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125 lines (92 loc) · 6.11 KB

VARCO-LLM is NCSOFT’s large language model, which can be applied to develop various NLP-based AI services such as Q&A, chatbot, summarization, information extraction etc. VACRO-LLM, trained with public pre-training data and internally constructed high-quality Korean data, boasts the highest performance among the Korean LLMs of similar sizes that have been released to date (see for evaluation results). Our models will continue to be updated and we will also release LLMs that support multiple languages or are fined-tuned to specific tasks. As VARCO-LLM is currently in beta service (10 Aug to 10 Sep 2023), usage fees will not be charged temporally for this period. For inquiries regarding further performance improvement or collaboration for service applications, please contact us via email ([email protected]).

This sample notebook shows you how to deploy varco llm using Amazon SageMaker.

Note: This is a reference notebook and it cannot run unless you make changes suggested in the notebook.


  1. Note: This notebook contains elements which render correctly in Jupyter interface. Open this notebook from an Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instance or Amazon SageMaker Studio.
  2. Ensure that IAM role used has AmazonSageMakerFullAccess
  3. To deploy this ML model successfully, ensure that:
    a. Either your IAM role has these three permissions and you have authority to make AWS Marketplace subscriptions in the AWS account used:
    i. aws-marketplace:ViewSubscriptions
    ii. aws-marketplace:Unsubscribe
    iii. aws-marketplace:Subscribe


  1. Subscribe to the model package
  2. Create an endpoint and perform real-time inference
    a. Create an endpoint
    b. Create input payload
    c. Perform real-time inference
    d. Visualize output
    e. Delete the endpoint
  3. Perform batch inference
  4. Clean-up
    a. Delete the model
    b. Unsubscribe to the listing (optional)

Usage instructions

You can run this notebook one cell at a time (By using Shift+Enter for running a cell).

import base64
import json
import uuid
from sagemaker import ModelPackage
import sagemaker as sage
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from sagemaker import ModelPackage
import boto3
from IPython.display import Image
from PIL import Image as ImageEdit
import numpy as np
# 1. model arn from marketplace model package
model_package_arn = "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:973735099617:model-package/ncsoft-varco-1-5b-fm-final"
# sagemaker session & bucket settings
role = get_execution_role()
sagemaker_session = sage.Session()
bucket = sagemaker_session.default_bucket()
runtime = boto3.client("runtime.sagemaker")
# model info from marketplace model package
model_name = "varco-llm-model"
content_type = "application/json"
real_time_inference_instance_type = (
batch_transform_inference_instance_type = (
# 2. create a deployable model from the model package.
model = ModelPackage(
    role=role, model_package_arn=model_package_arn, sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session
# Deploy the model
predictor = model.deploy(1, real_time_inference_instance_type, endpoint_name=model_name)
# 3. Invoke endpoint(inference) & get result
input = {"text":"안녕"}
response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(
# 4. Delete resources


Foundation Model


{"text":"모바일 환경에서 ", "temperature":0.8}


{"result":["모바일 환경에서 120Hz 주사율을 지원하는 게임이 나오려면 상당히 오랜 시간과 많은 개발비용은 물론 이에 맞게 최적화된 기기 성능까지 고려해야 한다.\n일반적으로 모바일 게이머들의 주요 해상도는 FHD이다(풀 HD)지만 현재 스마트폰 제조사 대부분들도 이를 준수하고 있다"]}

Instruct Tuned Model


{"text":"우주는 어떻게 형성되었을까요?"}


{"result":["우주는 어떻게 형성되었을까요?\n\n### 응답: 우주의 기원은 아직 밝혀지지 않았습니다. 그러나 과학자들은 우주가 매우 복잡한 과정을 통해 만들어졌다는 것에 동의합니다. 이 복잡성은 우리의 태양계와 지구를 포함한 행성들이 모두 서로 다른 물리적 특성과 화학적 구성 요소로 이루어져 있다는 사실에서 비롯됩니다. 또한, 이러한 특성에는 중력, 전자기장 및 기타 힘이 작용하는 방식도 포함되어 있습니다."]}