A simple query for the word "frisk" using Washington post's politics API, for Jan, 1 2010, to October 6, 2012, yields just 5 results.
http://api.washingtonpost.com/politics/content/v2/politics.json?query=frisk&startdate=20100101&enddate=20121006&key=[YOUR KEY HERE]
result is 5 articles
Washington Post's the 18 important issues of the election - does not include civil rights or criminal justice.
In the first three months of 2012, 203,500 New Yorkers were stopped by the police.
- 181,457 were totally innocent (89 percent).
- 108,097 were black (54 percent).
- 69,043 were Latino (33 percent).
- 18,387 were white (9 percent).
NYPD stop question and frisk databases for 2003-2011
over ** 4.2 million ** records
each record has 112 columns of information on the stop: justification, demographic, outcome, if force was used/why, location (street address)
~2.6 million records contain precise geographical coordinates
- NYCLU Report on 2011 Database (pdf)
- Center for Constitutional Rights Background on how the data became open
- Original NYPD Database Files - Note: they are offered only as portable SPSS database files (.por extensions).
- NYPD Data Dictionary - .zip file with an XLS spreadsheet for each year
- NYCLU-provided Data Dictionary