Control H Show help (for the selected word)
Command O Load vocabularies from the 'work' directory Command S Export vocabularies to the 'work' directory and save the image
Control V Create a new vocabulary Control N Create a new word
Tab Show all the words that match what you typed Return Register the name of a vocabulary, word or cell
Control I Convert the selected cell to an input cell Control G Convert the selected cell to a get cell Control T Convert the selected cell to a text cell Control W Convert the selected cell to a word cell Control S Convert the selected cell to a set cell Control O Convert the selected cell to an output cell
Control R Remove the selected vocabulary, word or cell
Shift ↑ Select the word above Shift ↓ Select the word below
↑ Select the cell above ↓ Select the cell below → Select the cell to the right ← Select the cell to the left
Control → Move the cell to the right Control ← Move the cell to the left
Option → Insert a cell to the right Option ← Insert a cell to the left Option ↓ Insert a cell below
Option Return Show result / Show definition