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This is the code for our ICCV'2023 paper titled SpaceEvo: Hardware-Friendly Search Space Design for Efficient INT8 Inference. SpaceEvo is an algorithm to search for INT8-quantization-friendly search spaces based on block-wise knowledge distillation. Then we use NAS algorithms to train and quantize the supernet and search for efficient 8-bit subnets for deployment on different platforms. Check our paper for more details.


Our trained supernets' checkpoints are available in

There are five supernets: spaceevo@pixel4, spaceevo@pixel4-medium, spaceevo@pixel4-tiny, spaceevo@vnni and spaceevo@vnni-large.

Download them to ./checkpoints/supernet_training.


The configs of the specific supernets and subnets after search are in ./data/search_results.yaml, which contains:

  • five supernets: spaceevo@pixel4, spaceevo@pixel4-medium, spaceevo@pixel4-tiny, spaceevo@vnni and spaceevo@vnni-large.
  • ten subnets: SEQnet@pixel4-A[0-4], SEQnet@vnni-A[0-4].

You can evaluate these supernets max-subnet's and min-subnet's accuracy and subnet's accuracy by running

# evaluate supernet's int8 accuracy
python --model_name spaceevo@vnni --dataset_dir ${IMAGENET_PATH} --quant_mode
# evaluate supernet's fp32 accuracy
python --model_name spaceevo@vnni --dataset_dir ${IMAGENET_PATH}

# evaluate subnet's int8 accuracy
python --model_name SEQnet@pixel4-A0 --dataset_dir ${IMAGENET_PATH} --quant_mode
python --model_name SEQnet@vnni-A0 --dataset_dir ${IMAGENET_PATH} --quant_mode
# evaluate subnet's fp32 accuracy
python --model_name SEQnet@pixel4-A0 --dataset_dir ${IMAGENET_PATH}


The whole pipeline contains the following procedures:

  1. search space search based on block_kd
    1. train and lsq+ block, see and
    2. build block lut, see
    3. search, see
  2. supernet training and lsq+, see
  3. subnet search, see
  4. eval supernet and subnet (latency and accuracy)
    1. eval accuracy and predict latency, see
    2. benchmark latency on real device: see onnx_tools/ and tflite_tools/

Assume all the checkpoints and results are stored in ${CHECKPOINT_DIR} (default is ./checkpoints). The directory layout is:

|   block_kd/teacher_checkpoint/efficientnet_b5/checkpoint.pth
└---block_kd/mobilew # block_kd checkpoints of mobilew
|   |   stage1_0/
|   |   .../
|   |   stage6_6/
└---block_kd/onnxw $ block_kd checkpoints of onnxw
|   |
└---block_kd/search # block_kd searhing results
|   |   mobilew/
|   |   onnxw/
|   |   mobilew-312120-155501-align0
|   |       |   checkpoint.pth
|   |       |   lsq.pth
|   |       |   ...
|   |   onnxw_-121121-023230-align0
|   |   spaceevo@pixel4
|   |   spaceevo@vnni
    |   onnx-111211/*.log
    |   ...

Setup nn-Meter

We use nn-Meter to predict model's latency. To setup nn-Meter, do the following procedure:

First download and unzip from You will get a folder named tflite-int8-predictor. Assume the folder's path is ${tflite_predictor_path}.

Set the package_location entry in meta.yaml to ${tflite_predictor_path}.

name: tflite27_cpu_int8
version: 1.0
category: cpu
package_location: <Change this to this meta.yaml file's directory path>
    - conv-bn-relu

Then install nn-meter and register tflite-int8-predictor.

git clone
cd nn-Meter
git checkout dev/quantize-predictor

# register tflite predictor
nn-meter register --predictor ${tflite_predictor_path}/meta.yaml

search space search

train block kd

We use LSQ+ quantized efficientnet-b5 to distill blocks. The checkpoint is also in the above google-drive link. Download it to checkpoints/block_kd/teacher_checkpoint/efficientnet_b5/checkpoint.pth

First you need to train and LSQ+ QAT all the blocks in stage1-stage6 in the hyperspace (superspace). Blocks are independent, thus can be trained in parallel. You can specify the block id in argument --stage_list.

# first train block in fp32 mode
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \
--superspace <superspace> \
--output_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/<superspace> \
--inplace_distill_from_teacher \
--num_epochs 5 \
--stage_list stage1_0 stage1_2 \
--hw_list 160 192 224 \
--dataset_path <path_to_imagenet>

# then lsq+ in quant mode
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 \
--superspace <superspace> \
--output_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/<superspace> \
--inplace_distill_from_teacher \
--num_epochs 1 \
--stage_list stage1_0 stage1_2 \
--hw_list 160 192 224 \
--dataset_path <path_to_imagenet> \
--teacher_checkpoint_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/teacher_checkpoint/efficientnet_b5/checkpoint.pth \
--train_batch_size 32 \
--learning_rate_list 0.00125 0.00125 0.00125 0.00125 0.00125 0.00125

In the above example, we train 2 blocks: stage1_0 and stage1_2. <superspace>can be chosen in [mobilew | onnxw | ...].

build block lut

To speed up space search with block_kd. We first sample 1000 points from each possible candidate blocks in stage1-6, which serve as a look-up table. During space search, all the points are sampled from this table, eliminating the need to do evaluation, which is efficient.

python \
--superspace [mobilew|onnxw] \
--platform [tflite27_cpu_int8|onnx_lut] \
--output_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/lut \
--stage_list stage3_0 stage3_1 \
--width_window_filter 0 1 2 \
--hw_list 160 192 224 \
--dataset_path ./dataset \
--checkpoint_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd \
--teacher_checkpoint_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/teacher_checkpoint/efficientnet_b5/checkpoint.pth \

--stage_list and --width_window_filter specify the blocks and the width window candidates to build lut. The above scripts will build 6 luts: stage3_0_0, stage3_0_1, stage3_0_2, stage3_1_0, stage3_1_1, stage3_1_2. When --debug argument is set, evaluation is performed only on 10 batches. We found after a few batches, the loss becomes stable, so we set --debug flag when building block lut to speed up this process.

Each line in the output lut csv file represents a stage sampled from the dynamic stage. There are 6 items in a line, whose meanings are

sub-stage-config input shape nsr-loss FLOPS(M) Params(M) pred int8 latency (ms)
5#32#8_3#40#3 1x24x112x112 0.2734 118.7395 0.0489 11.7578

If a substage has 2 blocks (depth=2) and each block bi has (kernel_size, width, expand_ratio) = (ki, wi, ei), then it can be encoded as k1#w1#e1_k2#w2_e2.

The built LUT stores in data/block_lut.

search space search

Search space search is very fast because no neural network forward is needed. Subnets are sampled from the previously built look-up table. Thus search space search runs locally. All other training and searching processes run in the cluster.

# search on hyperspace mobilew with latency constraint {15 20}, latency_loss_t 0.08 and latency_loss_a 0.01
python --superspace mobilew --latency_constraint 15 20 --platform tflite27_cpu_int8 --latency_loss_t 0.08 --latency_loss_a 0.01 --lut_path data/block_lut --output_dir ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/search

# search on hyperspace onnxw with latency constraint 10
python --superspace onnxw --latency_constraint 10 --platform onnx_lut --latency_loss_t 0.08 --latency_loss_a 0.01 --lut_path data/block_lut --output_dir ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/block_kd/search

You can also get the quality score of specific search spaces.

python --superspace onnxw --latency_constraint 15 --platform onnx_lut --latency_loss_t 0.08 --supernet_choices 111111_000000 222222_000000

supernet training

# first train 360 epochs in fp32 mode
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 \
--config-file supernet_training_configs/train.yaml \
--superspace mobilew \
--supernet_choice 123214-012321 \
--batch_size_per_gpu 64 \
# then lsq+ for 50 epochs
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 \
--config-file supernet_training_configs/train.yaml \
--superspace mobilew \
--supernet_choice 123214-012321 \
--batch_size_per_gpu 32 \

A supernet can be encoded as <hyperspace>-<block_type_choices>-<width_window_choices>, e.g., mobilew-111211-123211. The above script trains and QAT supernet mobilew-123214-012321. Supernet.build_from_str method builds a supernet torch model from a str encoding.

search target subnet

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 \
--superspace onnxw \
--supernet_choice 121122-133333 \
--dataset_path <path_to_imagenet> \
--output_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/search_subnet \
--checkpoint_path ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/supernet_training \
--latency_constraint 15 \
--latency_delta 2 \
--batch_size 32 \
--num_calib_batches 20

Before searching, make sure the supernet's checkpoint after lsq+ qat exists. In the above example, the target checkpoint path is ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/supernet_training/onnxw-121122-133333-align0/lsq.pth. Also the code needs nn-meter installed and registered. The valid latency range is specified by --latency_constraint c and --latency_delta d. The range is [c-d, c].

evaluate subnet

A subnet can be encoded as the depth, width, kernel_size, expand_ratio and resolution choices from the supernet, e.g., d1#1#2#4#5#4#6#2_k3#3#5#5#3#5#5#3#5#3#3#3#5#3#3#5#5#5#5#3#3#5#5#5#5_w32#32#32#48#48#48#64#64#96#112#96#112#80#144#144#144#128#240#256#256#256#256#256#432#432_e0#0.5#8.0#6.0#8.0#6.0#8.0#4.0#6.0#6.0#4.0#4.0#4.0#6.0#8.0#4.0#6.0#6.0#6.0#6.0#8.0#8.0#4.0#8.0#8.0_r224.

# evaluate the fp32 accuracy of a list of subnets in a supernet
python --superspace onnxw --supernet_choice 121122-133333 --mode acc --resume ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/supernet_training --dataset_dir ./dataset --subnet_choice <subnet_choice1> <subnet_choice2> <...> 

# evaluate the int8 accuracy of a list of subnets in a supernet
python --superspace onnxw --supernet_choice 121122-133333 --mode acc --resume ${CHECKPOINT_DIR}/supernet_training --dataset_dir ./dataset --subnet_choice <subnet_choice1> <subnet_choice2> <...> --quant_mode

# also you can run this code with torch ddp to speed up evaluation: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 ...

# predict the latency of a list of subnets
python --superspace onnxw --supernet_choice 121122-133333 --mode lat --subnet_choice <subnet_choice1> <subnet_choice2> <...> 

benchmark subnet latency

##### benchmark onnx latency #####
# 1. write subnet encoding to onnx_tools/input.csv. Each line represents a subnet: <superspace>,<supernet_choice>,<subnet_choice>

# 2. export onnx
python onnx_tools/ --skip_weights

# 3. benchmark
python onnx_tools/

##### benchmark tflite latency #####
# 1. write subnet encoding to tflite_tools/input.csv. Each line represents a subnet: <superspace>,<supernet_choice>,<subnet_choice>

# 2. export and benchmark
python tflite_tools/

LSQ+ Implementation

LSQ+ quantization is implemented in modules/modeling/ops/ The main components are

  • function quantize_activation(activation, scale, num_bits, beta, is_training) fake quantize (quantize and then de-quantize) the activation using parameter scale and beta.
  • function quantize_weight(weight, scale, num_bits, is_training) fake quantize the weight using scale (no offset parameter is needed because the weight quantization is symmetric).
  • class QBase is the base class for a quantized OP. It initializes three parameters activation_scale, activation_beta, weight_scale and provides quantization parameters initial methods and fake quantize method. There are two initial methods: min_max_initial and lsq_initial. We use the first one, which is simple.
  • function set_quant_mode(model: nn.Module) sets a torch model with lsq+ op to int8 mode.

A quantized op can be implemented by inheriting QBase and nn.Module, see modules/modeling.ops/, which contains QConv and QLinear.

Because the normal training flow is first training in fp32 mode and then qat in int8 mode, models are initialized into fp32 mode, by setting the nbits_w and nbits_a attributes in QBase to 32. In forward pass, lsq+ ops in fp32 mode behave the same as normal torch modules. To change a model to int8 mode, all nbits_w and nbits_a attributes are needed to change to 8, which can be done by function set_quant_mode.

DownStream Classification

python --subnet_name SEQnet@vnni-A0  --dataset CIFAR10 --imagenet_path xxx


If SpaceEvo is useful or relevant to your research, please kindly recognize our contributions by citing our paper:

  title={SpaceEvo: Hardware-Friendly Search Space Design for Efficient INT8 Inference},
  author={Wang, Xudong and Zhang, Li Lyna and Xu, Jiahang and Zhang, Quanlu and Wang, Yujing and Yang, Yuqing and Zheng, Ningxin and Cao, Ting and Yang, Mao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.08308},