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Releases: mwaylabs/uikit

v1.19.0: Version 1.19.0

09 Oct 16:18
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- Table rows got a opacity fade in animation to prevent flickering during initialisation when user has changed visibility of columns.

- `mwFileUpload`: Made cancel button visible by default. To hide it set `hideCancelBtn` to `true`.
- `mwFileUpload`: Added some small animations to the uploader.
- `mwFileUpload`: Adjusted text of cancel button to `Abort upload`.

- Fix #144 by persisting columns that have been hidden or made visible by the user
- Fix #154 by changing the visibility handling of columns. Provided test cases to check functionality

v1.18.5: Version 1.18.5

19 Sep 15:43
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- Fix typo in mwMimetype service which prevents uploads with file extension image/jpeg.

v1.18.4: Version 1.18.4

12 Sep 11:31
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- Add an additional check to the directive `mw-multi-select-boxes` in the event `addBeforeSave`. This will fix an issue when the Backbone object is instantiated but empty. The event will now no longer add this empty object to the collection.

v1.18.3: Version 1.18.3

11 Sep 14:44
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- Extend the directive `mw-multi-select-boxes` by listening to the event `addBeforeSave`. If the event gets triggered by the mwListCollection, the last selected element will be added to the list, even when the user didn't clicked on the add button.

v1.18.2: Version 1.18.2

31 Aug 13:56
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- Fixes the directive `mw-file-upload` by adding an optional flag (showCancelButton) to explicitly show the cancel button, by default the directive doesn't show the cancel button.
    <div mw-file-upload
         show-cancel-button="true"> <!-- set the flag to true if you want to cancel the upload -->
- Extend the directive `mw-file-upload` by adding an optional flag (abortFlag) to abort the current upload from outside the directive.
    <div mw-file-upload
         abort-flag="viewModel.abortFlag"><!-- set the flag to true if you want to cancel the upload -->

v1.18.1: Version 1.18.1

31 Aug 12:26
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- Fixes the column configurator feature, which was introduced in 1.0.17, by adding a configuration flag to enable it. The feature is now deactivated by default to ensure the backwards compatibility. It can be enabled for every single list by adding the ```enable-configurator="true"``` flag.
   <table mw-listable-bb

v1.18.0: Version 1.18.0

30 Aug 13:31
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- Change version number pattern from MAJOR.0.MINOR to match the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) pattern (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH).
-- This will fix the versioning syntax in bower.json when version ranges are used.

v1.0.17: Version 1.0.17

29 Aug 11:58
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- The columns of a table are now configurable. The user can now select columns that should be (not) visible. You can
add optional columns by adding the attribute `hidden` to the `mw-listable-header-bb` directive. It is also possible to configure optional columns per
bootstrap breakpoint `xs`, `sm`, `md`, `lg` by passing them as array into the `hidden` attribute.
Optional columns will be only visible when the user selects them or they don't match the active breakpoint.
If you have columns that are mandatory and shall not be unselected you can set the attribute `mandatory`
   <table mw-listable-bb
        <tr mw-listable-header-row-bb>
          <th mw-listable-header-bb
              mandatory="true"> <!-- is mandatory and user can not unselect this column -->
            {{'' | i18n}} <!-- this is the text that will be displayed in the column configurator because no title was defined -->
          <th mw-listable-header-bb
              title="Description" <!-- this is the text that will be displayed in the column configurator -->
              hidden <!-- is not visible for all breakpoints unless user selects column to be visible -->
            {{'hero.description' | i18n}}
          <th mw-listable-header-bb
              hidden="['xs', 'sm']" <!-- is not visible when the breakpoint xs or sm is active (smartphones, tablets) -->
            {{'hero.superPowers' | i18n}}
        <tr mw-listable-body-row-bb
            ng-repeat="item in ctrl.heroes.models">
  The `mw-listable-header-row-bb` automatically adds a button that lets the user configure the visiblity of all columns. The
  column name is automatically generated either by using the title attribute or the transcluded text

- The directive `mw-file-upload` was extended with the attribute `has-drop-zone="true|false"` to disable the dropzone
where the user can drop a file. By default the dropzone is turned on.
- The directive `mw-file-upload` got a cancel button to abort uploads. The button is visible when an upload is in progress
- The directive `mw-file-upload` was restyled and displays the file name that is uploaded. It also got translations for
the locales de_DE and en_US.

v1.0.16: Version 1.0.16

28 Aug 13:00
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- Back button of `mw-header` is now more visible by adding a border around it (#126)
- A refresh icon was added to the `mw-header` to make a soft page refresh

- Fixed bug that menu did not close when changing screen size or changing the route in mobile mode (#131)

- Fixed wrong initial state of `mwCollapsable` when content was not available during initialisation (#136)

- Fixed exception when filter attribute of filterable is not available (#137). When this happens e.g when the user changes
the url query param manually the whole filter will be reset

v1.0.15: Version 1.0.15

15 Aug 09:52
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- Support pages without `mwHeader`
- Handle style when no `mwMenuTopBar` is available

- Modaloptions was extended with size property so a modal size can be configured:
  - DEFAULT: Default bootstrap modal size
  - BIGGER: Takes almost whole window, max size 1024px
  - LARGE: Takes almost whole window without a max size
  - FULLSCREEN: Takes the whole window
   templateUrl: 'PTH_TO_TEMPLATE.html',
   controller: 'CONTROLLER_NAME',

- Hardcoded `max-height` of `mwCollapsable` was removed and is now calculated during runtime. It also allows transcluded
content to grow in height.
- `mwOptionsGroup` was extended with the optional attribute `badges` that can be an array of strings. They will be displayed
as badges right next to to the title

- `mwFileUpload` directive registers error message for `mwInputWrapper` when mime-type is invalid.

- Fixed issue that reset button did not work when the search input was focused
- Responsive mode of `mwListHead` was adjusted so the clear search button is not floating around in the middle of the view.
  Instead the reset button will replace the search icon as soon as there is a input value.
- Fixed overflow issue in modal body. When the content is wider then the modal it can be scrolled horizontally
- Fixed duplicate is required error message in `mwFileUpload` directive
- Remove `icon-` prefix of relution font icons because font was updated