of it; CONSP is not. CAR, CDR, and EVAL of NIL are NIL. NIL may not be used as a function, nor as a variable.
T is a symbol and the default "true" value used by predicates that are not semi-predicates (i.e., that don’t return "meaningful" values when they are true.) EVAL of T is T. T may not be used as a variable. T is a keyword recognized by certain functions, such as JFORMAT.
contains the resolution
of the time related functions, see below.
internal-time-units-per-second ; ==> 1.0E9
contains the value of the mathematical constant pi
in double precision.
pi ; ==> 3.141592653589793
contains all command line arguments
to the Murmel program. Below example illustrates this:
C:\> java -jar jmurmel.jar -- a b c
JMurmel> *command-line-argument-list*
==> ("a" "b" "c")
Largest acceptable vector index.
These global variables contain the smallest and largest fixnum value.
Since: 1.4
This variable can be set to a function of one parameter.
If *condition-handler*
is non-nil then it will be invoked in case of an error,
the argument will be the condition describing the error.
During invocation of the condition handler it will be disabled:
if the current handler dynamically replaced a previous handler
then the previous handler will be temporarily restored.
Since: 1.4.4
Will initially be nil
. Will be lazily created by one-arg random
or zero-arg make-random-state
@-, @+, @++, @+++, @\*, @\*\*, @\*\*\*, @/, @//, @///
These variables are only defined when using the REPL.
They work similar to CL's REPL variables without the leading @
The global variables @*, @**, @*** are maintained by the Lisp read-eval-print loop to save the values of results that are printed each time through the loop.
The value of @* is the most recent primary value that was printed, the value of @** is the previous value of @*, and the value of @*** is the previous value of @**.
If several values are produced, @* contains the first value only; @* contains nil if zero values are produced.
The values of @*, @**, and @*** are updated immediately prior to printing the return value of a top-level form by the Lisp read-eval-print loop. If the evaluation of such a form is aborted prior to its normal return, the values of @*, @**, and @*** are not updated.
(quote form) -> form
returns a form without evaluating it.
(quote a-symbol) ; ==> a-symbol
(lambda (params*) forms*) -> closure
When a lambda is created by the special form lambda
then the lexical environment is captured at the time of lambda creation.
Arguments to the special form lambda
are not evaluated.
(lambda (p1 p2) p1)
with varargs:
If paramlist is a symbol then all arguments will be
packed into a list and bound to the symbol.
If paramlist is a dotted list then remaining arguments
will be bound to the last parameter.
(lambda popt (write popt)) ; no mandatory arguments
(lambda (p1 p2 . prest) (write prest)) ; two mandatory arguments
Murmel supports symbols and cons cells (and lists built from cons cells) as well as other atoms that are not symbols. These other atoms are double precision floating point numbers, integer numbers, vectors, strings, characters, bits and more. Custom primitives may support additional atoms.
Murmel's type system (and JMurmel's corresponding host types) look like so:
;; Murmel type ; description or "Murmel form -> Java class used in JMurmel"
cons ; (cons 1 2) -> ConsCell
atom ; all Murmel objects except cons cells
; and all Java Objects are atoms
symbol ; 'sym -> LambdaJSymbol
null ; nil -> null
; nil is the only object of type null
number ; java.lang.Number is accepted for reading
float ; 2.3 -> java.lang.Double
integer ; 42 -> java.lang.Long
; only 54 bits are used
character ; #\A -> java.lang.Character
random-state ; (make-random-state) -> java.util.Random
vector ; (make-array NN t t) -> java.util.ArrayList
; (make-array NN t CC) -> java.util.ArrayList
; makes an ArrayList w/ size NN and initial capacity CC
; java.util.List is acceptable for seqref and seqset
simple-vector ; (make-array NN t nil) -> Object[]
; #(1 2 3) -> Object[]
string ; (make-array NN 'character t) -> java.lang.StringBuilder
; java.lang.StringBuffer is acceptable for sref and sset
; java.lang.CharSequence is accepted for sref
simple-string ; (make-array NN 'character nil) -> char[]
; "abc" -> java.lang.String
bit-vector ; (make-array NN 'bit t) -> BitVector
simple-bit-vector ; (make-array NN 'bit nil) -> boolean[]
: #*0101 -> boolean[]
hash-table ; (make-hash-table [test [size]])
; #H(eql one 1 two 2 three 3) -> EqlMap
; (make-hash-table ['eql [size]]) -> EqlMap
; (make-hash-table ['equal [size]]) -> EqualMap
; (make-hash-table 'eq [size]) -> java.util.IdentityHashMap
; (make-hash-table 't [size]) -> java.util.HashMap
; java.util.Map is acceptable for hashref, hashset, clrhash...
function ; (lambda (param) param) -> Closure or MurmelFunction
(list ::= cons | null)
(sequence ::= list | vector)
;; Murmel's condition type hierarchy is a subset of CL's condition type hierarchy,
;; `error` and subtypes are pretty much the same. Murmel doesn't have multiple
;; inheritance, though, and `reader-error` only extends `stream-error`.
;; JMurmel maps conditions to Java exceptions as best as possible.
condition java.lang.Throwable
error java.lang.Exception
(murmel-error LambdaJError extends RuntimeException extends Exception)
;;; extends LambdaJError
simple-error SimpleError extends LambdaJError
cell-error CellError extends LambdaJError
unbound-variable UnboundVariable extends CellError extends LambdaJError
undefined-function UndefinedFunction extends CellError extends LambdaJError
control-error ControlError extends LambdaJError
program-error ProgramError extends LambdaJError
parse-error SExpressionReader.ParseError extends LambdaJError
arithmetic-error java.lang.ArithmeticException extends RuntimeException
(overflow, underflow)
type-error java.lang.ClassCastException extends RuntimeException
simple-type-error SimpleTypeError extends ClassCastException
invalid-index-error InvalidIndexError extends IndexOutOfBoundsException
file-error java.nio.file.InvalidPathException
extends IllegalArgumentException extends RuntimeException
end-of-file extends IOException
reader-error ReaderError extends IOException
CL's reader-error has two superclasses: stream-error and parse-error
if c was a reader-error then both
(typep c 'stream-error) and (typep c 'parse-error) are true
The above is a subset of CLtL2's predefined data types, see "CLtL2 2. Data Types" Murmel's condition hierarchy is a subset of CLtL2 predefined condition types, see "CLtL2 29.5. Predefined Condition Types" and "CLHS 9.1.1 Condition Types"
Murmel treats symbols case-insensitive. Symbol names are of arbitrary length, however only the first 30 chars are significant.
Implementation note: JMurmel preserves the capitalization of the first encounter of a symbol for printing, e.g.:
'(AbC . dEf) -> (AbC . dEf)
'(AbC . abc) -> (AbC . AbC)
'a\ symbol\ with\ spaces!
Empty list, printed as nil
Shorthand for empty list
Tokens that consist of a sign or digit followed by digits are interpreted as integer numbers (java.lang.Long)
Datatype float: a number in double precision
numbers that contain the characters '.eE' are interpreted as floating point numbers (java.lang.Double)
a float in scientific notation
Stringliterals may have a maximum length of 2000 chars. Stringliterals of the same value are coalesced (interned).
"a string literal"
"another 'literal' \"string literal\""
In addition to nil
and t
the symbols of the special forms are reserved, i.e.
may not be used as a function nor as a variable:
nil, t,
lambda, quote, cond, labels, if, define, defun, let, let*, letrec,
setq, progn, catch, thwrow, unwind-protect, try,
multiple-value-bind, multiple-value-call,
macrolet, defmacro, declaim, load, require, provide
Symbols are bound to global variables using define
or defun
(see below), and to local variables using let, let*, letrec
lambda parameter lists.
Murmel's global bindings are lexical and must be defined before use, i.e. a symbol is bound to a newly created variable when define or defun are actually executed. The symbol's binding as well as the variable's extent (lifetime) last to the end of the program (the symbol's binding may be temporarily replaced by a local or dynamic binding, though).
Murmel's local bindings are lexical, i.e. a symbol is bound to
a newly created variable when a let/let*/letrec/lambda
is evaluated. The symbol's binding as well as the associated variable
are removed when leaving the lexical scope of the let/let*/letrec/lambda
form, restoring any previously existing binding (which may have
been local or global).
Except: let* dynamic
will treat global symbols as "special", see below.
binds symbols in the global environment with
memory locations that hold values.
Murmel's define
is somewhat similar to Common Lisp's defparameter
CL's defparameter
creates special global variables while
Murmel's define
creates global variables that can be
lexically hidden by e.g. a let-binding.
The first argument is not evaluated, the second one - if given - is.
The second argument to define
is optional and defaults to nil
(define *global-var* 42) ; ==> *gloval-var*
(define f1 (lambda (p1 p2) (+ p1 p2))) ; ==> f1
forms can appear inside toplevel let, let*, letrec, multiple-value-bind, labels
is a shorthand for defining functions:
(defun symbol (params*) forms*)
(define symbol (lambda (params*) forms*))
An optional docstring is ignored.
Arguments to defun
are not evaluated.
(defun f2 (p1 p2) (+ p1 p2)) ; ==> f2
forms can appear inside toplevel let, let*, letrec, multiple-value-bind, labels
and will bind a globally visible symbol to a closure (aka let-over-lambda):
(let ((counter 0))
(defun pre-increment-counter ()
(setq counter (1+ counter)))
(defun pre-decrement-counter ()
(setq counter (1- counter)))
(defun peek-counter ()
(pre-increment-counter) ; ==> 1
(pre-increment-counter) ; ==> 2
(pre-decrement-counter) ; ==> 1
(peek-counter) ; ==> 1
defines a macro, similar to CL's defmacro
Macros are somewhat similar to functions:
On a function application the functions's arguments
are eval'd and the result of the function will be used as is.
On a macro application the macro's arguments are
NOT eval'd, but the result of the macro is.
IOW a function produces a value, a macro application produces code that will be eval'd. Macros are defined in a macro namespace. All macros are in the global scope, i.e. macros are not scoped but once defined they are visible everywhere.
(defmacro name)
can be used to unbind previously
defined macros.
An optional docstring is ignored.
(defmacro twice (arg) (list '* arg 2)) ; ==> twice
(twice 3) ; ==> 6.0
(defmacro twice) ; ==> twice; macro is unbound
(defmacro twice) ; ==> twice; no-op
updates the value(s) of the given global or local symbol(s).
In interpreted Murmel undefined variables will be created on the fly,
in compiled mode variables must have been defined previously.
(define a nil)
(let ((b nil) (c nil))
(setq a 1 b 2 c (+ a b))) ; ==> 3.0
(if nil 'YASSS! 'OHNOOO!!!) ; ==> OHNOOO!!!
(if t (progn (write 'abc) (write 'def)))
Works similar to CL's let
with the addition
of Scheme's "named let".
The let-bound variables symbol
as well as optsymbol
- if given -
are bound inside bodyforms.
will be bound inside bodyforms
to a lambda
whose parameters are the let-variables and whose code is
. Therefore optsymbol
can be used for
recursive calls within bodyforms
(let loop ((x 3)
(msg "hi"))
(if (= x 0)
(write msg)
(progn (write (floor x)) (loop (- x 1) msg))))
Similar to let
except: globals are not shadowed but temporarily
bound to the given value, and the previous value is restored when
leaving the scope of the let
I.e. let dynamic
treats globals as "special".
(setq a 1)
(define b 2)
(defun f () (write (cons a b)))
(let dynamic ((a 11) (b a))
will print (1 . 2)(11 . 1)(1 . 2)
Works like let
(see above) with the addition:
each bindingform
"sees" the previous symbols. If multiple
let-bindings use the same symbol the last one hides
preceeding ones.
(let* loop ((y 10)
(x (+ y 20))
(x (floor (/ x 10)))
(msg 'hi))
(if (= x 0)
(write msg)
(progn (write (floor x)) (loop 0 0 (- x 1) msg))))
Similar to let*
except: globals are not shadowed but temporarily
bound to the given value, and the previous value is restored when
leaving the scope of the let*
I.e. let* dynamic
treats globals as "special".
(define *g* 'global)
(defun fun () (write *g*))
(let* dynamic ((*g* 'temp)) (fun)) ; fun will write temp
*g* ; ==> 'global
works like let
and let*
except each bindingform "sees"
all other let symbols as well as it's own symbol.
All symbols are bound, but only the preceeding bindings
are defined (have a value) while eval'ing the bindingform
That way a let-bound variable could be a recursive lambda.
(letrec ((x 1) (y (+ x 1))) (write y))
Since: 1.4.7
defines local macros and executes forms
using the local definitions.
It is an error to shadow local macros with a local function (see labels
or with a named-let loop label.
A docstring if given will be ignored.
Since: 1.3
is used as the destination of a non-local control transfer by throw
Since: 1.3
causes a non-local control transfer to a catch
whose tag is eq
to tag.
TODO: If there is no outstanding catch tag that matches the throw tag,
no unwinding of the stack is performed, and an error of type control-error is signaled.
Since: 1.3
evaluates protected-form
and guarantees that cleanup-forms
are executed before unwind-protect exits, whether it terminates normally or is aborted
by a control transfer of some kind.
Since 1.4
evaluates protected-form
. If no error occurred during evaluation then
the values from protected-form
are the final result.
If an error occurs then try
returns the error-obj
if given or null as the primary result,
the secondary result is the condition.
(multiple-value-bind (result condition)
(try (1+ most-positive-fixnum) 'error)
(if (eq result 'error)
(progn (write "an error occurred: " nil)
(write condition)
; ==> bummer
Since: 1.2
first evaluates the function-form
to obtain function,
and then evaluates each values-form
. All the values of each form
are gathered together (not just one value from each) and given as arguments
to the function.
(multiple-value-call + 0.0 (values 1 2) 3) ; ==> 6.0
Since: 1.2
is evaluated, and each of the symbols
is bound
to the respective value returned by that form.
If there are more symbols
than values returned,
is assigned to the remaining vars.
If there are more values than symbols, the excess values are discarded.
The symbols are bound to the values over the execution of the bodyforms
which make up an implicit progn.
(multiple-value-bind (a b) (values 'Hello\, '\ World!)
(jformat nil "%s%s" a b))
==> "Hello, World!"
(multiple-value-bind (a b . c) (values 1 2 3 4 5)
(writeln a) (writeln b) (writeln c))
; 1
; 2
; (3 4 5)
; ==> (3 4 5)
(multiple-value-bind a (values 1 2 3 4 5)
(write a))
; (1 2 3 4 5)
; ==> (1 2 3 4 5)
Since: 1.1
Eval the contents of the given file, return value is the value returned by the last form or nil in case of an empty file.
When compiling Murmel load
is performed at
compile time and must appear as a toplevel form.
is not eval'd and must be a string.
Unless filespec ends with ".lisp" the file extension
".lisp" will be appended.
If filespec is an absolute path then it will be used as is.
Otherwise the file will be searched in the same directory
as the file that contains the load
and after that
in "libdir" (set with --libdir
, "libdir" defaults to the
directory containing jmurmel.jar).
If load
is entered into the REPL then the file
will be searched in the current directory and then
in the "libdir".
(load "nul") ; ==> nil, NUL is Windows specific
(load "lib") ; will search for lib.lisp and eval it's contents
Since: 1.1
Load the given file once. Murmel maintains an internal
set of loaded modules, and require
will ignore
loading files that were already loaded by comparing
to the set of already loaded modules.
When compiling Murmel require
is performed at
compile time and must appear as a toplevel form.
If optional-file-path
is omitted or nil then
will be used as the file path.
and optional-file-path
are not eval'd
and must be strings.
(require "mlib") ; will search for the file mlib.lisp
; unless the module "mlib" was already loaded
Since: 1.1
Set a file's modulename so that require
load it twice.
currently only supports optimize
, others will be ignored.
only supports speed, others will be ignored.
Applies the operator returned by operatorform to the eval'd operands
(operatorform operands*)
Backquote "`" starts "fill-in templates": backquote, comma and comma-at work similar to CL, except: comma-dot is not supported.
(setq a 'a-val) (setq b 'b-val) (define c 'c-val)
(define d '(d-val1 d-val2))
`((,a b) ,c ,@d) ; ==> ((a-val b) c-val d-val1 d-val2)
(define y 'b) (define l '(a b))
(eval ``(,a ,,@l ,,y) '((a . a) (b . b) (y . y)))
; ==> (a-val a-val b-val b-val)
(define x '(1 2 3))
`(normal= ,x splicing= ,@x see?)
; ==> (normal= (1 2 3) splicing= 1 2 3 see?)
`(normal= ,x fakesplicing= . ,x)
; ==> (normal= (1 2 3) fakesplicing= 1 2 3)
must eval to a symbol, primitive or lambda.
must eval to a proper list.
(apply + '(1 2)) ; ==> 3.0
will be eval'd, it must return a form.
The optional argument env
will be eval'd, it must return a list of (symbol . value)
If the optional argument env
is omitted or nil
then the environment for the recursive eval is "all predefined global symbols"
else it is the concatenation of env
and all predefined globals
(eval '(+ 1 2)) ; ==> 3.0
(eval '(+ x y) (list '(x . 2) '(y . 3))) ; ==> 5.0
(eval '(+ x y) (list (cons 'x 2) (cons 'y 3))) ; ==> 5.0
Returns t
if x
and y
are the same object, nil
Return t
if any of the following is true
are numbers of the same type and have the same valuea
are the same characters
(eql 2 2) ; ==> t
(eql #\a (sref "aaa" 0)) ; ==> t
(eql -0.0 0.0) ; ==> nil
Since: 1.4
Return t
if any of the following is true:
are strings that have the same text valuea
are bitvectors whose elements are eqla
are conses whose car and cdr areequal
for all Murmel and Java number types.integerp
for all Murmel and Java integral number types.floatp
for Murmel and Java decimal number types.
Since: 1.4.3
Since: 1.4
Since: 1.3
Since: 1.3
Return t
for Murmel strings and all Java Objects implementing java.lang.CharSequence
Since: 1.3
Since: 1.4
returns t
if obj
is of type typespec
or of a subtype.
Since: 1.3
returns t
if obj
is an adjustable vector.
Note that in Murmel (adjustable-array-p 1)
returns nil
while in Common Lisp that would signal a type-error
(car '(a b c)) ; ==> a
(cdr '(a b c)) ; ==> (b c)
(cons 'a 'b) ; ==> (a . b)
Replace the value of the CAR or CDR slot of a cons cell.
(setq l '(1 2))
(rplaca l 11) ; ==> (11 2)
(rplacd l 22) ; ==> (11 . 22)
will create a list consisting of it's arguments,
will create a dotted list.
(list) ; ==> nil
(list 1) ; ==> (1)
(list 1 2 3) ; ==> (1 2 3)
(list* 1) ; ==> 1
(list* 1 2 3) ; ==> (1 2 . 3)
nondestructively append it's arguments. All arguments except the last
are shallow copied, all arguments except the last must be proper lists.
(append) ; ==> nil
(append 'a) ; ==> a
(append '(a b) 'c) ; ==> (a b . c)
(append '(a b) '(c d)) ; ==> (a b c d)
(append '(a b) '(c . d)) ; ==> (a b c . d)
Since: 1.2
is similar to assoc
except assq
compares keys using eq
takes a key and a list of key/value tupels (lists or conses).
The return value is the first cons whose car is equal(*) to key
or nil
if no such cons was found. nil
-elements in alist
are ignored.
(*) assoc
compares two items as if eql
was used.
considers two items as "equal" if
- Both are
(are the same object) - Both are integers or floats or characters respectively and have the same value
(assoc 'a-key '((key-1 1) (key-2 2) (a-key 3) (key-4 4)))
; ==> (a-key 3)
(assoc 'a-key '((key-1 . 1) (key-2 . 2) (a-key . 3) (key-4 . 4))))
; ==> 3
(assoc nil '((key-1 1) nil (nil 2) (a-key 3) (key-4 4)))
; ==> (nil 2)
Since: 1.3
Only one-dimensional arrays of element-type t
, 'bit
or 'character
are supported.
(vector-length v) -> length
(vector-copy v [adjustablep]) -> fresh-copy
(vector-fill v new-elem) -> vector
(vector-add v elem [pos]) -> position-of-added-element
(vector->list v) -> list
(list->vector lst [adjustablep]) -> vector
Since: 1.3
is similar to CL's vector-push-extend
but with swapped parameters,
and Murmel's vector-add
accepts an optional parameter pos
(vector-remove adjustable-vector pos) -> removed-element
Since: 1.4.7
removes the element at index pos
, moves the following elements
and decreases the vector's size.
Since: 1.3
Simple vectors are one-dimensional arrays (implementation note: or objects of class java.lang.String in case of string literals).
Example usage:
(define *v* (vector 1 2 3))
(vectorp *v*) ; ==> t
(svlength *v*) ; ==> 3
(svref *v* 1) ; ==> 2
Since: 1.3
(string X) -> string
Since: 1.4.1
coerces X
into a mutable string.
If X
is a mutable string, X
is returned.
If X
is an immutable string, a fresh mutable simple string is returned.
If X
is a symbol, its name is returned.
If X
is a character then a one element string containing that character is returned.
If X
cannot be coerced into a string, an error occurs.
(slength str) -> length
(sref str n) -> nth-character
(sset str n new-char) -> new-char
Since: 1.3
returns the n-th character of the string str
, n
is 0-based.
Similar to CL char
sets the n-th character of str
to new-char
Using sset
with a string literal is an error.
(bvref bitvector n) -> nth-bit
(bvset bitvector n new-bit) -> new-bit
Since: 1.3
returns the n-th bit of the bitvector bitvector
, n
is 0-based.
Similar to CL bit
sets the n-th bit of bitvector
to new-bit
(bit-vector->list bv) -> list-of-bits
(list->bit-vector lst [adjustablep]) -> bitvector
Since: 1.3
(seqref seq n) -> nth-element
(seqset seq n new-element) -> new-element
Since: 1.3
is similar to CL elt
Murmel's seqref
and seqset
will handle dotted lists, though.
(seqref "abc" 2) ; ==> #\c
(seqref #(0 1 2 3) 3) ; ==> 3
(seqref '(0 1 2 . 3) 3) ; ==> 3
(let ((l (list* 0 1 2)))
(seqset l 2 22) l)
; ==> (0 1 . 22)
(hash-table-p hash-table) -> boolean
(hash [test [key1 value1 key2 value2...]]) -> hash-table
(make-hash-table [test [size]]) -> hash-table
(hashref hash-table key [default]) -> value, was-present-p
(hashset hash-table key value) -> value
(hashset generator value) -> value
(hash-table-count hash-table) -> number-of-entries
(clrhash hash-table) -> hash-table
(hash-table-remove hash-table key) -> was-present-p
(hash-table-remove generator) -> was-present-p
Since: 1.4
hash-table-p, make-hash-table, hash-table-count, clrhash
are similar to CL's functions with the same name.
defaults to eql
and is currently limited to
nil, t, eq, eql, compare-eql, equal, compare-equal
When t
is specified as key
then object comparisons are done using
Java's Object.equals()
Implementation note: hashtables with compare-eql
or compare-equal
are actually implemented as trees, so operations will be O(log n).
hashtables with eq, eql, equal
or t
are real hashtables, so operations will be O(n).
(sxhash obj) -> hash-code
Since: 1.4
For two objects that are equal
will return the same hash-code.
(scan-hash-table hash) -> key-value-generator
Since: 1.4
returns a function of no arguments that will
on subsequent invocations return (key . value), valid?
Murmel's (and mlib's) generators are somewhat similar to what SRFI 158 provides.
(read [eof-obj]) -> obj
Read an S-expression from stdin.
w/o an argument will throw an error when encountering EOF.
If an optional argument was given then EOF does not throw an error
but the given argument is returned, e.g.:
C:\> echo (read)| java -jar lambda\target\jmurmel.jar
Error: read: EOF
error occurred in line 1:1..1:5: (read)
C:\> echo (read 'xyxxy)| java -jar lambda\target\jmurmel.jar
==> xyxxy
Note that if an EOF occurs while reading an S-expression an error
will be thrown even when eof-obj
was used.
(write obj [print-escape-p [dest]]) -> obj
(writeln [obj [print-escape-p [dest]]]) -> obj
(lnwrite [obj [print-escape-p [dest]]]) -> obj
Write a Lisp object as an S-expression to dest
accepts an optional boolean argument print-escape-p
and lnwrite
accept an optional argument obj
and an optional boolean argument print-escape-p
, writeln
and lnwrite
accept an optional argument dest
which may be t
or an adjustable string.
means: write to stdout, else write to dest
(Implementation note: any Java object implementing java.lang.Appendable
is acceptable.)
will write the argument if given, followed by a newline.
will write a newline followed by the argument if given,
followed by a ' ', i.e. writeln is C-style, lnwrite is Lisp-style.
(writeln "Hello, ")
(writeln "World!")
, writeln
and lnwrite
will escape atoms by default,
the optioal parameter print-escape-p
can be used to turn off escaping:
(writeln "Hello, World!" nil)
Since: 1.5
Print an EOL character (-sequence) unless already at the beginning of line.
Since: 1.5
If relativep
is nil then output sufficient spaces to move the cursor to column colnum
If the cursor was already at or beyond column colnum
and colinc
is non-zero,
then output spaces to move the cursor to column colnum+k*colinc
for the smallest positive integer k
If relativep
is non-nil then output colnum
spaces and then output the smallest non-negative number of additional spaces
necessary to move the cursor to a column that is a multiple of colinc
Since: 1.5
Create a Lisp writer that writes to an internal buffer. The writer object can also be used as a string.
(define s (make-string-writer)) ; ==> s
(typep s 'string) ; ==> t
(write 'abc nil s) ; ==> abc
(slength s) ; ==> 3
(string->list s) ; ==> (#\a #\b #\c)
Since: 1.4
Convert obj
to it's string representation.
Since: 1.4
Similar to CL's read-from-string
which has more parameters.
If eof-obj
is not given or nil
then end-of-file during reading
will be signalled as an end-of-file
(read-from-string "123 456" nil 4) ; ==> 456, 7
(read-from-string "123 456" 'eof 7) ; ==> eof, 7
(read-from-string "123 456 " 'eof 7) ; ==> eof, 10
(read-from-string "123 456" nil 1 4) ; ==> 23, 4
(read-from-string " " 'eof 5) ; ==> eof, 10
Since: 1.4
Read the file with the given filename (or stdin if filename
is t
) and return it's contents
as a simple-vector
containing one simple-string
for each line.
If charset
is nil
then UTF-8
will be used.
Since: 1.4
Read the file with the given filename (or stdin if filename
is t
and return it's contents as a mutable string
If charset
is nil
then UTF-8
will be used.
If translate-lineend-p
is omitted or non-nil then (possibly OS-dependent)
lineend character sequences will be normalized to #\Newline
defaults to UTF-8.
Since: 1.4
Write all elements (which must be of type string
of string-sequence
to the file filename
(or stdout if filename
is t
Each element (line) will be terminated with the OS-default line-end character(-sequence).
(Note: with the JVM this can be set using -Dline.separator.)
If charset
is nil
then UTF-8
will be used.
If translate-lineend-p
is omitted or non-nil then each #\Newline character
will be written as the OS-dependent line-end character(-sequence).
Since: 1.4
Write string
to the file filename
(or stdout if filename
is t
If charset
is nil
then UTF-8
will be used.
If translate-lineend-p
is omitted or non-nil then each #\Newline character
will be written as the OS-dependent line-end character(-sequence).
The first argument dest
can be t
, nil
or an adjustable string.
jformat t
writes a formatted string to stdout and returns nil
's parameters work as with java.lang.String.jformat()
which is similar to C's printf()
(jformat t
"a string: %s, a number: %g, a newline:%n" "The String" 3.14)
works similar to jformat except it has an additional
second string parameter that should be a locale, nil
means use Java's
default locale.
(jformat-locale t "de-DE"
"a string: %s, a number: %g, a newline:%n" "The String" 3.14)
jformat nil
and jformat-locale nil
work similar
to jformat t
and jformat-locale t
except they don't write to stdout
but return the string.
(jformat-locale nil "de-DE"
"a string: %s, a number: %g, a newline:%n" "The String" 3.14)
Since: 1.2
returns the objects as multiple values.
Return a new uninterned symbol. (gensym)
is a simplified version of CL's macroexpand-1
It is only fully supported in interpreted code,
in compiled code macroexpand-1
does quoted forms only.
If the operator of the list quoted-form
is a macroname then
the macrocall will be expanded, and the secondary return value
will be t
, e.g.:
(defmacro add2 (a) `(+ ,a 2)) ; ==> add2
(macroexpand-1 '(add2 3)) ; --> (+ 3 2)
; --> t
Since 1.5
Similar to CL's error
can also be a condition,
e.g. to re-raise a condition that is not handled.
(try (jerror 'simple-error "an error occurred") 'err)
; -> err
; -> simple-error - an error occurred
(writeln (try (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
(try (jerror 'simple-error "an error occurred") 'err)
(if (eq result 'err)
(if (typep condition 'arithmetic-error)
(writeln "an arithmetic error occurred")
(progn (writeln "another error occurred, rethrowing")
(jerror condition)))
(writeln "no error")))
'outer-err)) ; ==> outer-err
Since: 1.4.5
Similar to CL's functions of the same name.
Walltime in internal time units, relative to an arbitrary time base
User cpu time in internal time units
Pause execution for approx. x seconds. This example code will pause execution for approx. 1 second.
(sleep 1)
This example code will return approx. years since 1.1.1900
(/ (get-universal-time) 60 60 24 365)
NOTE: In Common Lisp zone is given as a a rational multiple of 1/3600 of hours offset from Greenwich Mean Time. In Murmel zone is given as a double, e.g. Vienna in winter is -1.0. The result type of Murmel's (get-decoded-time) is a list while CL's returns an ordered sequence.
Murmel's two numeric datatypes are implemented as long
(54 bit signed integer)
and double
(64 bit floating point).
Other Java datatypes (which may occur when using Java FFI) will be automatically converted
(with null-, lost-precision- and over/underflow checks) as appropriate.
Murmel does most maths in double precision:
- Except with
1+, 1-, ceiling, floor, round, truncate and signum
, arguments to numeric functions will be converted todouble
, and the result will bedouble
Integer over/underflow during argument conversion will be signalled as an error. Results for large numbers (i.e. over/ underflow) will go towards +/- Infinity. 1+, 1-
: Byte, Short, Integer and Long arguments will be converted to long, in that case the result type is long. Over/ underflow of the result will be signalled as an error. Other argument types will be handled as above.ceiling, floor, round, truncate
: result type is long, over/ underflow will be signalled as an error.signum
: result is a "signed prototype" - eitherlong -1/0/1
ordouble -1.0/-0.0/0.0/1.0
The math operators accept numbers only.
All numeric operators return a double.
eg. (+ number number) -> double
(+ 1 1) ; ==> 2.0
Increment and decrement return the same type as the argument.
(1+ 1) ; ==> 2
(1+ 1.0) ; ==> 2.0
These functions take one or two arguments and return an integer value or an exception
if the value cannot be represented by a long
(NaN, Infinite, integer overflow or underflow),
eg. (floor number) -> long
(floor 1.1) ; ==> 1
These functions take one or two arguments and return an integer value as a double,
eg. (ffloor number) -> double
(ffloor 1.1) ; ==> 1.0
determines a numerical value that indicates whether
number is negative, zero, or positive.
(signum 0) ; => 0
(signum -0) ; => 0
(signum 3) ; => 1
(signum -3) ; => -1
(signum 0.0) ; => 0.0
(signum -0.0) ; => -0.0
(signum 3.0) ; => 1.0
(signum -3.0) ; => -1.0
The numeric comparison operators take one or more number arguments.
(= 1 1.0) ; ==> t
(< 1 2 3.0 4 5.0) ; ==> t
(< 1 2 3 3 4 5) ; ==> nil
Since: 1.4.3
Similar to CL's random
Since: 1.4.3
Similar to CL's make-random-state
with the following differences:
- If
is a number then it will be truncated to an integer and used as a seed for the newly created random state. - Murmel's
objects will print unreadably.
Murmel features primitives for graphics output to a frame.
A frame is a toplevel GUI window with a title. One can write text on a frame, and/ or draw lines with Turtle graphics or moveto/lineto functions. Also one can attach a bitmap to a frame and use pixel-graphics primitives.
0/0 is towards left bottom, any drawing will be resized/ shifted so that it fills the frame.
A frame has state: open/closed, current x/y position, current linecolor, current turtle angle and background color.
One can use several frames but only one is the "current-frame". All functions
(except make-frame
) have an optional last parameter frame
that can be used
to select which frame to operate on (if omitted or nil
then the current frame is used).
Hint: if graphics primitives are slow then maybe switching to OpenGL will speed things up:
C:\> java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -jar jmurmel.jar
Colors are 0..15 corresponding to
0 ; white
1 ; black
2 ; red
3 ; green
4 ; blue
5 ; pink
6 ; orange
7 ; yellow
8 ; magenta
9 ; cyan
10 ; darkGray
11 ; gray
12 ; lightGray
13 ; darkred
14 ; darkgreen
15 ; darkblue
Creates a new frame, sets current frame. If width and height are omitted or nil then half of the physical screen width/ height will be used. If padding is omitted or nil then 40 will be used. The newly created frame will not yet be visible (see open-frame below).
(let ((window-title "test")
(optwidthpixels 100)
(optheightpixels 100)
(optpaddingpixels 10))
(make-frame window-title
optwidthpixels optheightpixels optpaddingpixels))
; ==> frame
Returns current frame.
Set new current frame, returns previous current frame.
... make frame visible
... hide frame
... reset pen to "down", turtle position and angle, color and bgcolor
... reset frame and discard frame contents
... force full repaint
... paint operations won't take immediate effect, flush-frame makes them visible
... subsequent line operations will only move the position
... subsequent line operations will have visible effect
... save current position and angle
... restore previous position and angle
The above functions all take one optional frame parameter. If omitted or nil
then the current frame will be used.
Set color for following lines, color must be >= 0 and <= 12
(color 1) ; ==> frame
Set background color for frame, color must be >= 0 and <= 12
(bgcolor 0) ; ==> frame
Writes str at current position, does not change position.
Increase/ decrease current angle by deg
degrees, does not change position.
If pen is down then this function paints a line of length len
from current
position in current direction, changes position.
If pen is up then only the position is changed.
These functions take two arguments denoting the new position and an optional frame argument.
(define new-x 1)
(define new-y 2)
(define optional-frame nil)
(line-rel new-x new-y optional-frame) ; ==> frame
Associates a bitmap of the given width and height with the current or given frame. The bitmap will be scaled to fill the frame.
Remove the bitmap of the given or current frame, and release the resources associated with the bitmap.
, g
and b
are 0..255
, s
and b
are 0..1.0
Set pixel at the given xy-position to the given color.
--- End of Murmel reference ---
JMurmel adds some extra features to Murmel which are listed below.
For experimentation purposes the interpreter also supports lambdas that are not lexical closures.
When the optional keyword dynamic
is given then
no environment is captured, and lambdas - when applied -
get the dynamic environment.
(lambda dynamic (params*) forms*) -> anonymous function with
dynamic environment
In embedded use primitives may be added, also Java methods
created by the primitive jmethod
(see below) act as builtins.
As far as the language is concerned, all primitives are variadic functions.
The primitives themselves may have parameter checks, tough.
In case they are called with the wrong type(s) or number of parameters
the primitives may throw an error.
JMurmel supports commandline parameters that can be used to disable many of Murmel's forms, predefined variables, ... . These commandline parameters can be used to experiment with an even more reduced Lisp.
See jmurmel --help-features
Arguments to trace/ untrace are eval'd. In interpreted code these work similar to CL's trace/ untrace macros. Only interpreted code will be traced (user defined functions as well as interpreter primities, primitives are only traced if speed=0).
(trace 'write '+)
(write (+ 1 2))
The primitive jmethod
will return a newly created primitive
that is implemented by the method methodname
of the Java class
that has the formal parameters paramclasses*
Parameters to jmethod
must be strings.
(jmethod "java.lang.System" "currentTimeMillis")
When invoking primitives created by jmethod
the first argument must be
a Java object of the primitive's method's class. This is not the case
for static methods.
Invoke a static method:
(define ctm (jmethod "java.lang.System" "currentTimeMillis"))
(ctm) ; ==> 1704017140837 (actual result will vary)
Invoke an instance method on an object:
(define make-hash (jmethod "java.util.HashMap" "new"))
(define put-hash (jmethod "java.util.Map" "put"
"java.lang.Object" "java.lang.Object"))
(define my-hash (make-hash))
(put-hash my-hash "key-1" "value-1")
(write my-hash) ; ==> #H(t "key-1" "value-1")
Since: 1.2
The primitive jproxy
takes a Java interface name and zero or more
methodname/ murmelcode tupels, and returns a Java object that implements
Murmel language:
- eval-when
- multithreading
Compiler issues:
only work as top level forms or withinprogn, let, let*, letrec, labels, macrolet
forms, other use as non-toplevel form will throw a "not-yet-implemented" compiler error.defmacro
only works as a top level form or withinprogn, macrolet
-ing an alreadydefine
-d symbol is not supportedmacroexpand-1
is limited to quoted forms- macro expansion is only done at compiletime, e.g.
(defmacro m() 1) (eval '(m))
won't work - reassigning predefined primitives with
is not supported, e.g.(setq truncate (lambda (p) (1+ p)))
is an error (and wouldn't make much sense)
Murmel and JMurmel are Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Robert Mayer.
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. For a copy, see