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Zhizhen Zhong zhizhenzhong
Next-Gen Photonic-Electronic Computer Systems

@MIT Cambridge, MA

BestWish wishpu

Zhejiang University Hangzhou


ICT, CAS China

Wu manwu1994
Research interests include deep learning and the software/hardware implementation of energy-efficient computing
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

The edge of knowing

Xinyang HUANG Huangxy-Minel
PhD student from iSing Lab, CSE, HKUST. Currently focus on Host Networking System, SmartNICs, and Machine Learning System.

UESTC & HKUST Tianjin, China

JaceLau derekwin
Cloud Native, HPC Network Protocol, Security, Congestion Control, Reinforcement Learning, etc.


Albert Gran Alcoz albertgran
Networking Researcher, PhD ETH Zürich

ETH Zürich Zürich

Department of computer science and technology, Xidian University, under postgraduate

Xidian University Shaanxi Xian, China



Huang Hanlin hhlrank
I am a PhD student at Tsinghua University interested in data science and network.
Joey Fangjin98

USTC SuZhou, JiangSu, China

Wenxue Li leewxgit
PhD Student at HKUST

Hong Kong


Jinan university guangzhou