The following steps layout the process of generating a cf-operator
controller and how to install this in your Kubernetes cluster. This is probably a good approach, when developing, as a way to inmediately test your changes.
Follow this steps to build a proper docker image and generate a deployable helm chart:
Checkout the latest stable release / or run it from develop branch
git checkout v0.3.0
Build the cf-operator binary, this will be embedded later on the docker image
Build the docker image
When running in minikube, please run:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
, to build the image directly on minikube docker.bin/build-image
Note: This will automatically generate a docker image tag based on your current commit, tag and SHA.
Generated helm charts with a proper docker image tag, org and repository
Note: This will generate a new directory under the base dir, named
Install the helm chart(apply Kubernetes Custom Resources)
helm install cf-operator-test helm/cf-operator
Note: The cf-operator will be available under the namespace set in the context, usually
, running as a pod.
Make sure you have havener install.
havener deploy --config dev-env-havener.yaml