- Fresh TODOs:
- TODO: Look at code generation, is there a problem with the memory management ?
- TODO: global arrays have sizes! make the code generation aware of this!
- Think about completely dissallowing Int and Word as types in Obsidian programs. Require that the programmer explicitly makes a Int32, Int64, Word32, Word64 Choice-
- (In Progress) update the SPDMC based code outputer (cleaner, nicer)
- DONE: Change CodeGen.Program to a completely first order representation!
- Alternatively see if all following steps can be tweaked to run on the Program t a type. I think doing some of the analysis will be hard on the Program t a type, Liveness. Go for an as simple and concrete representation as possible.
- update genProg function
- clean up and check for bugs in:
- CodeGen.Memory.hs
- CodeGen.Liveness.hs
- The CSE code is definitely completely broken in relation to all news now.
- Make sure unnecessary usage of shared memory can be avoided.
- Features (in progress):
- Only one kind of Pull array. However, it can have either Dynamic or Statically known length.
- A Set of lift functional that lifts local computations to global, lifts sequential into local.
- A collection of sequential building blocks for sequential (reg->reg
- Currently:
- Fold
- Scan
- Sort (todo). How ? Which kind of sort.
- Currently:
I want one with known number of iterations and in-place capability.
- Merge (todo)
- Filter (todo, Tricky, whats the lengths?)