False Color shows intensity in different colors to help adjust exposure.
The false color is hardcoded in an effect file data/falsecolor.effect
RGB color #000000
corresponds to 0 IRE #FFFFFF
corresponds to 100 IRE.
(Not available for False Color Filter.)
Selects one of Program, Main view, Preview, Scene, or Source. The default is Program.
Enable if you want to customize the color map.
If 'Use LUT' is enabled, choose an image file for the color map. The image file should be 1-pixel height and can have any width. The left most pixel represents the black and the right most pixel represents the white.
An example is available here.
A key will be shown. Available options are as below.
Option | Description |
None | The key won't be displayed. |
Left | A vertical key will be displayed on the left side on the source. |
Right | A vertical key will be displayed on the right side on the source. |
Outside (Right) | A vertical key will be displayed right outside of the source. |
Top | A horizontal key will be displayed on the top on the source. |
Bottom | A horizontal key will be displayed on the bottom on the source. |
Outside (Bottom) | A horizontal key will be displayed below the source. |
Choice of color space; Auto, BT.601, or BT.709. If Auto, the color space is retrieved from the settings of OBS Studio. Coefficients to convert from RGB to Luminance will be changed. Default is Auto.