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+**L**ong **R**ead overlap **G**enome size **E**stimation
+LRGE (pronounced "large") is a command line tool for estimating genome size from long read overlaps. The tool is built
+on top of the [`liblrge`][liblrge] Rust library, which is also available as a standalone library for use in other projects.
+## Table of Contents
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+- [Method](#method)
+- [Results](#results)
+- [Benchmark](#benchmark)
+- [Citation](#citation)
+## Installation
+- [Precompiled binary](#precompiled-binary)
+- [Conda](#conda)
+- [Cargo](#cargo)
+- [Container](#container)
+ - [Apptainer](#apptainer)
+ - [Docker](#docker)
+- [Build from source](#build-from-source)
+### Precompiled binary
+![GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases)](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/mbhall88/lrge/total)
+![GitHub Release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/mbhall88/lrge)
+curl -sSL lrge.mbh.sh | sh
+# or with wget
+wget -nv -O - lrge.mbh.sh | sh
+You can also pass options to the script like so
+$ curl -sSL lrge.mbh.sh | sh -s -- --help
+install.sh [option]
+Fetch and install the latest version of lrge, if lrge is already
+installed it will be updated to the latest version.
+ -V, --verbose
+ Enable verbose output for the installer
+ -f, -y, --force, --yes
+ Skip the confirmation prompt during installation
+ -p, --platform
+ Override the platform identified by the installer [default: apple-darwin]
+ -b, --bin-dir
+ Override the bin installation directory [default: /usr/local/bin]
+ -a, --arch
+ Override the architecture identified by the installer [default: aarch64]
+ -B, --base-url
+ Override the base URL used for downloading releases [default: https://github.com/mbhall88/lrge/releases]
+ -h, --help
+ Display this help message
+### Conda
+![Conda Version](https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/bioconda/lrge)
+![Conda Platform](https://img.shields.io/conda/pn/bioconda/lrge)
+![Conda Downloads](https://img.shields.io/conda/dn/bioconda/lrge)
+conda install -c bioconda lrge
+### Cargo
+![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/lrge)
+![Crates.io Total Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/lrge)
+cargo install --locked lrge
+### Container
+Docker images are hosted on the GitHub Container registry.
+#### Apptainer
+Prerequisite: [`apptainer`][apptainer] (previously Singularity)
+$ URI="docker://ghcr.io/mbhall88/lrge:latest"
+$ apptainer exec "$URI" lrge --help
+The above will use the latest version. If you want to specify a version then use a
+[tag][ghcr] like so.
+$ VERSION="0.1.0"
+$ URI="docker://ghcr.io/mbhall88/lrge:${VERSION}"
+#### Docker
+Prerequisite: [`docker`][docker]
+$ docker pull ghcr.io/mbhall88/lrge:latest
+$ docker run ghcr.io/mbhall88/lrge:latest lrge --help
+You can find all the available tags [here][ghcr].
+### Build from source
+$ git clone https://github.com/mbhall88/lrge.git
+$ cd lrge
+$ cargo build --release
+$ target/release/lrge -h
+## Usage
+Estimate the genome size of a set of *Mycobacterium tuberculosis* ONT [reads](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/SRR28370649)
+([true genome size](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/CP149484): 4.40 Mbp / 4405449 bp).
+$ wget -O reads.fq.gz "ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR283/049/SRR28370649/SRR28370649_1.fastq.gz"
+$ lrge -t 8 reads.fq.gz
+[2024-11-22T03:49:53Z INFO lrge] Running two-set strategy with 10000 target reads and 5000 query reads
+[2024-11-22T03:50:10Z INFO lrge] Estimated genome size: 4.43 Mbp (IQR: 3.16 Mbp - 4.99 Mbp)
+[2024-11-22T03:50:10Z INFO lrge] Done!
+The size estimate is printed to stdout, but you can also save it to a file with the `-o` flag.
+$ lrge -t 8 reads.fq.gz -o size.txt
+[2024-11-22T03:49:53Z INFO lrge] Running two-set strategy with 10000 target reads and 5000 query reads
+[2024-11-22T03:50:10Z INFO lrge] Estimated genome size: 4.43 Mbp (IQR: 3.16 Mbp - 4.99 Mbp)
+[2024-11-22T03:50:10Z INFO lrge] Done!
+$ cat size.txt
+By default, LRGE uses the [two-set strategy](#two-set-strategy) with 10,000 target reads (`-T`) and 5,000 query reads
+(`-Q`). You can use the [all-vs-all strategy](#all-vs-all-strategy) by specifying the number of reads to use with the `-n` flag.
+### Standard options
+$ lrge -h
+Genome size estimation from long read overlaps
+Usage: lrge [OPTIONS]
+ Input FASTQ file
+ -o, --output