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- 2D Apple Games by Tutorials
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- Advanced Swift
- Advanced Swift Updated for Swift3
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- iOS8 by Tutorials
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- iOS10 Programming Fundamentals with Swift
- iOS11 Programming Fundamentals with Swift
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- iOS10 Swift Programming Cookbook
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- 2015年11月24日更新:
- iOS Animations by Tutorials(include Sample Code)
- Swift Pocket Reference 2nd.Edition
- Programming iOS9
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- Advanced Swift
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- Learning Swift(OReilly)
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- iOS Application Security
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- iOS10 Swift Programming Cookbook
- Swift基础教程 (图灵程序设计丛书)
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- Packt Master Swift3 Linux
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- iOS Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide 6th Edition
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- iOS10 by Tutorials
- OReilly Learning Swift 2nd Edition
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- Advanced Swift Updated for Swift3
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- 3D Apple Games by Tutorials
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- 2D Apple Games by Tutorials
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- Swifit Data Structure and Algorithms
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- iOS11 Programming Fundamentals with Swift
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- iOS10 by Tutorials