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Piyush Pradhan piyush-ppradhan
PhD. Candidate @columbia Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering

Columbia University

Eze Ajali ezeajali


Max Myzer MaxMyzer
Student with lots and lots of interests. I do stuff on hosted repos too.
Jorge E. Guerra, PhD. jeguerra-noaa
Research Physical Scientist EPAD-GSL-NOAA

NOAA Boulder, CO

Jorge E. Guerra, Ph.D. jeguerra
We develop numerical models to take over the world!

Denver, CO

Adam Deitsch AMDeitsch
PhD Student, AtmosSci - UAlbany | Micro/Nanoplastics (MNP) | PFAS | NCAS-M Fellow | BS, EnvironSci - Broward College

University at Albany Atmospheric Sciences Research Center

Annabel Wade annabelwade
Applied Math + Data Sci + Oceanography undergrad @ University of Washington

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Fe Ye kobexffx
Kobe fans | Python coder | Meteorology
Daniel Camarena DanielCamarena
[computer ∪ stats] ∩ [math ∪ science]

Imarpe Callao, Perú

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

Kate Rose r0sek

Northern Gulf Institute/Mississippi State University Stennis Space Center

Terra Ladwig terraladwig


Scott Muller interrupt21h

21h Systems Baltimore, MD