A simple script to wait ecs run-task completion to run task synchronously
##### ecs-run-task-waiter #####
Simple script for waiting run-task execution completion on Amazon Elastic Container Service
Optional arguments:
-r | --region AWS Region Name. May also be set as environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
-p | --profile AWS Profile to use - If you set this aws-access-key, aws-secret-key and region are needed
--output-log Output task logs. Default false
-t | --timeout Default is 90s. Script monitors ECS Service for new task definition to be running.
-v | --verbose Verbose output
--version Print version
aws: AWS Command Line Interface
jq: Command-line JSON processor
aws ecs run-task --profile foo --region ap-northeast-1 --cluster mycluster --task-definition mytask \
--network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration":{"subnets":["subnet-abc"],"securityGroups":["sg-123"],"assignPublicIp":"ENABLED"}}' \
--launch-type FARGATE | ecs-run-task-waiter -r ap-northeast-1 -p foo
To make a release with the executable:
- Change version num, then commit it to git.
- Release them with a new release by
TAG=v0.1.0 make release