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How to deploy Pangeo in the infrastructure of the EGI Federation

These are the steps to deploy Daskhub, a Dask Gateway enabled Jupyterhub using the infrastructure of the EGI Federation.

How to ask for support

Please contact us for support via GitHub.

How to get access

Getting access consists of the following steps:

  1. Sign up for an EGI Check-In account.
  2. Request to join the Virtual Organisation (VO) by visiting the enrollment URL with your EGI Check-In account. The subscription requires approval from the VO Managers. For further information, please check the VO ID card.
  3. Use Infrastructure Manager. Look at how to add your credentials here.

How to deploy Pangeo

A few considerations before we start:

  • You need to be a member of the VO. Please see steps above.
  • We will be using the DaskHub and Pangeo interchangeably along this document. See the history here.

Here is an overview of the steps that we will follow:

  1. Configure a DNS name for your Pangeo deployment using the Dynamic DNS service.
  2. Get credentials from EGI Check-In to allow configuring Jupyterhub authentication using this service, giving access to all members of the Virtual Organization to your deployment.
  3. Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on top of OpenStack, along with other tools like Grafana. Infrastructure Manager Dashboard (or simply IM Dashboard) will do this all for us automatically.
  4. Configure and install the DaskHub helm chart using Helm.

Step 1) Get a DNS name

Log into the Dynamic DNS web GUI portal with your EGI Check-In account to configure the DNS host name of your choice. The web portal is intuitive, and there is also the associated documentation so we will not go into more details here. Just use the Add Host button, and follow the steps.

For the rest of this tutorial, let us consider the host name.

Step 2) Get EGI Check-In credentials

You need to follow this step for every new Pangeo deployment host name generated, if you want to link it with EGI Check-in (which is recommended).

Please follow the steps on the Check-In documentation for Service Providers. In particular, the instructions using OpenID Connect as the authentication and authorization protocol. You need to fill the registration form at EGI Federation Registry.

Check-In runs three separate instances: production (, demo (, and development ( To quickly test integration with Check-In, we suggest to configure Pangeo to connect to the development instance (this way you can self approve the service registration). Note that by default the VO only exists in the production instance of Check-In. Please ask the EGI Check-In team (via an email to [email protected]) to create the VO in the development instance of Check-In.

Here are additional details to fill out the registration form:

  • General tab:
    • Integration environment: Development
  • Protocol Specific tab:
    • Select Protocol: OIDC Service
    • Client ID: leave this empty
    • Application Type: Web
    • Redirect URI: Adapt it to your own host name.
    • Scope: select openid, email, profile, and eduperson_entitlement.
    • Grant Types: authorization code
    • Token Endpoint Authorization Method: Client Secret over HTTP Basic
    • Client Secret: leave this empty

Once you submitted the registration form, you'll need to wait for approval, or review the request yourself if using the Dev Federation, and then wait for the Deployment to be done. Then, you'll just need to get the Client ID and Client Secret that should have been generated.

Step 3) Deploy a Kubernetes cluster

Log into the IM Dashboard (if you want to deploy an Elastic cluster, be sure to use operational instance of IM Dashboard, not im-dashboard-dev) with your EGI Check-In account, and configure your credentials with the VO.

Then click on the Kubernetes template and add Make Kubernetes Virtual Cluster Elastic and Launch Prometheus + Grafana on top of a Kubernetes Virtual Cluster as optional features. There are also Jupyterhub and Daskhub available templates, but we'll do the deployment of these services using Helm for now, as Daskhub Tosca template is not yet mature enough.

Out of all the configuration options, please pay special attention to the following:

  • HW Data tab:
    • Front end node CPUs and Memory: if you want to create a big Kubernetes cluster, set at least 4 CPUs, and 16 GB of memory. No user pods will run on this front end node.
    • Worker nodes CPUs and Memory: on CESNET, you can go up to 16 CPUs and 64GB memory. All user pods will run on these nodes.
  • Kubernetes Data tab:
    • Access Token for the Kubernetes admin user: Please change it
    • Version of Kubernetes to install: we currently only tested with 1.23.11
    • Flag to install Cert-Manager must be set to True
    • Email to be used in the Let's Encrypt issuer: add your preferred email.
    • DNS name of the public interface of the FE node to generate the certificate must be set to the one configure in Step 1.
  • Elastic Data tab:
    • Maximum Number of WNs in the cluster: please set the maximum of node you'll want the Kubernetes cluster to expand to.
    • Min Number of free WNs in the cluster: 0 or 1, WNs without allocated pods. With this option you ensure the number of empty WNs in preparation for a peak workload, and therefore you save some time when growing the cluster.
  • Cloud Provider Selection tab:
    • Select the credentials configured earlier.
    • Select Site image: select ubuntu-focal or ubuntu-jammy.

Please review all configuration options, click Submit and wait for the deployment to finish with status Configured. Then click on Outputs and take a note of the IP address assigned. See the documentation for IM Dashboard to learn more.

Connect to deployed Kubernetes cluster

In order to be able to issue kubectl or helm commands described after, you'll need to connect to the Kubernetes cluster front end node.

In order to do that when the deployement is in Configured status, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. On IM Dashboard, click on the VM with id 0 from the deployed infrastructure.
  2. Download the Credential file (key.pem file) on your local computer.
  3. Add the key to your ssh agent: chmod 600 /path/to/key.pem ssh-add /path/to/key.pem
  4. Then just connect to the VM: ssh cloudadm@<external_ip_of_frontendnode>. External IP should be accessible from IM Dashboard Outputs of your ifnrastructure.
  5. Launch a bash session using bash

From there, you should be able to issue kubectl or helm commands, for example:

$ sudo kubectl get pods -A

NAMESPACE              NAME                                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
cert-manager           cert-manager-5754c77bd9-sw8gj                              1/1     Running     0             36h
cert-manager           cert-manager-cainjector-7bb5c8d6-2xf5w                     1/1     Running     0             36h
cert-manager           cert-manager-webhook-56ccc5ff8f-pj52w                      1/1     Running     0             36h
daskhub                api-daskhub-dask-gateway-655db6fb79-q6626                  1/1     Running     0             11m
daskhub                continuous-image-puller-lkzfc                              1/1     Running     0             11m
daskhub                controller-daskhub-dask-gateway-6d988656cf-66kht           1/1     Running     0             36h


Please go to the Dynamic DNS web GUI portal and update the public IP for the DNS name with the one shown in the Outputs button of the IM Dashboard. Now Reconfigure the deployment so https is correctly configured with Let's Encrypt. There is still a missing step that will be done in the section below (configuring the ingress with correct values in the Helm values.yaml file).

Step 4) Deploy the Daskhub helm chart

Daskhub with EGI Check-in auth

After you have successfully registered the Pangeo service in the EGI Federation Registry and the Kubernetes cluster is deployed, below is the values.yaml that you need to deploy a Daskhub with Check-In authentication.

You'll need to replace some values in there:

  • token1 must be replaced with a hash generated using openssl rand -hex 32 on Linux.
  • token2 must be replaced with another hash generated using openssl rand -hex 32 on Linux.
  • egi_oauth_client must be replaced by the Client ID created during step 2.
  • egi_oauth_secret must be replaced by the Client Secret created during step 2.
  • Don't forget to replace with your DNS name.

You might want also to modify other things (you'll be able to do it later if needed):

  • The dasklimits part.
  • The c.Backend.cluster_options limit of dask-gateway workers.
  • The Docker image used for Jupyter notebooks and Dask, please search for pangeo/pangeo-notebook. You might want to change either the image or just the associated tag.
  • The Jupyter notebook resources limit in singleuser.
  enabled: true
        apiToken: token1 # replace this 
      type: jupyterhub
      dasklimits: |
        c.ClusterConfig.cluster_max_cores = 6
        c.ClusterConfig.cluster_max_memory = "24 G"
        c.ClusterConfig.cluster_max_workers = 4
        c.ClusterConfig.idle_timeout = 1800
      optionHandler: |
        from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Integer, Float, String

        def options_handler(options):
          if ":" not in options.image:
            raise ValueError("When specifying an image you must also provide a tag")
          return {
            "worker_cores": options.worker_cores,
            "worker_memory": int(options.worker_memory * 2 ** 30),
            "image": options.image,

        c.Backend.cluster_options = Options(
          Integer("worker_cores", default=1, min=1, max=4, label="Worker Cores"),
          Float("worker_memory", default=2, min=2, max=8, label="Worker Memory (GiB)"),
          String("image", default="pangeo/pangeo-notebook:2022.09.21", label="Image"),
  enabled: false
        client_id: egi_oauth_client # replace this 
        client_secret: egi_oauth_secret # replace this 
        oauth_callback_url: # replace this with your DNS name
        login_service: EGI Check-In
          - openid
          - email
          - profile
          - eduperson_entitlement
        username_key: preferred_username
          state: state
        claim_groups_key: eduperson_entitlement
        authenticator_class: generic-oauth
        apiToken: token1 # replace this
    annotations: nginx "letsencrypt-prod"
    enabled: true
      - # replace this with your DNS name
      - hosts:
        - # replace this with your DNS name
        secretName: # replace this with your DNS name
    secretToken: token2 # replace this 
      type: ClusterIP
      guarantee: 1
      limit: 2
    defaultUrl: /lab
      name: pangeo/pangeo-notebook
      tag: 2022.09.21
      guarantee: 2G
      limit: 4G
    startTimeout: 600
      capacity: 2Gi
      type: dynamic
  enabled: true

Here is the helm command to apply the changes (you might want to update or change helm chart version):

sudo helm upgrade daskhub daskhub \
    --repo= \
    --install --wait \
    --cleanup-on-fail \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace daskhub \
    --version 2022.8.2 \
    --values values.yaml

If all went well, JupyterHub will be available at

All members of the VO will be able to log into JupyterHub with Check-In now at the DNS name created in Step 1 (e.g.


Here we collect additional information that may be helpful to reconfigure the Pangeo cluster.

Troubleshooting the Elastic Kubernetes functionnality

If things are not working as expected, you might want to look at the CLUES logs (/var/log/clues2/clues2.log).

OIDC Token expired

If you see some OIDC auth Token expired message in the file (which might happen right after the Kubernetes deployment), you'll need to renew manually the OIDC token. To do so:

  1. Login to using EGI Checkin.
  2. Go to menu Advanced -> Settings and copy the OIDC Access token value.
  3. SSH to the cluster,
  4. Remove /usr/local/ec3/refresh.dat.
  5. Edit /usr/local/ec3/auth.dat file, copy your OIDC token in two places.
  6. Wait a few minutes, new file refresh.dat must appear, and the OIDC auth Token expired message from the log should disappear.

Cluster still not scaling

You need to check in /etc/clues2/conf.d/plugin-kubernetes.cfg that variables are correct, especially variables related to current flavor of WN VMs.

For example, for a flavor with 8 cores and 32GiB:


Then, you'll need to restart clues2 service:

service cluesd restart

Daskhub without EGI Check-in auth and less limits

If you don't want to go through the step of configuring EGI Check-in auth for developement purpose, you can chose another authentication method, for example NativeAuthenticator.

You might also want to suppress all the limitation on Dask cluster and workers, have more resources on you Jupyterlab notebook server, and configure the latest Pangeo images for Jupyter and dask.

Please use the values.yaml below to so:

  enabled: true
        apiToken: token1 # replace this 
      type: jupyterhub
      optionHandler: |
        from dask_gateway_server.options import Options, Integer, Float, String

        def options_handler(options):
          if ":" not in options.image:
            raise ValueError("When specifying an image you must also provide a tag")
          return {
            "worker_cores": options.worker_cores,
            "worker_memory": int(options.worker_memory * 2 ** 30),
            "image": options.image,

        c.Backend.cluster_options = Options(
          Integer("worker_cores", default=1, min=1, max=8, label="Worker Cores"),
          Float("worker_memory", default=4, min=2, max=32, label="Worker Memory (GiB)"),
          String("image", default="pangeo/pangeo-notebook:latest", label="Image"),
  enabled: false
        - admin
        admin_access: true
        authenticator_class: nativeauthenticator.NativeAuthenticator
      10-auth-config: |
        import os, nativeauthenticator
        c.JupyterHub.template_paths = [f"{os.path.dirname(nativeauthenticator.__file__)}/templates/"]
        apiToken: token1 # replace this
    annotations: nginx "letsencrypt-prod"
    enabled: true
      - # replace this with your DNS name
      - hosts:
        - # replace this with your DNS name
        secretName: # replace this with your DNS name
    secretToken: token2 # replace this 
      type: ClusterIP
      guarantee: 2
      limit: 4
    defaultUrl: /lab
      name: pangeo/pangeo-notebook
      tag: latest
      guarantee: 4G
      limit: 8G
    startTimeout: 600
      capacity: 2Gi
      type: dynamic
  enabled: true

You'll need the same helm command as above to apply the changes:

sudo helm upgrade daskhub daskhub \
    --repo= \
    --install --wait \
    --cleanup-on-fail \
    --create-namespace \
    --namespace daskhub \
    --version 2022.8.2 \
    --values values.yaml

Using Daskhub Tosca template with Kubernetes

You can use Daskhub Tosca template to deploy a Daskhub platform. However, it won't be configured with EGI Checkin, and it may lack some settings as it has not been updated since July 2022. If using it, you'lll probably have to use Helm commands anyway.

You can use it by selecting it as Kubernetes option, and filling the options:

  • Dask Data tab:
    • Jupyterhub auth token: please configure an auth token (e.g. with openssl rand -hex 32 on Linux)
    • Use Jupyterhub singleuser image and Jupyterhub singleuser image version to configure the default user environment in JupyterHub with a container image of your choice.