- Use CohortGenerator v0.8.0 to support cohort subsets
- Bump CohortGenerator to develop branch to test subset functionality
- Bump DatabaseConnector & SqlRender to fix #15
- Make inclusion rule description optional (#14)
- Add explicit reference to aws.s3 to renv.lock file
- Updated referenced to CirceR v1.2.1
- Using released version of CohortGenerator v0.7.0
- Using preview version of CohortGenerator v0.7.0
- Update code to ensure inclusion rule names are included.
- Upgrade to use CohortGenerator v0.6.0
- Update resultsDataModelSpecification.csv to use database_id as varchar
- Bug fix: json and sqlCommand were swapped
- Use DatabaseConnector v5.0.4
- Update resultsDataModelSpecification.csv to use database_id as bigint and to use new format for OhdsiSharing
Fix auto-generated SettingsFunction.R to use proper function name
Using an experimental version of DatabaseConnector
Adding cohort_definition information to the output and adding unit tests to ensure all renv dependencies are available across platforms.
Fixing bug with renv.lock file which had an incorrect reference to the CohortGenerator package.
Fixing bug with to use jobContext$moduleExecutionSettings$databaseId for the databaseId in the results. This value will be set by Strategus.
Fixing bug with cohort_generation.csv which was not written in snake_case format.
Using released version of CohortGenerator v0.5.0 and adding CreateModules.Rmd to help guide development of new modules.
Initial version