diff --git a/index.html.erb b/index.html.erb
index d52729b65..5df81a55c 100644
--- a/index.html.erb
+++ b/index.html.erb
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@
} catch (e) {
- var msg = msgpack.pack(obj);
+ var msg = MessagePack.encode(obj);
var hex = jQuery.map(msg, function(e,i) {
return ("0" + e.toString(16)).slice(-2);
}).join(" ");
@@ -80,7 +79,7 @@
msgbytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
var msg = String.fromCharCode.apply(String, msgbytes);
- var obj=msgpack.unpack(msg);
+ var obj=MessagePack.decode(msg);
var text=JSON.stringify(obj);
var textLength = encodeURIComponent(text).replace(/%../g,"%").length;
diff --git a/js/msgpack.js b/js/msgpack.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f5de6bf..000000000
--- a/js/msgpack.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,698 +0,0 @@
-// === msgpack ===
-// MessagePack -> http://msgpack.sourceforge.net/
-this.msgpack || (function(globalScope) {
-globalScope.msgpack = {
- pack: msgpackpack, // msgpack.pack(data:Mix,
- // toString:Boolean = false):ByteArray/ByteString/false
- // [1][mix to String] msgpack.pack({}, true) -> "..."
- // [2][mix to ByteArray] msgpack.pack({}) -> [...]
- unpack: msgpackunpack, // msgpack.unpack(data:BinaryString/ByteArray):Mix
- // [1][String to mix] msgpack.unpack("...") -> {}
- // [2][ByteArray to mix] msgpack.unpack([...]) -> {}
- worker: "msgpack.js", // msgpack.worker - WebWorkers script filename
- upload: msgpackupload, // msgpack.upload(url:String, option:Hash, callback:Function)
- download: msgpackdownload // msgpack.download(url:String, option:Hash, callback:Function)
-var _ie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent),
- _bin2num = {}, // BinaryStringToNumber { "\00": 0, ... "\ff": 255 }
- _num2bin = {}, // NumberToBinaryString { 0: "\00", ... 255: "\ff" }
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/").split(""),
- _buf = [], // decode buffer
- _idx = 0, // decode buffer[index]
- _error = 0, // msgpack.pack() error code. 1 = CYCLIC_REFERENCE_ERROR
- _isArray = Array.isArray || (function(mix) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(mix) === "[object Array]";
- }),
- _isUint8Array = function(mix) {
- return Object.prototype.toString.call(mix) === "[object Uint8Array]";
- },
- _toString = String.fromCharCode, // CharCode/ByteArray to String
- _MAX_DEPTH = 512;
-// for WebWorkers Code Block
-self.importScripts && (onmessage = function(event) {
- if (event.data.method === "pack") {
- postMessage(base64encode(msgpackpack(event.data.data)));
- } else {
- postMessage(msgpackunpack(event.data.data));
- }
-// msgpack.pack
-function msgpackpack(data, // @param Mix:
- toString) { // @param Boolean(= false):
- // @return ByteArray/BinaryString/false:
- // false is error return
- // [1][mix to String] msgpack.pack({}, true) -> "..."
- // [2][mix to ByteArray] msgpack.pack({}) -> [...]
- _error = 0;
- var byteArray = encode([], data, 0);
- return _error ? false
- : toString ? byteArrayToByteString(byteArray)
- : byteArray;
-// msgpack.unpack
-function msgpackunpack(data) { // @param BinaryString/ByteArray:
- // @return Mix/undefined:
- // undefined is error return
- // [1][String to mix] msgpack.unpack("...") -> {}
- // [2][ByteArray to mix] msgpack.unpack([...]) -> {}
- _buf = typeof data === "string" ? toByteArray(data) : data;
- _idx = -1;
- return decode(); // mix or undefined
-// inner - encoder
-function encode(rv, // @param ByteArray: result
- mix, // @param Mix: source data
- depth) { // @param Number: depth
- var size, i, iz, c, pos, // for UTF8.encode, Array.encode, Hash.encode
- high, low, sign, exp, frac; // for IEEE754
- if (mix == null) { // null or undefined -> 0xc0 ( null )
- rv.push(0xc0);
- } else if (mix === false) { // false -> 0xc2 ( false )
- rv.push(0xc2);
- } else if (mix === true) { // true -> 0xc3 ( true )
- rv.push(0xc3);
- } else {
- switch (typeof mix) {
- case "number":
- if (mix !== mix) { // isNaN
- rv.push(0xcb, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // quiet NaN
- } else if (mix === Infinity) {
- rv.push(0xcb, 0x7f, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); // positive infinity
- } else if (Math.floor(mix) === mix) { // int or uint
- if (mix < 0) {
- // int
- if (mix >= -32) { // negative fixnum
- rv.push(0xe0 + mix + 32);
- } else if (mix > -0x80) {
- rv.push(0xd0, mix + 0x100);
- } else if (mix > -0x8000) {
- mix += 0x10000;
- rv.push(0xd1, mix >> 8, mix & 0xff);
- } else if (mix > -0x80000000) {
- mix += 0x100000000;
- rv.push(0xd2, mix >>> 24, (mix >> 16) & 0xff,
- (mix >> 8) & 0xff, mix & 0xff);
- } else {
- high = Math.floor(mix / 0x100000000);
- low = mix & 0xffffffff;
- rv.push(0xd3, (high >> 24) & 0xff, (high >> 16) & 0xff,
- (high >> 8) & 0xff, high & 0xff,
- (low >> 24) & 0xff, (low >> 16) & 0xff,
- (low >> 8) & 0xff, low & 0xff);
- }
- } else {
- // uint
- if (mix < 0x80) {
- rv.push(mix); // positive fixnum
- } else if (mix < 0x100) { // uint 8
- rv.push(0xcc, mix);
- } else if (mix < 0x10000) { // uint 16
- rv.push(0xcd, mix >> 8, mix & 0xff);
- } else if (mix < 0x100000000) { // uint 32
- rv.push(0xce, mix >>> 24, (mix >> 16) & 0xff,
- (mix >> 8) & 0xff, mix & 0xff);
- } else {
- high = Math.floor(mix / 0x100000000);
- low = mix & 0xffffffff;
- rv.push(0xcf, (high >> 24) & 0xff, (high >> 16) & 0xff,
- (high >> 8) & 0xff, high & 0xff,
- (low >> 24) & 0xff, (low >> 16) & 0xff,
- (low >> 8) & 0xff, low & 0xff);
- }
- }
- } else { // double
- // THX!! @edvakf
- // http://javascript.g.hatena.ne.jp/edvakf/20101128/1291000731
- sign = mix < 0;
- sign && (mix *= -1);
- // add offset 1023 to ensure positive
- // 0.6931471805599453 = Math.LN2;
- exp = ((Math.log(mix) / 0.6931471805599453) + 1023) | 0;
- // shift 52 - (exp - 1023) bits to make integer part exactly 53 bits,
- // then throw away trash less than decimal point
- frac = mix * Math.pow(2, 52 + 1023 - exp);
- // S+-Exp(11)--++-----------------Fraction(52bits)-----------------------+
- // || || |
- // v+----------++--------------------------------------------------------+
- // 00000000|00000000|00000000|00000000|00000000|00000000|00000000|00000000
- // 6 5 55 4 4 3 2 1 8 0
- // 3 6 21 8 0 2 4 6
- //
- // +----------high(32bits)-----------+ +----------low(32bits)------------+
- // | | | |
- // +---------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+
- // 3 2 21 1 8 0
- // 1 4 09 6
- low = frac & 0xffffffff;
- sign && (exp |= 0x800);
- high = ((frac / 0x100000000) & 0xfffff) | (exp << 20);
- rv.push(0xcb, (high >> 24) & 0xff, (high >> 16) & 0xff,
- (high >> 8) & 0xff, high & 0xff,
- (low >> 24) & 0xff, (low >> 16) & 0xff,
- (low >> 8) & 0xff, low & 0xff);
- }
- break;
- case "string":
- // http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uupaa/20101128
- iz = mix.length;
- pos = rv.length; // keep rewrite position
- rv.push(0); // placeholder
- // utf8.encode
- for (i = 0; i < iz; ++i) {
- c = mix.charCodeAt(i);
- if (c < 0x80) { // ASCII(0x00 ~ 0x7f)
- rv.push(c & 0x7f);
- } else if (c < 0x0800) {
- rv.push(((c >>> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0, (c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
- } else if (c < 0x10000) {
- rv.push(((c >>> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0,
- ((c >>> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80, (c & 0x3f) | 0x80);
- }
- }
- size = rv.length - pos - 1;
- if (size < 32) {
- rv[pos] = 0xa0 + size; // rewrite
- } else if (size < 0x100) { // 8
- rv.splice(pos, 1, 0xd9, size);
- } else if (size < 0x10000) { // 16
- rv.splice(pos, 1, 0xda, size >> 8, size & 0xff);
- } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // 32
- rv.splice(pos, 1, 0xdb,
- size >>> 24, (size >> 16) & 0xff,
- (size >> 8) & 0xff, size & 0xff);
- }
- break;
- default: // array, hash, or Uint8Array
- if (_isUint8Array(mix)) {
- size = mix.length;
- if (size < 0x100) { // 8
- rv.push(0xc4, size);
- } else if (size < 0x10000) { // 16
- rv.push(0xc5, size >> 8, size & 0xff);
- } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // 32
- rv.push(0xc6, size >>> 24, (size >> 16) & 0xff,
- (size >> 8) & 0xff, size & 0xff);
- }
- Array.prototype.push.apply(rv, mix);
- break;
- }
- if (++depth >= _MAX_DEPTH) {
- return rv = []; // clear
- }
- if (_isArray(mix)) {
- size = mix.length;
- if (size < 16) {
- rv.push(0x90 + size);
- } else if (size < 0x10000) { // 16
- rv.push(0xdc, size >> 8, size & 0xff);
- } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // 32
- rv.push(0xdd, size >>> 24, (size >> 16) & 0xff,
- (size >> 8) & 0xff, size & 0xff);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- encode(rv, mix[i], depth);
- }
- } else { // hash
- // http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uupaa/20101129
- pos = rv.length; // keep rewrite position
- rv.push(0); // placeholder
- size = 0;
- for (i in mix) {
- ++size;
- encode(rv, i, depth);
- encode(rv, mix[i], depth);
- }
- if (size < 16) {
- rv[pos] = 0x80 + size; // rewrite
- } else if (size < 0x10000) { // 16
- rv.splice(pos, 1, 0xde, size >> 8, size & 0xff);
- } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // 32
- rv.splice(pos, 1, 0xdf,
- size >>> 24, (size >> 16) & 0xff,
- (size >> 8) & 0xff, size & 0xff);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return rv;
-// inner - decoder
-function decode() { // @return Mix:
- var size, i, iz, c, num = 0,
- sign, exp, frac, ary, hash,
- buf = _buf, type = buf[++_idx];
- if (type >= 0xe0) { // Negative FixNum (111x xxxx) (-32 ~ -1)
- return type - 0x100;
- }
- if (type < 0xc0) {
- if (type < 0x80) { // Positive FixNum (0xxx xxxx) (0 ~ 127)
- return type;
- }
- if (type < 0x90) { // FixMap (1000 xxxx)
- num = type - 0x80;
- type = 0x80;
- } else if (type < 0xa0) { // FixArray (1001 xxxx)
- num = type - 0x90;
- type = 0x90;
- } else { // if (type < 0xc0) { // FixRaw (101x xxxx)
- num = type - 0xa0;
- type = 0xa0;
- }
- }
- switch (type) {
- case 0xc0: return null;
- case 0xc2: return false;
- case 0xc3: return true;
- case 0xca: // float
- num = buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- sign = num & 0x80000000; // 1bit
- exp = (num >> 23) & 0xff; // 8bits
- frac = num & 0x7fffff; // 23bits
- if (!num || num === 0x80000000) { // 0.0 or -0.0
- return 0;
- }
- if (exp === 0xff) { // NaN or Infinity
- return frac ? NaN : Infinity;
- }
- return (sign ? -1 : 1) *
- (frac | 0x800000) * Math.pow(2, exp - 127 - 23); // 127: bias
- case 0xcb: // double
- num = buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- sign = num & 0x80000000; // 1bit
- exp = (num >> 20) & 0x7ff; // 11bits
- frac = num & 0xfffff; // 52bits - 32bits (high word)
- if (!num || num === 0x80000000) { // 0.0 or -0.0
- _idx += 4;
- return 0;
- }
- if (exp === 0x7ff) { // NaN or Infinity
- _idx += 4;
- return frac ? NaN : Infinity;
- }
- num = buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- return (sign ? -1 : 1) *
- ((frac | 0x100000) * Math.pow(2, exp - 1023 - 20) // 1023: bias
- + num * Math.pow(2, exp - 1023 - 52));
- // 0xcf: uint64, 0xce: uint32, 0xcd: uint16
- case 0xcf: num = buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- return num * 0x100000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- case 0xce: num += buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16);
- case 0xcd: num += buf[++_idx] << 8;
- case 0xcc: return num + buf[++_idx];
- // 0xd3: int64, 0xd2: int32, 0xd1: int16, 0xd0: int8
- case 0xd3: num = buf[++_idx];
- if (num & 0x80) { // sign -> avoid overflow
- return ((num ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000000000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000000000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x10000000000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x100000000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x1000000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x10000 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) * 0x100 +
- (buf[++_idx] ^ 0xff) + 1) * -1;
- }
- return num * 0x100000000000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x10000000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x100000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x10000 +
- buf[++_idx] * 0x100 +
- buf[++_idx];
- case 0xd2: num = buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16) +
- (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- return num < 0x80000000 ? num : num - 0x100000000; // 0x80000000 * 2
- case 0xd1: num = (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- return num < 0x8000 ? num : num - 0x10000; // 0x8000 * 2
- case 0xd0: num = buf[++_idx];
- return num < 0x80 ? num : num - 0x100; // 0x80 * 2
- // 0xdb: str32, 0xda: str16, 0xd9: str8, 0xa0: fixstr
- case 0xdb: num += buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16);
- case 0xda: num += buf[++_idx] << 8;
- case 0xd9: num += buf[++_idx];
- case 0xa0: // utf8.decode
- for (ary = [], i = _idx, iz = i + num; i < iz; ) {
- c = buf[++i]; // lead byte
- ary.push(c < 0x80 ? c : // ASCII(0x00 ~ 0x7f)
- c < 0xe0 ? ((c & 0x1f) << 6 | (buf[++i] & 0x3f)) :
- ((c & 0x0f) << 12 | (buf[++i] & 0x3f) << 6
- | (buf[++i] & 0x3f)));
- }
- _idx = i;
- return ary.length < 10240 ? _toString.apply(null, ary)
- : byteArrayToByteString(ary);
- // 0xc6: bin32, 0xc5: bin16, 0xc4: bin8
- case 0xc6: num += buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16);
- case 0xc5: num += buf[++_idx] << 8;
- case 0xc4: num += buf[++_idx];
- var end = ++_idx + num
- var ret = buf.slice(_idx, end);
- _idx += num;
- return ret;
- // 0xdf: map32, 0xde: map16, 0x80: map
- case 0xdf: num += buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16);
- case 0xde: num += (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- case 0x80: hash = {};
- while (num--) {
- // make key/value pair
- size = buf[++_idx] - 0xa0;
- for (ary = [], i = _idx, iz = i + size; i < iz; ) {
- c = buf[++i]; // lead byte
- ary.push(c < 0x80 ? c : // ASCII(0x00 ~ 0x7f)
- c < 0xe0 ? ((c & 0x1f) << 6 | (buf[++i] & 0x3f)) :
- ((c & 0x0f) << 12 | (buf[++i] & 0x3f) << 6
- | (buf[++i] & 0x3f)));
- }
- _idx = i;
- hash[_toString.apply(null, ary)] = decode();
- }
- return hash;
- // 0xdd: array32, 0xdc: array16, 0x90: array
- case 0xdd: num += buf[++_idx] * 0x1000000 + (buf[++_idx] << 16);
- case 0xdc: num += (buf[++_idx] << 8) + buf[++_idx];
- case 0x90: ary = [];
- while (num--) {
- ary.push(decode());
- }
- return ary;
- }
- return;
-// inner - byteArray To ByteString
-function byteArrayToByteString(byteArray) { // @param ByteArray
- // @return String
- // http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uupaa/20101128
- try {
- return _toString.apply(this, byteArray); // toString
- } catch(err) {
- ; // avoid "Maximum call stack size exceeded"
- }
- var rv = [], i = 0, iz = byteArray.length, num2bin = _num2bin;
- for (; i < iz; ++i) {
- rv[i] = num2bin[byteArray[i]];
- }
- return rv.join("");
-// msgpack.download - load from server
-function msgpackdownload(url, // @param String:
- option, // @param Hash: { worker, timeout, before, after }
- // option.worker - Boolean(= false): true is use WebWorkers
- // option.timeout - Number(= 10): timeout sec
- // option.before - Function: before(xhr, option)
- // option.after - Function: after(xhr, option, { status, ok })
- callback) { // @param Function: callback(data, option, { status, ok })
- // data - Mix/null:
- // option - Hash:
- // status - Number: HTTP status code
- // ok - Boolean:
- option.method = "GET";
- option.binary = true;
- ajax(url, option, callback);
-// msgpack.upload - save to server
-function msgpackupload(url, // @param String:
- option, // @param Hash: { data, worker, timeout, before, after }
- // option.data - Mix:
- // option.worker - Boolean(= false): true is use WebWorkers
- // option.timeout - Number(= 10): timeout sec
- // option.before - Function: before(xhr, option)
- // option.after - Function: after(xhr, option, { status, ok })
- callback) { // @param Function: callback(data, option, { status, ok })
- // data - String: responseText
- // option - Hash:
- // status - Number: HTTP status code
- // ok - Boolean:
- option.method = "PUT";
- option.binary = true;
- if (option.worker && globalScope.Worker) {
- var worker = new Worker(msgpack.worker);
- worker.onmessage = function(event) {
- option.data = event.data;
- ajax(url, option, callback);
- };
- worker.postMessage({ method: "pack", data: option.data });
- } else {
- // pack and base64 encode
- option.data = base64encode(msgpackpack(option.data));
- ajax(url, option, callback);
- }
-// inner -
-function ajax(url, // @param String:
- option, // @param Hash: { data, ifmod, method, timeout,
- // header, binary, before, after, worker }
- // option.data - Mix: upload data
- // option.ifmod - Boolean: true is "If-Modified-Since" header
- // option.method - String: "GET", "POST", "PUT"
- // option.timeout - Number(= 10): timeout sec
- // option.header - Hash(= {}): { key: "value", ... }
- // option.binary - Boolean(= false): true is binary data
- // option.before - Function: before(xhr, option)
- // option.after - Function: after(xhr, option, { status, ok })
- // option.worker - Boolean(= false): true is use WebWorkers
- callback) { // @param Function: callback(data, option, { status, ok })
- // data - String/Mix/null:
- // option - Hash:
- // status - Number: HTTP status code
- // ok - Boolean:
- function readyStateChange() {
- if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
- var data, status = xhr.status, worker, byteArray,
- rv = { status: status, ok: status >= 200 && status < 300 };
- if (!run++) {
- if (method === "PUT") {
- data = rv.ok ? xhr.responseText : "";
- } else {
- if (rv.ok) {
- if (option.worker && globalScope.Worker) {
- worker = new Worker(msgpack.worker);
- worker.onmessage = function(event) {
- callback(event.data, option, rv);
- };
- worker.postMessage({ method: "unpack",
- data: xhr.responseText });
- gc();
- return;
- } else {
- byteArray = _ie ? toByteArrayIE(xhr)
- : toByteArray(xhr.responseText);
- data = msgpackunpack(byteArray);
- }
- }
- }
- after && after(xhr, option, rv);
- callback(data, option, rv);
- gc();
- }
- }
- }
- function ng(abort, status) {
- if (!run++) {
- var rv = { status: status || 400, ok: false };
- after && after(xhr, option, rv);
- callback(null, option, rv);
- gc(abort);
- }
- }
- function gc(abort) {
- abort && xhr && xhr.abort && xhr.abort();
- watchdog && (clearTimeout(watchdog), watchdog = 0);
- xhr = null;
- globalScope.addEventListener &&
- globalScope.removeEventListener("beforeunload", ng, false);
- }
- var watchdog = 0,
- method = option.method || "GET",
- header = option.header || {},
- before = option.before,
- after = option.after,
- data = option.data || null,
- xhr = globalScope.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() :
- globalScope.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") :
- null,
- run = 0, i,
- overrideMimeType = "overrideMimeType",
- setRequestHeader = "setRequestHeader",
- getbinary = method === "GET" && option.binary;
- try {
- xhr.onreadystatechange = readyStateChange;
- xhr.open(method, url, true); // ASync
- before && before(xhr, option);
- getbinary && xhr[overrideMimeType] &&
- xhr[overrideMimeType]("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
- data &&
- xhr[setRequestHeader]("Content-Type",
- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- for (i in header) {
- xhr[setRequestHeader](i, header[i]);
- }
- globalScope.addEventListener &&
- globalScope.addEventListener("beforeunload", ng, false); // 400: Bad Request
- xhr.send(data);
- watchdog = setTimeout(function() {
- ng(1, 408); // 408: Request Time-out
- }, (option.timeout || 10) * 1000);
- } catch (err) {
- ng(0, 400); // 400: Bad Request
- }
-// inner - BinaryString To ByteArray
-function toByteArray(data) { // @param BinaryString: "\00\01"
- // @return ByteArray: [0x00, 0x01]
- var rv = [], bin2num = _bin2num, remain,
- ary = data.split(""),
- i = -1, iz;
- iz = ary.length;
- remain = iz % 8;
- while (remain--) {
- ++i;
- rv[i] = bin2num[ary[i]];
- }
- remain = iz >> 3;
- while (remain--) {
- rv.push(bin2num[ary[++i]], bin2num[ary[++i]],
- bin2num[ary[++i]], bin2num[ary[++i]],
- bin2num[ary[++i]], bin2num[ary[++i]],
- bin2num[ary[++i]], bin2num[ary[++i]]);
- }
- return rv;
-// inner - BinaryString to ByteArray
-function toByteArrayIE(xhr) {
- var rv = [], data, remain,
- charCodeAt = "charCodeAt",
- loop, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7,
- i = -1, iz;
- iz = vblen(xhr);
- data = vbstr(xhr);
- loop = Math.ceil(iz / 2);
- remain = loop % 8;
- while (remain--) {
- v0 = data[charCodeAt](++i); // 0x00,0x01 -> 0x0100
- rv.push(v0 & 0xff, v0 >> 8);
- }
- remain = loop >> 3;
- while (remain--) {
- v0 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v1 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v2 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v3 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v4 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v5 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v6 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- v7 = data[charCodeAt](++i);
- rv.push(v0 & 0xff, v0 >> 8, v1 & 0xff, v1 >> 8,
- v2 & 0xff, v2 >> 8, v3 & 0xff, v3 >> 8,
- v4 & 0xff, v4 >> 8, v5 & 0xff, v5 >> 8,
- v6 & 0xff, v6 >> 8, v7 & 0xff, v7 >> 8);
- }
- iz % 2 && rv.pop();
- return rv;
-// inner - base64.encode
-function base64encode(data) { // @param ByteArray:
- // @return Base64String:
- var rv = [],
- c = 0, i = -1, iz = data.length,
- pad = [0, 2, 1][data.length % 3],
- num2bin = _num2bin,
- num2b64 = _num2b64;
- if (globalScope.btoa) {
- while (i < iz) {
- rv.push(num2bin[data[++i]]);
- }
- return btoa(rv.join(""));
- }
- --iz;
- while (i < iz) {
- c = (data[++i] << 16) | (data[++i] << 8) | (data[++i]); // 24bit
- rv.push(num2b64[(c >> 18) & 0x3f],
- num2b64[(c >> 12) & 0x3f],
- num2b64[(c >> 6) & 0x3f],
- num2b64[ c & 0x3f]);
- }
- pad > 1 && (rv[rv.length - 2] = "=");
- pad > 0 && (rv[rv.length - 1] = "=");
- return rv.join("");
-// --- init ---
-(function() {
- var i = 0, v;
- for (; i < 0x100; ++i) {
- v = _toString(i);
- _bin2num[v] = i; // "\00" -> 0x00
- _num2bin[i] = v; // 0 -> "\00"
- }
- // http://twitter.com/edvakf/statuses/15576483807
- for (i = 0x80; i < 0x100; ++i) { // [Webkit][Gecko]
- _bin2num[_toString(0xf700 + i)] = i; // "\f780" -> 0x80
- }
-_ie && document.write('