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This Web Component follows the open-wc recommendation and is meant to be used with the OpenTok Video SDK.

A Vonage Video API account will be needed.

A goal is to simplify the code needed to create a chat room quickly. This Web Component will display all the participants' feeds.


npm i @vonage/video-subscribers


import from node modules

<script type="module">
  import '@vonage/video-subscribers/video-subscribers.js';

OR using a CDN

<script type="module" src=""></script>

place tag in HTML


Attributes that can be used (optional):

  • properties : (Object) the properties used on each video in video subscribers. Find the full list in the documentation.

Getting it to work

  1. Get a reference to the Web Component.
  2. Generate a Session and Token.
  3. Pass Session and Token into Web Component reference.

Note: This can vary with library / framework (see examples folder)

Make it "Responsive"

By default, the Vonage Video API adds each subscriber video as a div resulting in the video feeds being stacked vertically. To get the video feeds to align horizontally and move to the next row when there is not enough room, apply this CSS to the Web Component:

video-subscribers {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(360px, 1fr));
  place-items: center;

Note: The px in minmax should match the width you want for each subcriber video.

Linting and formatting

To scan the project for linting and formatting errors, run

npm run lint

To automatically fix linting and formatting errors, run

npm run format

Testing with Web Test Runner

To execute a single test run:

npm run test

To run the tests in interactive watch mode run:

npm run test:watch

Demoing with Storybook

To run a local instance of Storybook for your component, run

npm run storybook

To build a production version of Storybook, run

npm run storybook:build

Tooling configs

For most of the tools, the configuration is in the package.json to minimize the amount of files in your project.

If you customize the configuration a lot, you can consider moving them to individual files.

Local Demo with web-dev-server

npm start

To run a local development server that serves the basic demo located in demo/index.html