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Releases: pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js

v1.5.0 - Session takeover, link previews, send online status

11 Apr 23:59
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Reconnect timeout on conflict

Two new options have been added to be able to reconnect the client when a conflict occurs due to another browser opening WhatsApp Web:

  • takeoverOnConflict - (default false) If true will take control of the session after "takeoverTimeoutMs". If false, has same functionality as before where the client will disconnect.
  • takeoverTimeoutMs - (default 0) indicates how long it will wait before trying to takeover. By default it takes over right away (0), but you can set for example 10000 to takeover after 10 seconds.


You can now indicate the client is online by using client.sendPresenceAvailable. This only lasts for a couple seconds.

Link previews

By default, link previews will now be included. This means that when a link is present in a message, it will look like this:


If you don't want this, you can disable it by sending linkPreview: false as an option when sending a message.


044f622 - feat: link previews
2b3c3e9 - docs: add new param to jsdoc for getProfilePicUrl
8528d9b - feat: get profile pic url by user ID
7eb7fa8 - feat: send online status
478f713 - feat: takeover on conflict
20bbe3d - readme: add discord logo to shield
33db17e - add discord link

v1.4.1 - Fix sending media

11 Apr 19:03
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A change occurred in WhatsApp Web that broke sending media functionality. This patch fixes this issue.


97e488b - chore: update supported WhatsApp Web version to 2.2013.7
8e011e0 - feat: get current whatsapp web version
470c7ae - feat: added MediaKey in order to see which sticker has been sent (#146)
f92f1ec - Fix uploadMedia arguments after origin code change (#153)
702a0ab - Update jsdoc to version 3.6.4 (#144)

v1.4.0 - Create groups, listen for battery changes

06 Apr 03:43
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  • Create groups with the new client.createGroup() function
  • "change_battery" event will allow you to listen for whenever the battery changes
  • Group events (join, leave, etc) were not working. This release fixes the issue.

Raw changelog

93a6173 - feat: battery percentage changed event (#126)
1780436 - fix: make pupBrowser and pupPage available sooner (#137)
7acbd3d - fix: properly set chatId
67435b2 - fix: group events were not being triggered
743ac93 - feat: allow setting timeouts via options
0a7412c - feat: create groups


02 Apr 06:35
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6c43a2d - fix: increase timeouts
001c045 - fix: only return undefined for ERROR_* media states


30 Mar 03:57
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This release includes a couple minor improvements:

  • new utility function on Client that can be used to check if a certain ID is a valid whatsapp user client.isRegisteredUser("[email protected]") will return a promise that resolves to a boolean
  • new event media_uploaded to get when media has been successfully uploaded for a message
  • new option restartOnAuthFail that will automatically restart if an authentication failure has occurred when trying to sign in with a preexisting session

Raw changelog

9d0b58a - chore: mark version v1.3.0
842c4f0 - feat: check if ID is a valid whatsapp user
2dddc78 - fix: initialize takes no params
d8cd2d1 - chore: updated whatsapp web version
80d5783 - feat: new event for when media is uploaded
cb54487 - feat: add ack to message model
d08b343 - Added "restartOnAuthFail" as an option (#112)
ec1a80d - chore: bump version to v1.2.5-post

v1.2.5 - Fix for error thrown when trying to download nonexistent media

15 Mar 19:36
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When attempting to download media file that has been deleted and cannot be downloaded anymore, undefined is now returned from message.downloadMedia().

25b9637 - fix: properly handle unresolved media
5934ec5 - fix: return undefined when attempting to download nonexistent media
65542f6 - chore/fix: update requires for new moduleraid package
00c603e - chore: use published moduleraid

v1.2.4 - Fix for downloading old media messages

14 Mar 21:45
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Fixes an issue that occurred when attempting to download media for old messages, where action from the user is required to initiate the process.

8599a6d - fix: properly download media if it has not been loaded

v1.2.3 - Performance issue fix part 2

13 Mar 21:52
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The same fix applied to the add message listener has now been applied to all event handlers.

4fe7fa9 - fix: delegate all event handlers

v1.2.2 - Performance issue fix

13 Mar 04:17
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When starting up the client with lots of chats and messages, the way the event handler for getting new messages worked was creating a performance issue that caused WhatsApp Web to lag and act very slow, meaning the time it took to be able to respond to new messages was greatly increased.

Raw changelog

8bdecad - fix: don't call event handler for new messages directly to puppeteer

v1.2.1 - Fix fetch messages

06 Mar 01:22
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This fixes an issue that was causing gaps while fetching a chat's old messages.

Raw changelog

c61f447 - chore: mark version v1.2.1
49aacec - fix: correctly splice and merge fetched messages
d7a3e1a - chore: update supported whatsapp web version
e14b49c - chore: bump version to v1.2.0-post