MQTTHandler.java Auto reconnecting and subscribing TLS works now with correct API authorizations
Seriale.java - input from serial line and command processing "#"-commands Added Commandprocessor for "$"-commands TODO overlap with ATSender and Command Processor
SocketGPRStask.java - process GPS to GPRS Calling MQTTHandler and LocationHandler
- DataStores.java - singleton wrapper for datastores
- Location.java - Location data structure
- LocationManager.java - Manages location updates, changes, minDistance, maxInterval
- Settings.java - singleton Class for boolean, int and string type settings on a .properties file backend
- StringSplitter.java - replacement for java String.split() method missing in JavaME
- CommandProcessor.java - shared user command interpretor and executor for different input media (SMS, CSD, SERIAL, MQTT-CMD)
- Mailboxes.java -singleton wrapper for datastores
- SemAT.java - singleton wrapper for SemAT
ATListenerCustom.java was just necesseray to get references to singleton Objects
TimerTaskCustom.java was just necesseray to get references to singleton Objects
ThreadCustom.java a) was just necesseray to get references to singleton Objects b) getChecksum only used in GPS -> moved there
AppMain.java - start and setup Removed global data setup (InfoStato, Mailbox, Flashfile, Datastore)
ATListenerStd.java - processing of AT responses Just removed the global references
ATListenerEvents.java - processing of AT events Just removed the global references
ATsender.java Just removed the global references TODO overlap with CommandProcessor and Seriale
BCListenerCustom.java Just removed the global references TODO duplicated use in more than one tasks???
CheckSMS.java - reading and processing SMS commands Just removed the global references TODO uses common command processor
CommGPStrasparent.java Just removed the global references
DataStore.java - stack datastructure save to be used in threaded environmend Just removed the global references TODO understand what it does, why there are 4 instances?
GlobCost.java - global Co(n)stants Just the program version and debug indicators TODO can we move some of the constants more locally?
GoToPowerDown.java Just removed the global references
GPIOmanager.java Just removed the global references
InfoStato.java Just removed the global references TODO may need some overlap reduction with Settings and GlobCost
LogError.java Just removed the global references
Posusr.java Just removed the global references TODO seems to have overlap to LocationManager
SaveData.java Just removed the global references
TestChiave.java - manage ingnition key Just removed the global references
TimeoutTask.java - specialisation of java.TimerTask Just removed the global references
TrackingGPRS.java Just removed the global references
UDPSocketTask.java - manage and process commands via UDP Just removed the global references
UpdateCSD.java - manage and process commands via CSD Just removed the global references
- Monitor.java - Low level thread synchronisation
- PrioSem.java - Low level prioritized semaphore
- SemaforoEV.java - Low level semaphore
- Mailbox.java - Low level inter thread pipe communication
- CountSem.java - Low level counting semaphore
- BCListener.java - Bearer Control events processing
- InvalidThreadException.java - Low Level threading exception definition
- Coda.java - Low level Queue (Coda) implementation
- FlashRecordStore.java
- FlashFile.java Changed to singleton class, simple access from everywhere TODO might be redundant, use Settings.java instead