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File metadata and controls

275 lines (211 loc) · 12.3 KB

What is graphite?

At monitorama 2013, talking with @mlienart, it was mentioned that what graphite is, is a bit of an open question.

My understanding since then is that graphite is really 3 things:

  • A very simple client that can accept metrics via a simple tcp or udp connection.

  • One or more transport system that can take metrics, and shuttle them around, including some transformations in-flight (e.g. the aggregation service(s)), some filtering (e.g. the rules-based router), and some replication (e.g. the consistent hashing router).

  • It's a web front-end that takes the stored metrics and allows, via a url-based API, for the query and display of the metrics as graphs.

  • Lastly, graphite is commonly associated with the whisper file format, which is a format that improves on the rrd format in that it allows for backfilling (which rrd has subsequently added). That format is now being de-emphasized in favor of a new format, called "ceres" (pronounced "series").

Graphite, then is all of these components tied together into a relatively simple to use, simple to install, and transparent system.

What problems have we had?

Graphite is a great tool. My understanding of it has grown greatly this year, and I've been using it for almost 2 years.

The biggest problem we've had is that the relay code that graphite includes has multiple layers of queueing. There is a queue internal to the relay code which was inefficient. The core of the problem was seen as being two-fold:

  1. The code in 0.9.10 and prior was using a regular python list as its main queue, and regularly adding one metric to it, then removing one metric, and copying the remainder of the list to another list. This is very inefficient in python.

  2. The path for metrics was defaulting to sending a metric as soon as it was received. This prevented there being any benefit from batching writes.

The impact of these two issues combined were severe. In trying to send to a remote site when queueing about 10k metrics, we could recover.

However, once we reached approx. 50k metrics queued, it was unlikely that the relay could resume - that's right, it appeared to just get stuck at that point.

What's more the following lesser issues were apparent

  1. There was no instrumentation enabled in the relay

  2. The instrumentation that was disabled ended up making no sense when I re-enabled it.

The first iteration

The first fix can be found at graphite-project#92

This addresses the big and small issues by using a deque and by batching up writes. This tremendously improved relay performance. Using this we could relay the load we needed to - about 70k metrics/minute, and we could tolerate and clear queues that built up when the relay suffered connection issues (mostly - but some special issues, like the internet being broken, still required a re-start).

The second iteration, or progress crushed by more progress

So everything was working for about a minute, and then suddently we've exceeded the 70k number, and we're pushing 100k, 150k, 200k, etc. We've more than doubled our metric count, and suddenly new issues opened up.

The biggest issue was this:

There was a hidden queue.

The write path from this:

didn't actually write directly to the network. Instead it writes here:

What you'll notice is that all writes end up being turned into a string. The string then gets managed, and until the string gets below a certian length, the list behind the string keeps getting larger as the string gets processed.

My undersatanding, my mental model of this, is that once this starts, and the list gets large, each subsequent clearing of the list -> string takes longer because the contents of the string must be below a very small number of kB before the list is again turned into the list. When it's over some magic number (based on the CPU power and latencies to the relay, and the number of destinations this relay delivers to) the amount of time it takes to send the string will be enough that the list that has built up will always create a string that is too large to clear before the next array clearning. The array will continue to grow to a huge size, and as more data comes in, this situation gets worse and worse and cannot recover.


So what to do about it?

The next iteration is spooling to disk and have independent workers clear out a queue.

Why Spooling?

The thing about graphite that I've encountered is that as the internet has grown, and especially as cloud-based usage of graphite has grown, there are weaknesses that didn't exist prior that are now glaring problems.

The relay is a simple bit of code that allows for multiple personalities, in order to do some very interesting slicing and dicing.

The relay is built on top of the twisted infrastructure, and twisted provides ways to work around the queues we discovered. However, my feeling is that that will present a few other scalability issues.

My thoughts are:

  1. Twisted provides a mechanism of avoiding this write path, and signaling that writes need to block. We could change the framework to do this, right?

    Probably. But since just reading a string and then reading another list is taking a long long time, it suggests that there may be some inherent scalability limit that we're going to keep running into if we go down that path. The main issue here is the Cpython single-processor limit.

  2. Make a simpler, non-twisted relay - maybe with less code, there will be less work, and better performance?

    Maybe, but without an async style of development, we have to resort to threads. Threads are OK, and may also have worked, but that would require a complete re-write. It may have resulted in a fairly simple server, but I'm not looking for a complete re-write.

So, one way of increasing performance with an inherently single-cpu runtime like cpython is to parallelize the work. Since the problems we're having are exhibited and aggrevated by having remote destinations 100ms away, and having multiple destinations, it seems like parallelizing to mulitple processes would benefit greatly by spooling to disk.

Spooling to disk and then having separate runners solves this problem by allowing for decoupling. The relay can run far faster since all it will do at this point is write to a file, then present this file into the outbound queue. The queue runners can run their queue. In principle, the relay can now just relay to disk - even if one of the destinations is down, the metrics can just be written to disk, to be delivered when that destination is back. No in-memory queueing.

Some other advantages

There is a complexity cost in implementing carbon-compatible processes in other languages. The combination of the twisted format that's being used to send over the wire, and the use of the python pickle format means that using the current relay pretty much ties all interaction with carbon to using tools implemented in python.

Why? Well, even though a metric can come in via the pickle protocol (binary serialized format) or via the line protocol (line-oriented text protocol), once that metric hits the relay, there is currently only support for ferrying the metric along via the binary pickle format via tcp. That's not codified or required by the receiving side. It's because the only sending code that's implemented is the binary pickle sender.

By de-coupling via spooling, the spool can be written to in some format, but sent in another format.

Some ideas that could take advantage of this:

  • Send to riemann using the line protocol. This would allow analysis of data in the carbon stream by riemann without having to implement the python pickle protocol in clojure (not impossible, but not necesarily the best use of one's time)

  • Write to a separate data store (e.g. opentsdb, kairosdb, etc)

  • Experiment with other serialization protocols to judge the impact of changes.

  • Make it easier to test by writing test loads to a spool, and watching the performance of the relay and caches under artificial loads.

  • If the load characteristics change, a single spool can be stopped, and the parallelism can be changed in order to decrease or increase the rate at which metrics catch-up.

  • micro-aggregators: if some computation is very heavy-weight, then it can be turned into a micro-aggregator. Instead of the default sender, the micro-aggregator can read the spool, and every period (some number of seconds defined by the aggregator in question) it can perform an arbitrary aggregation function, and feed the results back into the relay. The rules-based relay can be used to forward only the relevant metrics to the micro-aggregation destination (which could be local or remote) and the function(s) necessary could be run, data preserved for the desired time - basically anything could be done, and the results forwarded on as a "business policy" defined outside of the main purpose of the carbon metrics relay functionality. The idea behind this is providing a way to create derived metrics that are normally done at render time, but which can crush a front-end. E.g. a dashboard that does something like this:


* Securing the channel.  If you're sending over the big bad internet
you may want to have some flexibility in being able to use ssl, or
just maybe feeding the data to your own cipher, or making your own
decision as to what works best for you


There are some things that I'd like to do better.

* Currently the # of metrics that a sender is sending is only reported
at the end of a run.  So if you have a million metrics that are sent
over 5 minutes via 1 process, the queue-runner will only report that
at the end of 5 minutes (it will, however, report both the time
taken and the number of stats so the correct rate will be reported,
but it would appear that far fewer metrics were sent than actually
were because the rate of 200,000/minute over that 5 minutes will be
reported for 1 minute only, not over 5 minutes).  It should be
possible to have the sender report metrics every few seconds and
have the queue-runner read and report that via select()ing or
poll()ing on the pipe communicating with the child, in order to
provide better intrumentation.

* I'm eval()ing python repr() output of the lists that the relay
creates internally.  I feel like ths should be safe, but I'm not
entirely comfortable with this.  Aside from something like json,
which has greater parsing overhead than python reprs, I'm not sure
if there is a better (fast, language-neutral, human-readable) format
for spooling data.  Some advantages of the repr format is that it is
line-oriented the way I'm using it, an that implicitly allows the
relay to control the batch size of all of the senders.  This may not
be a great idea, either - it may be better to make each sender
configurable.  If that implicit configuration isn't that important,
it may be better to just use the carbon line format instead?

In addition, the use of eval() in the sender does mean that if the
spool is not secured, the sender can be asked to do truly horrible
things.  This isn't news to an experienced python developer, or to
an experienced sysadmin, but graphite is great because it has a low
barrier to entry, and this sort of "oops" is easy to make if it's
done by someone who doesn't understand why it's important.

* Currently, "nc" (netcat) is used to actually communicate with the
network.  This is a huge time-saver - it means no network
programming!  And network programming is very easy, and very easy to
do wrong.  I expect that in the final form the default repr sender
will open its own socket and write to it, etc. and that'll all be
fine, but for now nc is what's doing the heavy lifting there.