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Stays on top of all windows
Window can be dragged across screens to desired position with mouse
Hides window borders, title bar, and maximize/minimize buttons
Window size calculated to fit 00:00, using font size 40, system default font
Flashes window when 1 minute remaining and when paused
Continues flashing when time is up, shows overtime
Window transparency decreases as time elapses
Different flash style when paused
Runs on Python 3+ without admin rights
No additional libraries required
Pausing does not pause total time
Resetting does not reset total time
Time add/subtract buttons appear, add/subtract 1 minute each click, seconds set to 0
Time set in minutes, default 5 minutes
Pause button
Reset button, resets to default time
Exit button
Shows remaining time
Format: MM:SS
Updates display every second
Window is transparent
Not transparent when paused
Transparency based on ratio of total/remaining times
Not transparent for first 5 seconds after start
More transparency as remaining time decreases, fully opaque at 1 minute left
Command line example:
python CountdownTopWin.py 5 60
Param 1: Single timer time, max 99 minutes
Param 2: Total time, max 99 minutes
No params: Default single time 5 minutes, no total time
- Buttons must be exited from button area to hide, exiting time area does not auto-hide