diff --git a/mne_bids_pipeline/_config.py b/mne_bids_pipeline/_config.py
index c3abfc57f..ed9a51e6d 100644
--- a/mne_bids_pipeline/_config.py
+++ b/mne_bids_pipeline/_config.py
@@ -1376,12 +1376,22 @@
 `1` or `None` to not perform any decimation.
+ica_use_ecg_detection: bool = True
+Whether to use the MNE ECG detection on the ICA components.
 ica_ecg_threshold: float = 0.1
 The cross-trial phase statistics (CTPS) threshold parameter used for detecting
 ECG-related ICs.
+ica_use_eog_detection: bool = True
+Whether to use the MNE EOG detection on the ICA components.
 ica_eog_threshold: float = 3.0
 The threshold to use during automated EOG classification. Lower values mean
@@ -1389,6 +1399,40 @@
 false-alarm rate increases dramatically.
+# From: https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids-pipeline/pull/812
+ica_use_icalabel: bool = False
+Whether to use MNE-ICALabel to automatically label ICA components. Only available for
+EEG data.
+!!! info
+    Using MNE-ICALabel mandates that you also set:
+    ```python
+    eeg_reference = "average"
+    ica_l_freq = 1
+    h_freq = 100
+    ```
+icalabel_include: Annotated[
+    Sequence[
+        Literal[
+            "brain",
+            "muscle artifact",
+            "eye blink",
+            "heart beat",
+            "line noise",
+            "channel noise",
+            "other",
+        ]
+    ],
+    Len(1, 7),
+] = ["brain", "other"]
+Which independent components (ICs) to keep based on the labels given by ICLabel.
+Possible labels are "brain", "muscle artifact", "eye blink", "heart beat", "line noise", "channel noise", "other".
 # ### Amplitude-based artifact rejection
 # ???+ info "Good Practice / Advice"
diff --git a/mne_bids_pipeline/_config_import.py b/mne_bids_pipeline/_config_import.py
index 1616b9ff4..3c2206277 100644
--- a/mne_bids_pipeline/_config_import.py
+++ b/mne_bids_pipeline/_config_import.py
@@ -341,6 +341,21 @@ def _check_config(config: SimpleNamespace, config_path: PathLike | None) -> None
                 f"but got shape {destination.shape}"
+    # From: https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-bids-pipeline/pull/812
+    # MNE-ICALabel
+    if config.ica_use_icalabel:
+        if config.ica_l_freq != 1.0 or config.h_freq != 100.0:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"When using MNE-ICALabel, you must set ica_l_freq=1 and h_freq=100, "
+                f"but got: ica_l_freq={config.ica_l_freq} and h_freq={config.h_freq}"
+            )
+        if config.eeg_reference != "average":
+            raise ValueError(
+                f'When using MNE-ICALabel, you must set eeg_reference="average", but '
+                f"got: eeg_reference={config.eeg_reference}"
+            )
 def _default_factory(key: str, val: Any) -> Any:
     # convert a default to a default factory if needed, having an explicit
@@ -350,6 +365,8 @@ def _default_factory(key: str, val: Any) -> Any:
         {"custom": (8, 24.0, 40)},  # decoding_csp_freqs
         ["evoked"],  # inverse_targets
         [4, 8, 16],  # autoreject_n_interpolate
+        # ["brain", "muscle artifact", "eye blink", "heart beat", "line noise", "channel noise", "other"], # icalabel_include
+        ["brain", "other"],
     def default_factory() -> Any:
diff --git a/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a1_fit_ica.py b/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a1_fit_ica.py
index b2da2a49b..39c7078ce 100644
--- a/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a1_fit_ica.py
+++ b/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a1_fit_ica.py
@@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ def run_ica(
     """Run ICA."""
     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    if cfg.ica_use_icalabel:
+        # The ICALabel network was trained on extended-Infomax ICA decompositions fit
+        # on data flltered between 1 and 100 Hz.
+        assert cfg.ica_algorithm in ["picard-extended_infomax", "extended_infomax"]
+        assert cfg.ica_l_freq == 1.0
+        assert cfg.h_freq == 100.0
+        assert cfg.eeg_reference == "average"
     raw_fnames = [in_files.pop(f"raw_run-{run}") for run in cfg.runs]
     out_files = dict()
     bids_basename = raw_fnames[0].copy().update(processing=None, split=None, run=None)
@@ -164,7 +172,18 @@ def run_ica(
     # Set an EEG reference
     if "eeg" in cfg.ch_types:
-        projection = True if cfg.eeg_reference == "average" else False
+        if cfg.ica_use_icalabel:
+            assert cfg.eeg_reference == "average"
+            projection = False  # Avg. ref. needs to be applied for MNE-ICALabel
+        elif cfg.eeg_reference == "average":
+            projection = True
+        else:
+            projection = False
+        if not projection:
+            msg = "Applying average reference to EEG epochs used for ICA fitting."
+            logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
         epochs.set_eeg_reference(cfg.eeg_reference, projection=projection)
     ar_reject_log = ar_n_interpolate_ = None
@@ -338,10 +357,12 @@ def get_config(
+        ica_use_icalabel=config.ica_use_icalabel,
+        h_freq=config.h_freq,
diff --git a/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a2_find_ica_artifacts.py b/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a2_find_ica_artifacts.py
index 90db43c06..05d984c54 100644
--- a/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a2_find_ica_artifacts.py
+++ b/mne_bids_pipeline/steps/preprocessing/_06a2_find_ica_artifacts.py
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@
 from types import SimpleNamespace
 from typing import Literal
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import mne
+import mne_icalabel
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 from mne.preprocessing import create_ecg_epochs, create_eog_epochs
+from mne.viz import plot_ica_components
 from mne_bids import BIDSPath
 from mne_bids_pipeline._config_utils import (
@@ -157,114 +160,148 @@ def find_ica_artifacts(
     epochs_ecg = None
     ecg_ics: list[int] = []
     ecg_scores: FloatArrayT = np.zeros(0)
-    for ri, raw_fname in enumerate(raw_fnames):
-        # Have the channels needed to make ECG epochs
-        raw = mne.io.read_raw(raw_fname, preload=False)
-        # ECG epochs
-        if not (
-            "ecg" in raw.get_channel_types()
-            or "meg" in cfg.ch_types
-            or "mag" in cfg.ch_types
-        ):
-            msg = (
-                "No ECG or magnetometer channels are present, cannot "
-                "automate artifact detection for ECG."
+    if cfg.ica_use_ecg_detection:
+        for ri, raw_fname in enumerate(raw_fnames):
+            # Have the channels needed to make ECG epochs
+            raw = mne.io.read_raw(raw_fname, preload=False)
+            # ECG epochs
+            if not (
+                "ecg" in raw.get_channel_types()
+                or "meg" in cfg.ch_types
+                or "mag" in cfg.ch_types
+            ):
+                msg = (
+                    "No ECG or magnetometer channels are present, cannot "
+                    "automate artifact detection for ECG."
+                )
+                logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+                break
+            elif ri == 0:
+                msg = "Creating ECG epochs …"
+                logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+            # We want to extract a total of 5 min of data for ECG epochs generation
+            # (across all runs)
+            total_ecg_dur = 5 * 60
+            ecg_dur_per_run = total_ecg_dur / len(raw_fnames)
+            t_mid = (raw.times[-1] + raw.times[0]) / 2
+            raw = raw.crop(
+                tmin=max(t_mid - 1 / 2 * ecg_dur_per_run, 0),
+                tmax=min(t_mid + 1 / 2 * ecg_dur_per_run, raw.times[-1]),
+            ).load_data()
+            these_ecg_epochs = create_ecg_epochs(
+                raw,
+                baseline=(None, -0.2),
+                tmin=-0.5,
+                tmax=0.5,
-            logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
-            break
-        elif ri == 0:
-            msg = "Creating ECG epochs …"
-            logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
-        # We want to extract a total of 5 min of data for ECG epochs generation
-        # (across all runs)
-        total_ecg_dur = 5 * 60
-        ecg_dur_per_run = total_ecg_dur / len(raw_fnames)
-        t_mid = (raw.times[-1] + raw.times[0]) / 2
-        raw = raw.crop(
-            tmin=max(t_mid - 1 / 2 * ecg_dur_per_run, 0),
-            tmax=min(t_mid + 1 / 2 * ecg_dur_per_run, raw.times[-1]),
-        ).load_data()
-        these_ecg_epochs = create_ecg_epochs(
-            raw,
-            baseline=(None, -0.2),
-            tmin=-0.5,
-            tmax=0.5,
-        )
-        del raw  # Free memory
-        if len(these_ecg_epochs):
-            if epochs.reject is not None:
-                these_ecg_epochs.drop_bad(reject=epochs.reject)
+            del raw  # Free memory
             if len(these_ecg_epochs):
-                if epochs_ecg is None:
-                    epochs_ecg = these_ecg_epochs
-                else:
-                    epochs_ecg = mne.concatenate_epochs(
-                        [epochs_ecg, these_ecg_epochs], on_mismatch="warn"
-                    )
-        del these_ecg_epochs
-    else:  # did not break so had usable channels
-        ecg_ics, ecg_scores = detect_bad_components(
-            cfg=cfg,
-            which="ecg",
-            epochs=epochs_ecg,
-            ica=ica,
-            ch_names=None,  # we currently don't allow for custom channels
-            subject=subject,
-            session=session,
-        )
+                if epochs.reject is not None:
+                    these_ecg_epochs.drop_bad(reject=epochs.reject)
+                if len(these_ecg_epochs):
+                    if epochs_ecg is None:
+                        epochs_ecg = these_ecg_epochs
+                    else:
+                        epochs_ecg = mne.concatenate_epochs(
+                            [epochs_ecg, these_ecg_epochs], on_mismatch="warn"
+                        )
+            del these_ecg_epochs
+        else:  # did not break so had usable channels
+            ecg_ics, ecg_scores = detect_bad_components(
+                cfg=cfg,
+                which="ecg",
+                epochs=epochs_ecg,
+                ica=ica,
+                ch_names=None,  # we currently don't allow for custom channels
+                subject=subject,
+                session=session,
+            )
     # EOG component detection
     epochs_eog = None
     eog_ics: list[int] = []
     eog_scores = np.zeros(0)
-    for ri, raw_fname in enumerate(raw_fnames):
-        raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)
-        if cfg.eog_channels:
-            ch_names = cfg.eog_channels
-            assert all([ch_name in raw.ch_names for ch_name in ch_names])
-        else:
-            eog_picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eog=True)
-            ch_names = [raw.ch_names[pick] for pick in eog_picks]
-        if not ch_names:
-            msg = "No EOG channel is present, cannot automate IC detection for EOG."
-            logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
-            break
-        elif ri == 0:
-            msg = "Creating EOG epochs …"
-            logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
-        these_eog_epochs = create_eog_epochs(
-            raw,
-            ch_name=ch_names,
-            baseline=(None, -0.2),
-        )
-        if len(these_eog_epochs):
-            if epochs.reject is not None:
-                these_eog_epochs.drop_bad(reject=epochs.reject)
+    if cfg.ica_use_eog_detection:
+        for ri, raw_fname in enumerate(raw_fnames):
+            raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True)
+            if cfg.eog_channels:
+                ch_names = cfg.eog_channels
+                assert all([ch_name in raw.ch_names for ch_name in ch_names])
+            else:
+                eog_picks = mne.pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eog=True)
+                ch_names = [raw.ch_names[pick] for pick in eog_picks]
+            if not ch_names:
+                msg = "No EOG channel is present, cannot automate IC detection for EOG."
+                logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+                break
+            elif ri == 0:
+                msg = "Creating EOG epochs …"
+                logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+            these_eog_epochs = create_eog_epochs(
+                raw,
+                ch_name=ch_names,
+                baseline=(None, -0.2),
+            )
             if len(these_eog_epochs):
-                if epochs_eog is None:
-                    epochs_eog = these_eog_epochs
-                else:
-                    epochs_eog = mne.concatenate_epochs(
-                        [epochs_eog, these_eog_epochs], on_mismatch="warn"
-                    )
-    else:  # did not break
-        eog_ics, eog_scores = detect_bad_components(
-            cfg=cfg,
-            which="eog",
-            epochs=epochs_eog,
-            ica=ica,
-            ch_names=cfg.eog_channels,
-            subject=subject,
-            session=session,
+                if epochs.reject is not None:
+                    these_eog_epochs.drop_bad(reject=epochs.reject)
+                if len(these_eog_epochs):
+                    if epochs_eog is None:
+                        epochs_eog = these_eog_epochs
+                    else:
+                        epochs_eog = mne.concatenate_epochs(
+                            [epochs_eog, these_eog_epochs], on_mismatch="warn"
+                        )
+        else:  # did not break
+            eog_ics, eog_scores = detect_bad_components(
+                cfg=cfg,
+                which="eog",
+                epochs=epochs_eog,
+                ica=ica,
+                ch_names=cfg.eog_channels,
+                subject=subject,
+                session=session,
+            )
+    # Run MNE-ICALabel if requested.
+    if cfg.ica_use_icalabel:
+        icalabel_ics = []
+        icalabel_labels = []
+        icalabel_prob = []
+        msg = "Performing automated artifact detection (MNE-ICALabel) …"
+        logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+        label_results = mne_icalabel.label_components(
+            inst=epochs, ica=ica, method="iclabel"
+        )
+        for idx, (label, prob) in enumerate(
+            zip(label_results["labels"], label_results["y_pred_proba"])
+        ):
+            # icalabel_include = ["brain", "other"]
+            print(label)
+            print(prob)
+            if label not in cfg.icalabel_include:
+                icalabel_ics.append(idx)
+                icalabel_labels.append(label)
+                icalabel_prob.append(prob)
+        msg = (
+            f"Detected {len(icalabel_ics)} artifact-related independent component(s) "
+            f"in {len(epochs)} epochs."
+        logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg))
+    else:
+        icalabel_ics = []
+    ica.exclude = sorted(set(ecg_ics + eog_ics + icalabel_ics))
     # Save updated ICA to disk.
     # We also store the automatically identified ECG- and EOG-related ICs.
     msg = "Saving ICA solution and detected artifacts to disk."
-    ica.exclude = sorted(set(ecg_ics + eog_ics))
     ica.save(out_files["ica"], overwrite=True)
     # Create TSV.
@@ -278,15 +315,28 @@ def find_ica_artifacts(
-    for component in ecg_ics:
-        row_idx = tsv_data["component"] == component
-        tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status"] = "bad"
-        tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status_description"] = "Auto-detected ECG artifact"
-    for component in eog_ics:
-        row_idx = tsv_data["component"] == component
-        tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status"] = "bad"
-        tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status_description"] = "Auto-detected EOG artifact"
+    if cfg.ica_use_icalabel:
+        assert len(icalabel_ics) == len(icalabel_labels)
+        for component, label in zip(icalabel_ics, icalabel_labels):
+            row_idx = tsv_data["component"] == component
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status"] = "bad"
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status_description"] = (
+                f"Auto-detected {label} (MNE-ICALabel)"
+            )
+    if cfg.ica_use_ecg_detection:
+        for component in ecg_ics:
+            row_idx = tsv_data["component"] == component
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status"] = "bad"
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status_description"] = (
+                "Auto-detected ECG artifact (MNE)"
+            )
+    if cfg.ica_use_eog_detection:
+        for component in eog_ics:
+            row_idx = tsv_data["component"] == component
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status"] = "bad"
+            tsv_data.loc[row_idx, "status_description"] = (
+                "Auto-detected EOG artifact (MNE)"
+            )
     tsv_data.to_csv(out_files_components, sep="\t", index=False)
@@ -330,6 +380,29 @@ def find_ica_artifacts(
             tags=("ica",),  # the default but be explicit
+        # Add a plot for each excluded IC together with the given label and the probability
+        # TODO: Improve this plot e.g. combine all figures in one plot
+        for ic, label, prob in zip(icalabel_ics, icalabel_labels, icalabel_prob):
+            excluded_IC_figure = plot_ica_components(
+                ica=ica,
+                picks=ic,
+            )
+            excluded_IC_figure.axes[0].text(
+                0,
+                -0.15,
+                f"Label: {label} \n Probability: {prob:.3f}",
+                ha="center",
+                fontsize=8,
+                bbox={"facecolor": "orange", "alpha": 0.5, "pad": 5},
+            )
+            report.add_figure(
+                fig=excluded_IC_figure,
+                title=f"ICA{ic:03}",
+                replace=True,
+            )
+            plt.close(excluded_IC_figure)
     msg = 'Carefully review the extracted ICs and mark components "bad" in:'
     logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=msg, emoji="🛑"))
     logger.info(**gen_log_kwargs(message=str(out_files_components), emoji="🛑"))
@@ -350,8 +423,12 @@ def get_config(
+        ica_use_eog_detection=config.ica_use_eog_detection,
+        ica_use_ecg_detection=config.ica_use_ecg_detection,
+        ica_use_icalabel=config.ica_use_icalabel,
+        icalabel_include=config.icalabel_include,
diff --git a/mne_bids_pipeline/tests/configs/config_ERP_CORE.py b/mne_bids_pipeline/tests/configs/config_ERP_CORE.py
index e536450fa..3915db661 100644
--- a/mne_bids_pipeline/tests/configs/config_ERP_CORE.py
+++ b/mne_bids_pipeline/tests/configs/config_ERP_CORE.py
@@ -75,11 +75,15 @@
     spatial_filter = None
     reject = "autoreject_local"
     autoreject_n_interpolate = [2, 4]
-elif task == "N170":  # test autoreject local before ICA
+elif task == "N170":  # test autoreject local before ICA, and MNE-ICALabel
     spatial_filter = "ica"
+    ica_algorithm = "picard-extended_infomax"
+    ica_use_icalabel = True
+    ica_l_freq = 1
+    h_freq = 100
     ica_reject = "autoreject_local"
     reject = "autoreject_global"
-    autoreject_n_interpolate = [2, 4]
+    autoreject_n_interpolate = [12]  # only for testing!
     spatial_filter = "ica"
     ica_reject = dict(eeg=350e-6, eog=500e-6)
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index d8643b495..041dfc69a 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ dependencies = [
   "mne[hdf5] >=1.7",
+  "mne-icalabel",
+  "onnxruntime",  # for mne-icalabel
 dynamic = ["version"]