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This repository contains a set of linting rules for TypeScript React projects. These are the same rules used by Flagship. If you're developing a project using Flagship, we recommend enforcing these rules.


Your project must have the following:

  • A tsconfig.json file indicating the root files and base directories for the TypeScript compiler


  1. Add a dependency in your project yarn add @brandingbrand/fscodestyle
  2. Add a lint script to your package.json "lint": "fscodestyle"

We recommend you set this up as a precommit hook using Husky


The linter uses tslint. In addition, the following rule extensions have been added:


  • Indentation: 2 spaces
  • Maximum line length: 100 characters
  • No more than two consecutive empty lines
  • No trailing whitespace at the end of lines
  • Use let and const instead of var
  • Use single quotes for string literals
  • Use === and !== instead of == and !=
  • TypeScript: Use const x: T = { ... }; notation instead of const x = { ...} as T;
  • TypeScript: Use interfaces over type literals

Rules in Depth

Name Description Package
arrow-parens Arrow functions with multiple arguments must use parentheses; single arguments must not. tslint
no-unnecessary-type-assertion Warn if a type assertion is not necessary for an expression tslint
typedef Requires type definitions to exist. Checks function return types, parameters, and member variable declarations. tslint
typedef-whitespace Requires no space to exist to the left of the colon in a type definition tslint
await-promise Warns if an awaited value is not a promise. tslint
no-floating-promises Requires promises returned by functions to be handled appropriately. tslint
no-inferred-empty-object-type Disallow type inference of {} (empty object type) at function and constructor call sites tslint
no-unbound-method Disallow use of an unbound class method as a callback tslint
no-unused-variable Disallows unused imports, variables, functions, and private class members tslint
use-default-type-parameter Warns if an explicitly specified type argument is the default for that type parameter. tslint
no-mergeable-namespace Disallows mergeable namespaces in the same file. tslint
array-type Enforces use of T[] for array types tslint
no-boolean-literal-compare Warns on comparison to a boolean literal, as in x === true. tslint
type-literal-delimiter Checks that type literal members are separated by semicolons. Enforces a trailing semicolon for multiline type literals. tslint
trailing-comma Disallow trailing commas tslint
no-constant-condition Disallow use of constant expressions in conditions tslint
cyclomatic-complexity Allow maximum cyclomatic complexity of 10 tslint
switch-default Require default case in switch statements tslint
triple-equals Require use of === and !== tslint
guard-for-in Make sure for-in loops have an if statement tslint
no-switch-case-fall-through Disallow fallthrough of case statements tslint
no-magic-numbers Disallow use of magic numbers except -1, 0, 1, 2, 100, 1000 tslint
no-duplicate-variable Disallow declaring the same variable more than once tslint
no-use-before-declare Disallow use of variables before they are defined tslint
variable-name Require camel-cace names tslint
linebreak-style Enforce Unix-style linebreaks tslint
no-consecutive-blank-lines Disallow more than two consecutive blank lines tslint
no-trailing-spaces Disallow trailing whitespace at end of lines tslint
one-variable-per-declaration Require no more than one variable declaration per function tslint
object-literal-key-quotes Require quotes around object literal property names as needed tslint
quotemark Require single quotes for string literal tslint
semicolon Require semicolons tslint
comment-format Require that single-line comments begin with a space after the // tslint
no-control-regex Disallow control characters in regular expressions (recommended) tslint-eslint-rules
no-duplicate-case Disallow duplicate case labels in a switch statement tslint-eslint-rules
no-empty-character-class Disallow the use of empty character classes in regular expressions tslint-eslint-rules
no-ex-assign Disallow assigning to the expection in a catch block tslint-eslint-rules
no-extra-semi Disallow unnecessary semicolons tslint-eslint-rules
no-inner-declarations Disallow function declarations in nested blocks tslint-eslint-rules
no-invalid-regexp Disallow invalid regular expression strings in the RegExp constructor tslint-eslint-rules
ter-no-irregular-whitespace Disallow irregular whitespace tslint-eslint-rules
no-regex-spaces Disallow multiple spaces in a regular expression literal tslint-eslint-rules
no-unexpected-multiline Disallow code that looks like two expressions but is actually one tslint-eslint-rules
valid-jsdoc Enforce valid JSDoc comments tslint-eslint-rules
valid-typeof Ensure that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string tslint-eslint-rules
no-multi-spaces Disallow use of multiple spaces tslint-eslint-rules
handle-callback-err Enforce error handling in callbacks tslint-eslint-rules
array-bracket-spacing Disallow after and before array brackets tslint-eslint-rules
block-spacing Require spacies inside of single line blocks tslint-eslint-rules
brace-style Require "one true brace style" in which the opening brace of a block is placed on the same line as its statement or declaration tslint-eslint-rules
ter-func-call-spacing Require spacing between function identifiers and their incovations tslint-eslint-rules
ter-indent Enforce consistent indentation: 2 spaces tslint-eslint-rules
ter-max-len Enforce max line length of 100 tslint-eslint-rules