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Releases: openapi-generators/openapi-python-client

0.5.4 - 2020-08-29

29 Aug 15:35
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  • Support for octet-stream content type (#116)
  • Support for nullable (#99)
  • Union properties can be defined using oneOf (#98)
  • Support for lists of strings, integers, floats and booleans as responses (#165). Thanks @Maistho!


29 Aug 17:22
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0.6.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Breaking Changes

  • Reorganized api calls in generated clients. async_api will no longer be generated. Each path operation will now have it's own module under its tag. For example, if there was a generated function api.my_tag.my_function() it is replaced with api.my_tag.my_function.sync(). The async version can be called with asyncio() instead of sync(). (#167)
  • Removed support for mutable default values (e.g. dicts, lists). They may be added back in a future version given enough demand, but the existing implementation was not up to this project's standards. (#170)
  • Removed generated errors module (and the ApiResponseError therein). Instead of raising an exception on failure, the sync() and asyncio() functions for a path operation will return None. This means all return types are now Optional, so mypy will require you to handle potential errors (or explicitly ignore them).
  • Moved models.types generated module up a level, so just types.
  • Client and AuthenticatedClient are now declared using the attrs package instead of builtin dataclass


  • Every generated API module will have a sync_detailed() and asyncio_detailed() function which work like their non-detailed counterparts, but return a types.Response[T] instead of an Optional[T] (where T is the parsed body type). types.Response contains status_code, content (bytes of returned content), headers, and parsed (the parsed return type you would get from the non-detailed function). (#115)
  • It's now possible to include custom headers and cookies in requests, as well as set a custom timeout. This can be done either by directly setting those parameters on a Client (e.g. my_client.headers = {"Header": "Value"}) or using a fluid api (e.g. my_endpoint.sync(my_client.with_cookies({"MyCookie": "cookie"}).with_timeout(10.0))).
  • Unsupported content types or no responses at all will no longer result in an endpoint being completely skipped. Instead, only the detailed versions of the endpoint will be generated, where the resulting Response.parsed is always None. (#141)


  • The format of any errors/warnings has been spaced out a bit.

0.5.3 - 2020-08-13

13 Aug 17:22
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  • All values that become file/directory names are sanitized to address path traversal vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-15141)
  • All values that get placed into python files (everything from enum names, to endpoint descriptions, to default values) are validated and/or saniziatied to address arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-15142)


  • Due to security concerns/implementation complexities, default values are temporarily unsupported for any RefProperty that doesn't refer to an enum.
  • Defaults for properties must now be valid values for their respective type (e.g. "example string" is an invalid default for an integer type property, and the function for an endpoint using it would fail to generate and be skipped).


  • Added support for header parameters (#117)


  • JSON bodies will now be assigned correctly in generated clients(#139 & #147). Thanks @pawamoy!

0.5.2 - 2020-08-06

06 Aug 17:55
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  • Added project_name_override and package_name_override config options to override the name of the generated project/package (#123)
  • The generated library's version is now the same as the OpenAPI doc's version (#134)

0.5.1 - 2020-08-05

05 Aug 17:37
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  • Relative paths are now allowed in securitySchemes/OAuthFlow/tokenUrl (#130).
  • Schema validation errors will no longer print a stack trace (#131).
  • Invalid YAML/URL will no longer print stack trace (#128)

0.5.0 - 2020-08-05

05 Aug 15:07
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  • When encountering a problem, the generator will now differentiate between warnings (things it was able to skip past)
    and errors (things which halt generation altogether).


  • The generator can now handle many more errors gracefully, skipping the things it can't generate and continuing
    with the pieces it can.
  • Support for Enums declared in "components/schemas" and references to them (#102).
  • Generated clients can now be installed via pip (#120).
  • Support for YAML OpenAPI documents (#111)

Internal Changes

  • Switched OpenAPI document parsing to use Pydantic based on a vendored version of
    openapi-schema-pydantic (#103).
  • Tests can now be run on Windows.

0.4.2 - 2020-06-13

13 Jun 13:48
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  • Support for responses with no content (#63 & #66). Thanks @acgray!
  • Support for custom string formats (#64 & #65). Thanks @acgray!

0.4.1 - 2020-06-02

02 Jun 15:52
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  • Support for Python 3.7 (#58)

0.4.0 - 2020-05-30

30 May 21:36
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Breaking Changes

  • Classes generated to be included within lists will now be named like Item. For example, if a property named "statuses" is an array of enum values, previously the Enum class declared would be called "Statuses". Now it will be called "StatusesItem". If a "title" attribute was used in the OpenAPI document, that should still be respected and used instead of the generated name. You can restore previous names by adding "StatusesItem" to the class_overrides section of a config file.
  • Clients now require httpx ^0.13.0 (up from ^0.12.1). See httpx release notes for details.


  • Support for binary format strings (file payloads)
  • Support for multipart/form bodies
  • Support for any supported property within a list (array), including other lists.
  • Support for Union types ("anyOf" in OpenAPI document)
  • Support for more basic response types (integer, number, boolean)
  • Support for duplicate enums. Instead of erroring, enums with the same name (title) but differing values will have a number appended to the end. So if you have two conflicting enums named MyEnum, one of them will now be named MyEnum1. Note that the order in which these are processed and therefore named is entirely dependent on the order they are read from the OpenAPI document, so changes to the document could result in swapping the names of conflicting Enums.


  • The way most imports are handled was changed which should lead to fewer unused imports in generated files.
  • Better error messages
    • Most error messages will contain some useful information about why it failed instead of a stack trace
    • Client will still be generated if there are recoverable errors, excluding endpoints that had those errors
  • Output from isort and black when generating will now be suppressed


  • Defaults within models dataclasses for Dict or List properties will now be properly declared as a field with the default_factory parameter to prevent errors related to mutable defaults.


25 Apr 22:01
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  • Link to the GitHub repository from PyPI (#26). Thanks @theY4Kman!
  • Support for date properties (#30, #37). Thanks @acgray!
  • Allow naming schemas by property name and Enums by title (#21, #31, #38). Thanks @acgray!


  • Fixed some typing issues in generated clients and incorporate mypy into end to end tests (#32). Thanks @acgray!
  • Properly handle camelCase endpoint names and properties (#29, #36). Thanks @acgray!