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File metadata and controls

69 lines (52 loc) · 2.95 KB

This document describes how to use the scripts and utilities in this directory to download labelled play-by-play clips from

These tools have been tested on OS X. They probably work on Linux and Unix-like layers on Windows (WSL, Cygwin).

The following steps worked well as of September 2018, but may need some tweaks if the NBA website changes dramatically in the future.

Step 0: Prerequisites

We'll be using Python 3, Node.js, and some built-in Unix utilities. You'll also need to download ChromeDriver for your specific platform.

Step 1: Get the game IDs for the relevant games

The easiest way I found to do this for all games is to go to the schedule page NBA website, scroll down until the screen has scores for as many (finished) games as you want, right-click and Save page as <file name>.htm. If you look at the HTML file, you'll notice that completed games have an associated tag with a link to the game's play-by-play or box-score page - usually something like ... href="/game/0011800012/playbyplay/ ... ". The number in that link is the game ID - we'll use grep to extract all the ids on the page into a file called game_ids:

grep -oh "game\/[0-9]*\/playbyplay\/" games_2017_18.htm | tr -d 'game/playbyplay' > game_ids

Step 2: Download play descriptions for games

mkdir plays
node get_game_events.js

This script iterates through the games in the game_ids file, and creates a file for each game in the plays directory we just created. Each of these files will consist of plays in the following format:

Play 1 description (ex - Curry three point shot ...)
Link to the play on

Step 3. Download the videos of all plays in one or more games makes this a pain in the ass to do purely programatically, so we use Selenium to create a bunch of real browser sessions.

Around line 90 of selenium_video_downloader.js, specify the path to the game play file (from step 2) from which you want to download videos. You can also specify how many plays to download in total:

// Specify game file with play info, and how many plays to download.
const filePath = 'path_to_plays_file';
const numPlaysToDownload = 100;

Then simply run:

node selenium_video_downloader.js

This should fire up a bunch of Chrome windows which navigate to the page with the video for each play, click on the video to get it to play, and then save it.

[Optional] Step 4. Sort the videos into directories by play type

Near the top of, specify the paths to your source and destination directories:

UNSORTED_VIDS_DIR = '/path/to/dir/containing/unsorted/video/files'     # ex - '/Users/username/Desktop/all_videos'
DEST_DIR = '/path/where/you/want/sorted/folders/to/go'                 # ex - '/Users/username/Desktop/sorted_videos'

Then run:
