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- small code snippet illustrating an issue
- python develop –user
- py.test
- matlab_root (modify PATH, ln -s)
- /bin/csh
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- python
- matlab!forum/comp.soft-sys.matlab
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Better make a new library for Python 3 with the following properties:
- name: matlab_wrapper3 (?)
- don’t squeeze values from Matlab
- assure proper indexing!topic/matlab_wrapper/wAp6veM6xgY
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Canceled: “Explicit is better than implicit”
The problem is that in MATLAB this conversion is implicit and writing e.g.
matlab.put(‘a’, 1) # <- here ‘a’ will be int
may lead to unexpected behaviors.
Could be activated via by a parameters:
matlab = matlab_wrapper.MatlabSession(auto_int_conversion=True)
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- add `matlab._pid’ (use features(‘getpid’) in MATLAB, might not exist in older versions)
- check the standard library for the best kill/terminate functions
MATLAB is unresponsive during execution of svd(). I did not find a way to reasonably kill the process (in destructor), because it hangs in the engClose().
pid = self.workspace.feature('getpid')
self._pid = int(pid)
except RuntimeError:
self._pid = None
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/bin/csh is required by libeng and the lack of it could be detected by matlab_wrapper.
<2014-09-29 Mon>
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ralili mentioned that it seem to be working on Windows 7, where:
lib_dir = join(matlab_root, “bin”, “win32”)
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Issue #6 by Jeremy Moreau
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Canceled: not able to reproduce.
Might have something to do with matplotlib.
Eventually put in FAQ.
790 “”” 791 def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): –> 792 self._lib = ctypes.CDLL(name, **kwargs) 793 794 if ‘libeng’ in name:
/usr/lib/python2.7/ctypes/__init__.pyc in __init__(self, name, mode, handle, use_errno, use_last_error) 363 364 if handle is None: –> 365 self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode) 366 else: 367 self._handle = handle
OSError: /nfs/system/opt/MATLAB/R2014b/bin/glnxa64/ undefined symbol: _ZN6icu_5213UnicodeString9doReplaceEiiPKDsii
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Numpy indexing comes form C.
In carr[i][j][k], k iterates the most inner row arrays.
arr.ravel(‘K’) flattens array in the order the elements occur in the memory.
matlab_wrapper has to take into account inverse indexing:
[i][j][k][l] <=> [l][k][j][i]
as well as row vs column of the inner most arrays:
[i][j][k][l] <=> [k][l][j][i]
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Archived entries from file /home/marek/projects/matlab_wrapper/
notmuch:id:/issues/18/[email protected]
- backward compatibility is super important
- possible solution is to disable squeeze’ing in a backward compatible way, e.g., MatlabSession(squeeze=False)
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fixed by PR #20
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