- initial release
- based on Select2 v3.4.1
- fixed several bugs and temporarily dropped support for cascading LOVs, I'll try to re-include it in the next version
- introduced cascading LOV support again (issue #3)
- introduced a custom width attribute and changed the default width calculation behaviour (issue #8)
- fixed issue #9
- lowered the minimum APEX version to 4.1 (issue #11 - thanks to Jorge Rimblas for the help
- included drag and drop sorting in tagging mode (issue #7)
- fixed issue #12
- fixed issue #13
- fixed issue #14
- fixed issue #15
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.4.3 (issue #17)
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.4.4 (issue #20)
- introduced custom Select2 plugin events to be used in dynamic actions (issue #21)
- reverted back to version 3.4.3 due to some bugs in 3.4.4
- new setting in tagging mode: Return Value Based on - determines whether the return value of the item is based on the display or return column (issue #18) - pull request by Martin Giffy D'Souza
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.4.5
- fixed when item value is null on dropdown list and it's incorrectly detected as a form change (issue #27) - pull request by Jorge Rimblas
- tested Jorge Rimbas' pull request and applied it only to single-value select lists
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.4.6 (issue #26)
- fixed issue #24
- fixed issue #28
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.5.1 (issue #29)
- upgraded the Select2 libraries to version 3.5.2
- implemented lazy loading (issue #30)
- improved lazy loading - no remote data process needed anymore
- added the lazy-appending feature (issue #32)
- added an application attribute to make the "Loading more results..." message adjustable
- extended the matcher function with more search options: "Starts With & Ignore Case" and "Starts With & Case Sensitive"(issue #37)
- trigger change event in the apex.jQuery namespace when working with multiple jQuery versions (issue #38) - pull request by Stijn Van Raes
- synchronized Select2 and APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL search logic
- Universal Theme integration (select2-ut.css)
- added support for the $s() function in multi-select mode
- upgraded the Select2 library files to version 4.0.3 (issue #33)
- issue #42: extra search logic option – with diacritics
- issue #51: prevent a NO_DATA_FOUND error when in read only mode
- issue #55: allow for a custom CSS file
- issue #61: added automatic tokenization
- issue #64: escape special characters when lazy loading is enabled
- issue #63: increase the delay AJAX parameter from 250 to 400 ms
- issue #65: fix cut off null display values
- issue #66: dropped UT look and feel
- issue #67: introduced multi-word search algorithm