.. index:: bugzilla
Almost all webdev tasks take place in Bugzilla. See :ref:`bug-life`.
In order to receive email notifications for specific components you must follow the appropriate QA contacts.
In order to let easily autocomplete usernames enter your name as:
My Name [:username]
This allows people to simply type :username
in Assignment and CC fields and
be assured they get you.
.. index:: IT;requests
IT requests are a special type of bug that the IT team can follow up. You can file a request for Website pushes as well as Desktop support.
Searches in Bugzilla can be saved. You can also share searches with others and you can keep other people's shared searches in your Bugzilla view.
Bugzilla is a wild beast that cannot be tamed. There are a few things that can make life easier:
- The Bugzilla API.
- The Bugzilla JS Jetpack.
- Bugzilla filters for gmail.
You can forward some or all of your email to gmail and make use of a rich set of filters.