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Contribution guide

Oracle welcomes contributions to this repository from anyone.

If you want to submit a pull request to fix a bug or enhance an existing Dockerfile, please first open an issue and link to that issue when you submit your pull request.

If you have any questions about a possible submission, feel free to open an issue too.

Contributing to the Oracle Docker Images repository

All contributors are expected to adhere to our code of conduct.

Pull requests are made under the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA). Only pull requests from committers that can be verified as having signed the OCA can be accepted.

For pull requests to be accepted, the bottom of your commit message must have the following line using your name and e-mail address as it appears in the OCA Signatories list.

Signed-off-by: Your Name <[email protected]>

This will be automatically added to pull requests if you using the signoff parameter when committing your changes:

  git commit [--signoff|-S]

Oracle product ownership and responsibility

For any new product content, you must obtain internal Oracle approvals for the distribution of this content prior to submitting a pull request. If you are unfamiliar with the approval process to submit code to an existing GitHub repository, please contact the Oracle Open Source team for details.

The GitHub user who submits the initial pull request to add a new product image should add themselves to the code owner file in that same request. This will flag the user as the owner of the content and any future pull requests that affect the content will need to be approved by this user.

The code owner will also be assigned to any issues relating to their content.

You must ensure that you check the issues on at least a weekly basis, though daily is preferred.

If you wish to nominate additional or alternative users, they must be a visible member of the Oracle GitHub Organisation.

Contact Avi Miller for more information.

Pull request process

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a branch in your fork to implement the changes. We recommend using the issue number as part of your branch name, e.g. 1234-fixes
  3. Ensure that any documentation is updated with the changes that are required by your fix.
  4. Ensure that any samples are updated if the base image has been changed.
  5. Submit the pull request. Do not leave the pull request blank. Explain exactly what your changes are meant to do and provide simple steps on how to validate your changes. Ensure that you reference the issue you created as well. We will assign the pull request to 2-3 people for review before it is merged.

Golden Rules

We have some golden rules that we require all submitted Dockerfiles to abide by. These rules are provided by Oracle Global Product Security and may change at any time.

Most of these are targeted at Oracle employees, but apply to anyone who submits a pull request.

Base image rules

  1. Extend an existing product image wherever possible. For example, if your product requires WebLogic, then extend the WebLogic image instead of creating your own WebLogic installation.
  2. If you can't extend an existing image, your image must use either the oraclelinux:7-slim or oraclelinux:8-slim base image as these images are specifically designed to be the smallest possible install size. Both images are also updated whenever a security-related errata is published.
  3. Re-use existing scripts wherever possible. If a particular base image or script doesn't have the functionality you need, open an issue and work with the image owner to implement it.
  4. Specify a version in the FROM directive, i.e. use FROM oraclelinux:7-slim or FROM java/serverjre:8.
  5. All images must provide a CMD or ENTRYPOINT. If your image is designed to be extended, then this should output documentation on how to extend the image to be useful.
  6. Use LABEL instructions for additional information such as ports and volumes. The following are common label instructions that should be present in all images where applicable:

Additional product-specific labels are listed below:

Label Value Applicability
provider Oracle All images
issues All images
maintainer Name of the maintainer At the discretion of the author.
volume(.purpose) Use volume labels to describe the volumes of an image.

If your image has multiple volumes, use qualified names to specify the
purpose of each volume, for example for data to be persisted outside
the container.
Use hierarchical nesting for multiple volumes of the same type,
for example:
Mandatory for all images that require persistent storage beyond the life of an
individual container.
port(.purpose) Use port labels to describe the ports of an image.
your images has multiple ports, use qualified names to specify the purpose of
each port, for example for the port on which your application is
Use hierarchical nesting for multiple ports of the same type,
for example:
Mandatory for all images that require externally accessible port mappings.

For example, for the Oracle Database 18c XE image we use the following labels:

LABEL "provider"="Oracle"                                   \
      "issues"=""         \
      ""="/opt/oracle/oradata"                               \
      "volume.setup.location1"="/opt/oracle/scripts/setup"              \
      "volume.setup.location2"="/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/setup"      \
      "volume.startup.location1"="/opt/oracle/scripts/startup"          \
      "volume.startup.location2"="/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/startup"  \
      "port.listener"="1521"                                            \
      "port.oemexpress"="5500"                                          \

You may also chose to use the OpenContainer image-spec pre-defined annotation keys:

  • org.opencontainers.image.created date and time on which the image was built (string, date-time as defined by RFC 3339).
  • org.opencontainers.image.authors contact details of the people or organization responsible for the image (freeform string)
  • org.opencontainers.image.url URL to find more information on the image (string)
  • org.opencontainers.image.documentation URL to get documentation on the image (string)
  • org.opencontainers.image.source URL to get source code for building the image (should be the URL of this repository).
  • org.opencontainers.image.version version of the packaged software
  • org.opencontainers.image.vendor Name of the distributing entity, organization or individual (should be "Oracle").
  • org.opencontainers.image.licenses License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression.
  • org.opencontainers.image.title Human-readable title of the image (string)
  • org.opencontainers.image.description Human-readable description of the software packaged in the image (string)

The use of these keys is optional and at each image authors' discretion.

Security-related rules

  1. Do not require the use of the --privileged flag when running a container.
  2. Do not run an SSH daemon (sshd) inside a container.
  3. Do not use host networking mode (--net=host) for a container.
  4. Do not hard-code any passwords. If passwords are required, generate them on container startup using openssl rand or accept a password argument during container startup (via -e).

Documentation rules

  1. No Oracle host or domain names should be included in any code or examples. If an example domain name is required, use
  2. All documentation including files needs to meet Oracle documentation standards. For content submitted by internal Oracle teams, it is recommended that your documentation team either write or at least review this content. Externally submitted documentation will be reviewed during the PR process.
  3. Wherever possible, refer to "container images" or just "images" in all documentation, as well as in any script output.
  4. Only refer to Docker when specifically referring to that product.
  5. All build or usage examples should be based on Oracle Linux using either Container Runtime for Docker on Oracle Linux 7 or Podman on Oracle Linux 8.

Guidelines and recommendations

The following are some guidelines that will not prevent an image from being merged, but are generally frowned upon if breached.

  • Always aim to produce the smallest possible image. This means using multi-stage builds with a final stage using the least amount of layers possible. Combine as much as possible within a single directive and be sure to remove any cache created by yum or other tools.
  • Don't install all possible required RPMs, even if the product documentation says so. Some RPMs aren't applicable inside a container, e.g filesystem utilities (btrfs-progs, ocfs2-tools, nfs-utils).
  • Don't install any interactive/user tools, e.g. things like vim, less or man. Debugging should be done prior to the image submission.
  • Don't install wget as the base images already include curl.
  • Always remember to run rm -rf /var/cache/yum in the same RUN directive as a yum install so that the yum metadata is not stored in the layer.
  • Always document any inputs (via --build-arg or -e) required by docker build or docker run. This documentation should also clearly state any defaults that are used if no input is provided.
  • If a custom value must be provided by the end-user, the build or run should gracefully fail if that value is not provided.

Copyright (c) 2017, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.