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Matt Farmer PhD, RN mfarme
Nurse Leader. Scientist. I study nursing, behavioral, and social sciences from a nursing lens using data science methodology. Focus on ML, NLP.


CodeWithTanishq tanishq-ctrl
Data Intelligence Associate | Azure Data Engineer | AML & Cybersecurity | Python | SQL | Tableau | SAS | SPSS | R | Machine Learning | Risk Management

Edu Dubai(Global Education and Training Specialist) Dubai

Douglas Ezra Morrison d-morrison

University of California, Davis

tkar TKar9901
Data Science Student

University of Exeter

Santosh Timilsina stimilsina24
A well-experienced biologist expanding their knowledge and skills in bioinformatics and data science.
Muhamad Faqih MuhamadFaqihBellingh
Tech Enthusiast | Data Science Student at Universitas Terbuka


Tashfia Akan tashfia-shoron
Passionate about Data Analytics, Economics, and Education.

California, USA


Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

I am a motivated Web Developer with 13 years of experience in information technologies, technical support and sales management.
Shelly Walther swalther

Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Whittier, CA

Sezer Kutluk sezerkutluk
AI researcher @ Leibniz ATB. Former ERCIM Fellow @ Fraunhofer IEM, (Trusted Machine Intelligence), Senior AI Researcher & Engineering Mngr @ Huawei, etc.


Ava Francesca Battocchio afbat
Info + Media PhD candidate exploring rural community structures, information access, media ecology & civic infrastructure. Qual + Comp methods

Michigan State University East Lansing

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

tfguinan tfguinan
PhD student at Menzies Institute for Medical Research in Hobart, Tasmania Bioinformatics for Molecular Biology ‘omics

Tasmania, AU

Stuart Lee sa-lee

Melbourne, Australia

Al Asaad alstat
Statistician · Data Scientist

Johnson & Johnson Quezon City, Philippines

Adam H. Sparks adamhsparks
Professor of Biometry and Agricultural Data Analytics. Co-founder of @openplantpathology. Editor at @ropensci

CCDM-CBADA Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Jordi Rosell jrosell

Aiguafreda, Barcelona

Rahul Shingade Rahul-shingade
Programming 💻👽


Zhen-Qi Liu liuzhenqi77
neuroscience, machine learning, python and more

@netneurolab Montreal, Canada

Sam Bryce-Smith SamBryce-Smith
Final year PhD Student at UCL under joint supervision of Pietro Fratta and Maria Secrier @frattalab

UCL London, UK

People Analytics
Dr. med. Grigorij Schleifer GrigorijSchleifer
Aspiring medical informatician

Anesthesiologist $HOME

Rüveyda ŞAHİN ruveyda123
Data Scientist


Milo K. Green mkgreen
Turning big data into big insights, and coffee into code. Playing with Python, Statistics, Machine Learning, and AI.

Brooklyn, NY

Muhammad Adam Dandi Nugraha adamdandi
Passionate Researcher and Data Analyst | Constantly exploring the world of data science and research | Let's dive deep into data together! 📊💻
