Vert.x Json Schema provides an extendable and asynchronous implementation for Json Schema specification. You can use Json Schemas to validate every json structure. This module provides:
Implementation of draft 2020-12
Implementation of draft 2019-09
Implementation of draft 7
Implementation of draft 4
Dereferencing of
resolution and caching -
DSL to build schemas programmatically
To use Vert.x Json Schema, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor:
Maven (in your
Gradle (in your
dependencies {
compile 'io.vertx:vertx-json-schema:${maven.version}'
Schemas can exist in 2 flavours:
JSON as in JSON notation
Boolean as in
The {@link io.vertx.json.schema.JsonSchema} interface allows both types to be handled without the constant check of the underlying type.
The {@link io.vertx.json.schema.SchemaRepository} holds {@link io.vertx.json.schema.JsonSchema} instances. It performs dereferencing of schemas to speed up validation. The repository is a simple key store, this means that it does not allow duplicate ids.
The repository can then create {@link io.vertx.json.schema.Validator} instances aware of all sub schemas in the repository.
When working with multiple schemas or sub-schemas, it is recommended to use a Repository
To parse a schema you first need a JsonSchema
and some initial configuration. Since schemas can contain references it
is required for the validator and repository to be aware of your application baseUri
. This allows you to reference your
own schemas in other sub-schemas. For the purpose of dereferencing, you don’t need to configure a draft.
{@link examples.JsonSchemaExamples#instantiate}
You can use JsonSchema
instances for different Validator
and you can parse different JsonSchema
with JsonParser
Now you can parse the schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaExamples#parse}
Remember that for security reasons, this module will not attempt to download any referenced sub-schema. All required sub-schemas should be provided to a repository object. |
Given the dynamic nature of json-schema and the conditional if-then-else
it is not possible to validate in a streaming
scenario. Validation is for this reason a blocking operation. If you are aware that validation will be a very expensive
process, then it is advisable to run the validation on a dedicated thread pool or using executeBlocking
A schema could have two states:
To validate a schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaExamples#validate}
Adding custom formats is not allowed.This may sound like a limitation but it arises from the validation spec. Validators are expected to assume unknown formats as valid input, delegating to the application business code the role of validator for custom values.
If you want to build schemas from code, you can use the included DSL. Only Draft-7 is supported for this feature.
To start, add static imports for {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Schemas} and {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Keywords}
Inside {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Schemas} there are static methods to create the schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#createSchema}
For every schema you can add keywords built with {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Keywords} methods, depending on the type of the schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#keywords}
Depending on the schema you create, you can define a structure.
To create an object schema with some properties schemas and additional properties schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#createObject}
To create an array schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#createArray}
To create a tuple schema:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#createTuple}
To add a $ref
schema you can use the {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Schemas#ref(JsonPointer)} method.
To assign an $id
keyword to a schema, use {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.SchemaBuilder#id(JsonPointer)}
You can also refer to schemas defined with this dsl using aliases. You can use {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.SchemaBuilder#alias(String)} to assign an alias to a schema. Then you can refer to a schema with an alias using {@link io.vertx.json.schema.common.dsl.Schemas#refToAlias(String)}:
{@link examples.JsonSchemaDslExamples#alias}