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Attila Egyed edited this page Mar 10, 2016 · 22 revisions

In this guide, we add sass support to the stack.

  1. Install the npm dependencies.
npm i --save-dev gulp-sass gulp-sourcemaps gulp-progeny
  1. Copy /tools/tasks/seed/build.html_css.ts to /tools/tasks/project/build.html_scss.ts. Open it up and edit it like this:
// basically you can overwrite everything from processComponentCss with the contents below
function processComponentScss() {
 return gulp.src([
     join(APP_SRC, '**', '*.scss'),
     '!' + join(APP_SRC, 'assets', '**', '*.scss')
   .pipe(isProd ? plugins.cached('process-component-scss') : plugins.util.noop())
   .pipe(isProd ? plugins.progeny() : plugins.util.noop())
   .pipe(plugins.sass({includePaths: ['./node_modules/']}).on('error', plugins.sass.logError))
   .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write(isProd ? '.' : ''))
   .pipe(gulp.dest(isProd ? TMP_DIR: APP_DEST));

function processExternalScss() {
 return gulp.src(getExternalScss().map(r => r.src))
   .pipe(isProd ? plugins.cached('process-external-scss') : plugins.util.noop())
   .pipe(isProd ? plugins.progeny() : plugins.util.noop())
   .pipe(plugins.sass({includePaths: ['./node_modules/']}).on('error', plugins.sass.logError))
   .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write(isProd ? '.' : ''))

function getExternalScss() {
 return APP_ASSETS.filter(d => /\.scss$/.test(d.src));

export = () => merge(processComponentScss(), prepareTemplates(), processExternalScss());
  1. Open tools/config/project.config.ts and add this: this.CSS_PROD_BUNDLE = 'main.css'; anywhere in the constructor.
  2. Copy tools/tasks/seed/ to tools/tasks/project/ and edit it like this:
function mapPath(dep: any) {
 let envPath = dep.src;

 if (envPath.startsWith(APP_SRC) && !envPath.endsWith('.scss')) {
   envPath = join(APP_DEST, dep.src.replace(APP_SRC, ''));

 if (envPath.startsWith(APP_SRC) && envPath.endsWith('.scss')) {
   envPath = envPath
     .replace(ASSETS_SRC, CSS_DEST)
     .replace('.scss', '.css');

 return envPath;
  1. Open gulpfile.ts and edit it like this:
// --------------
// Build dev.
gulp.task('', (done: any) =>
             // 'build.html_css', // the old css task we no longer need
             'build.html_scss', // the task we created
// --------------
// Build prod.
gulp.task('', (done: any) =>
             // 'build.html_css', // the old css task we no longer need
             'build.html_scss', // the task we created
  1. Rename all .css files to .scss. Keep in mind non component scoped scss files should be included in src/assets/main.scss

As a side note, if you want to include something from node_modules you can do it like this.

// you don't have to write ../../../../node_modules/...
@import "font-awesome/scss/font-awesome.scss";