LitePred: Transferable and Scalable Latency Prediction for Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search
LitePred, a lightweight approach for accurately predicting DNN inference latency on new platforms with minimal adaptation data by transferring existing predictors.At the core of LitePred lies the principle that knowledge from a pre-existing latency predictor for one platform can be transferred to new platforms that share similarities.
Our prebuild predictors can be accessed here
Platform | Adaptation cost #Data #Time |
Prediction Accuracy 5% 10% |
Xiaomi11CPU, ORT | 1400 0.48h | 90.5% 98.9% |
Pixel5GPU,NCNN | 17400 0.96h | 84.3% 99.1% |
Xiaomi11CPU, Mindspore | 4800 0.35h | 90.4% 99.9% |
Xiaomi11GPU,TFLite2.7 | 11000 0.17h | 83.7% 98.6% |
Xiaomi11CPU,NCNN | 11400 0.88h | 80.3% 98.9% |
Pixle6CPU,TFLite2.1 | 3500 0.16h | 79.4% 100% |
Pixel5CPU, TFLite2.7 | 3400 0.13h | 79.6% 99.2% |
Xiaomi12CPU,TFLite2.7,INT8 | 3100 0.05h | 95.7% 100% |
Platform | Adaptation cost #Data #Time |
Prediction Accuracy 5% 10% |
Xiaomi11CPU,ORT | 2400 0.72h | 84.2% 99.2% |
Xiaomi12GPU,TFLite2.7 | 16100 0.22h | 79.4%,98.7% |
Xiaomi11CPU,Mindspore | 9700 0.80h | 98.1%,99.2% |
Pixel5GPU,NCNN | 18500 1.73h | 86.5% 99.3% |
Xiaomi12CPU,TFLite2.1,low Freq | 1800 0.18h | 94.7% 100% |
Xiaomi12CPU,TFLite2.1 | 1800 0.10h | 97.6% 99.9% |
build your own predictor
Use our predictors to predict your model latency
Use vae to collect effective multi-dimensional data